What could pain in the breast be?

So, I’m having really bad pain through my whole right boob. Been a little over a week thought it would go away but it has gotten worse each day. Discovered i have a huge square lump behind that nipple. I am super scared to go to a dr. I have no insurance and breast cancer runs really bad in my family. My grandma had it 5 times. I’m to scared to go to a dr to see if i even have it. My bills couldn’t survive checking and my kids couldn’t survive without me. Anyone know of anything else it could be?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What could pain in the breast be?

Have you recently had a baby even a couple months ago

This sounds serious. Check your local hospitals. I know there are many that have free screenings. Hope all is well. Your kids need you to be healthy and stress free.

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You have no choice. If you want to be here for your kids, you must go. Not going will not make it go away. Many prayers for you!

Call your local planned parenthood!

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Are you breast feeding or just had a baby?
Blocked duct? Mastitis?


Try American Cancer Society


Go to ER or MD right away

Go to a clinic, should be free

I have fibroid cysts in my left breast and from time to time it hurts. Please get to a doctor and please do annual mammograms for prevention. Thats how they found mine.

Please go to the doctor!

I had a cyst. You should definitely try to have it checked out.

Oooooo I had this!!! Mine was fibrocystic changes and fluid build up. I took vitamin e and it went away. Definitely scary tho.

Definitely get checked out….try the local health department. I will say, in general, cancerous lumps aren’t painful. It could be something very simple, but needs to be checked to make sure. Try not to worry until there’s something for sure to worry about

Go to Planned Parenthood, they can help you.

Mastitis? Are you breastfeeding? Either way it needs to get looked at! The earlier the better. Best wishes :pray::heart:

Call 211 and Planned Parenthood, a lot of areas have programs for screening for free. You definitely need to see a Dr asap! Hopefully it’s nothing but if it is anything that needs treatment, waiting will only make it worse and potentially much more expensive. Medical bills are one thing they are usually very flexible on working with you on, you can make small payments as long as you’re paying something. I really hope it turns out to be nothing, but you will feel a lot better knowing!:heart:


Go to the doctor. Go to the ER. Pay like 5$ aonth towards your bill. Just go for God’s sake. If bc runs in your family,you don’t need toeas around with this mess. Juush


The longer you wait the worse your prognosis could be. Don’t mean to scare you but it’s the truth. I am a stage 3 breast cancer survivor.

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Could be a calcium cyst. Please save yourself the agony of suspense & see a doctor stat.

If you don’t have insurance then see if there’s a planned parenthood near you to check you out!

Go to a Dr. My sister is literally dead from ignoring signs and symptoms of ovarian/cervical cancer, which runs in our family. You can hope it’s something else all day long, but if it’s not the longer you wait the more likely it is to kill you. Bills wouldn’t be an issue, but I’m sure your kids won’t see it that way.


Go to the doctor and have it checked. I was so scared but finally did. I had one and it was a cyst. Almost had to have it removed but ended up going away on it own.

Get it checked. So u can have a plan girl Heck most hospitals will help u get signed up with Medicaid to help pay for treatment

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Sounds like a cyst …but better going to the doctor n geting checked out

Please see the doctor x

Yeah, um… Pain in boob equals Dr visit NOW! Especially when you have children, they can’t survive without their mother

Get to a Dr immediately.I know first hand what breast cancer feels like.if you have a lump behind your nipple and its hurting,you have waited far to long to see a Dr.please go now

You still need to have it checked out. For your kids sake. Bcuz if it is bad and you do wait your kids won’t have a choice to live without you. Early detection is to survive it.

Don’t let money be the deciding factor. At 15 yrs I had a golf ball size cancerous tumor removed. I wouldn’t be here today, at 71 yrs, if money was the deciding factor. Go to the doctor and let the professional know what’s going on. It may be nothing but a change in your hormones causing a lump that may go away. Don’t wait!!!

Look at it this way: IF something is wrong…not going to the doctor is not going to make it go away. I 100% understand anxiety and fear around costs, etc, but just leaving yourself potentially vulnerable to something that could be treatable is counterproductive and silly. Your kids need you. You need to do what you can to be there for them.

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Could be a cyst. Depending on where you live, there are places that offer free mammograms. Google search in your area plus free breast mammogram

Please get checked, look into federal and state insurance plans (often based on wages it’s reduced cost or even free). My MIL was uninsured and they got her coverage for her treatments.

Go asap only i got a sharp.pain n went id BC but d early stages saved my life u go and get it seen 2n live ur life fear free then ok.:pray::heart::heart:

I just had surgery for that last month it was breast cancer. I start treatments this month. Good luck I hope that’s not what yours is.

Try the emergency room. They should bill you, and then you can set up a payment plan. If you do end up needing treatment, they can help you get insurance at the hospital (if it’s anything like the hospitals in my area, at least!)


Do you have a low income dr around you that has the bills based on income? Like in Jackson mi we have center for family health

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Most health departments offer women’s health programs or check online for a local breast health facility that offers free mammograms for those without insurance. There is help out there if you look.


Go to doctor it won’t get better worrying about it go to Ur Dr x


Go to the dr and just dont pay the bills. That’s what I’d do.


I had exactly the same a big square ish lump behind my right nipple, it was just a collection of fat, something to do with the ducts. I know its scary but having debt isn’t near as bad as not going or maybe catching something too late. You’ll be alright. Please check it out though to put your mind at rest xx

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Could be a number of things I get solids hard lumps that come and go I went to a specialist and said it happens as we get older, plus your body changes ready each month for our lady’s cycle and can knock our body all over even 2 weeks after. But 100% go see a doctor for peace of mind sending positive vibes and big hugs your way xx

Go to the ER if you can’t get into a regular doctor. Or an urgent care

I went to the health department because I found a lump in my breast. I got a free exam and they signed me up on TnCare, our state Medicaid. I didn’t have to fill anything out and I was on it for 5 years. It was non cancerous. There is a help out there, don’t take a chance on leaving your babies.


If you’re in Oklahoma you can also contact Project Woman, it’s an income based service for women without health insurance, they can help you get a voucher for free or reduced cost mammogram and services

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Don’t wait! There’s places that offer assistance and payment plans. Most states offer women’s health insurance that cover all the stuff from pap smears, birth control and mammograms. It could be different reasons you have it but it’s still better to get it checked right away.

Please get it checked. Like someone said, most states will do a free screening. I think planned parenthood may also. Don’t borrow trouble. Likely an infection or inflamed lymph n ode but if it happens to be cancer finding out now vs later is better.

Could be caffeine build up from drinking to much caffeine or taking caffeine pills.

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Do you have a local planned parenthood? Some do scans and it they dont they have resources for women and advice I where to go with no insurance

Get to the Dr fast. May be nothing but better to know. There are help out there with bills. Hospital accountant can help u with finding some.

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  1. how fast did it come on and 2) it COULD be an abcess. That being said, always best to have it looked at.

Breast lumps cannot be ignored. It could be something very simple or , yes , it could be cancer. My blocked milk ducts cleared without treatment but I went to the Dr immediately I found them.
If its cancer it will only get worse and will spread to other organs…your children need you and if its large…youve already waited too long to be checked out.
Surely there’s some sort of payment plan you can use to pay the bills

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I’ve had several cysts removed from breasts. All benign. Right now I have what feels like bb 's in my left breast and it hurts occasionally, but not too worried about it, but you should get it checked out just to be sure.
Maybe you could apply for emergency medical assistance.

Go to the Er and they can help you fill out papers for financial aid.

Go👏🏽see👏🏽a👏🏽doctor👏🏽. I’m not sure if you just had a baby and/or breastfeeding because it could be a clogged duct or mastitis. This is why it’s important for you to see a doctor. If you need insurance, contact your local public assistance office for medical aid or check the insurance market place. But this can’t wait. It’s only going to get worse. Try planned parenthood or a free clinic.

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I’m not sure but PLEASE go to the doctor immediately. My mom was pretty much single momming it and went a year with two small lumps in her breast and by the time she said something it had formed into a huge baseball size lump and was cancerous, she left me and my sister behind at 15 and 5. I know the bills and stuff can be scary but it possibly being something serious and leaving your sweet babies behind is scarier. I wish my mom would’ve gotten checked sooner because it’s been so hard without her even after 14 years. I will be praying for you that it is just a lump and they can safely remove it and all will be okay :heart:

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Please go to the dr, you should be able to get medical insurance through the state u live in

Not to be brash, but what good is it to your kids if you’re dead? Get that shit taken care of and checked out. Your kids need you. Medical bills can be taken care of through medicaid, state funding, even just not paying them. There’s even laws in the works to not have medical bills effect your credit score. Get yourself taken care of!

I had breast cancer and they say it does not hurt…I found the lump myself and went to get a mamogram…everyone needs a base line mamo anyway…

You can’t afford NOT to go to the doctor with your family history! It may not be anything, but don’t risk it. Your life is at stake, and you need peace of mind too. None of us can give you the right diagnosis, so please don’t wait! I have heard that some cancers don’t cause pain. Make that appointment today!

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Now my hurt because of caffeine…

Get off of Facebook and get professional help.

Plz go see if you can get help and see someone for this xx plz let us know how you get on xx

Not going to the dr will not make it go away! Seek professional medical help asap! The sooner the better!

They have free clinics out there or ones based on your income. But ignoring it isn’t making it going away.

A cyst but it’s nothing to toy with go to a doctor get tested and go from there

Go to the emergency room they’ll probably put you on Medicaid.

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Go to a free clinic first like planned parenthood. They will help you with the med insurance situation too.

You have to go to the Dr whether you want to or not …


Too much caffeine causes me issues like this

Listen you need to go to the doctor. If you don’t find out what it is and it’s cancer you will die without treatment. You need to figure this out by going to the doctor and anybody who tells you not to are ignorant af.


Call your county health department for free resources

Please go to the Dr. If caught early you can be fine. I caught my early and they were able to get it before it turned to matasatic cancer and you are at chance to lose your life. Please do it for your family. There are organizations that will pay for a mammogram. I beg you please get it checked out ASAP.


Going to the dr. Is scary, but d longer u wait the scarier it will b. Do it for yourself n your children n get peace of mind. God b wth u n put your health first n worry about bills later.

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It will not get better and the cancer people will work with you, best people on earth!(

Are you on birth control. When I was on the Mirena I got horrible breast pain.

You need a diagnosis, you can’t get that here. What’s more important, living for your kids or bills that never end no matter what. They make payment plans.

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Look up the Susan J. Komen breast cancer foundation. There might be some options there. If breast cancer is in your family, please have it checked. Most hospitals have programs to help with bills if you are low income.


Get. Your. Ass. To. Dr

First mammogram is free isn’t it

Do the responsibile thing for your children and get checked out, if they couldn’t survive without you, why put them in that situation because you’re too selfish to get checked? Take care of yourself so you can take care of them


It literally could be anything. But if you have a higher risk getting cancer cause it runs in your family then you need to go. Do not wait any longer.


Money can be paid back , don’t worry about that. You can’t get your life back and you can’t undo the damage losing you would do to your kids and family.


You have to go to the doctor. Not having a diagnosis will not make it go away. There are programs to help people without insurance. Start at your local Welfare office. If they can’t help, they can steer you to people who can.


Don’t take any of our advice go to the Dr .


Early detection is best please go to the doctor

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Ask your dr. Office what organization pays for breast screening. It is completely free. Get to the dr. ASAP. Scared or not you need to do this. Your children need you.

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Look for low income insurance options…United or Medicaid insurance. Most places will work with you. Have to go get it checked. Most times…without insurance…a drs office will check you out for $100 bill. Then tell you treatment options and everything need so can get insurance set up beforehand. My whole family is on Medicaid right now.

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Checking your breast is free in some areas. Marketplace insurance is cheap. Bright health is a good one.Praying

You need to go …fill out a charity form they might help or try to get Medicaid …but plz go …

Look into some womens programs and like a family health center type of place. Alot of them do free mammograms for women. Even if you pay they don’t charge up front and they will work with payments. No amount of money is worth you’re life. Ever!

Do you monthly breast checks? I’ve had it twice. Please go to the doctor and follow up with him and us. Best of luck.

Go to the dr! The worry of the bills are not worth the cost of your life. Pain and a lump are both signs and you need to have it checked out immediately.

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Worry about monies later. Get it checked out now!!

There are places to go for free mammograms. Search online for your area

If there’s a Planned Parenthood in your area, start there. If they don’t perform them they should be able to point you in the direction of free or low-cost/sliding scale clinics or imaging centers. But please see a doctor.

Make payments sign up for Medicaid if u do have it.

The more you wait the more chance your kids WILL have to live without you

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