has anybody ever had pain on their left side, kinda under their left rib? It doesn’t hurt too bad but it does feel uncomfortable and it’s only sometimes. any idea what it could be? when I was pregnant (6months pp) they told me I had gallstones but in that time I only had pain on my right side, and right now it’s on my left. could that be the issue?
Could be any number of things … I would definitely go to your PCP as soon as possible or if it worsens, go to the ER.
Time to go to the doctor!
I had the same pain. Mine was gas. Every time a ate certain foods it would get worse
I had colitus I think is how it’s spelled Dr said it left side its the worst and dangerous have it checked
Had the same exact pain kept ignoring it… It got so much worse went to Dr to find I had pleurisy it hurt way worse when I laughed or coughed… Lasted for a couple months
I am curious. Cause I am dealing with the same thing right now at 28 weeks pregnant. I get a lot of discomfort and pain in my left lower rib cage and have been for 10 weeks now. I plan on talking to my Dr about it when I go to my OBGYN Monday.
Gall stones or if it’s on back side it’s shingles …
My gallbladder wasn’t working properly and hurt the most after eating and I had pain on either side they said it’s called referred pain if that’s what urs is
More than likely gas. I had the same problem.
Gas trapped under your ribs. Try Gas x and see if it stops
Gas pains would be my first guess
Diverticulitis typically sets in when you’re older, but its not unheard of in younger people. It could be your gall bladder especially since you have a history of gall stones. Mine hurt all over when my gb went bad, but gb pain is usually to the left.
In short yes but get seen by a dr cause it could be anything
Oh…it could also just be gas in your stomach. If you press on it and you burp, there you are.
Yes, Ma’am. Had to have my gallbladder removed.
What does the doctor say?
Could be a number of things. Talk to a doctor. Not Facebook lol
Your intestines are over there .
Gallstones are on your right side, I should know, I had my gallbladder removed
Gas/digestion is usually the left side
All my pain was on my left side with my gallstones.
Try some fiber.
Could be digestion issues.
I’ve got the same thing
That’s where your spleen is located, and also your pancreas. Could be inflammation of either one of those organs. Best to have a Dr check for any other symptoms before it gets worse.
Digestion , gas , I have a hiatal hernia so I have pain with that.
Kidney stones usually. Don’t drink cranberry juice. Lots of water.
Speak to a dr
It could be anything.
My pain was on my left side. It hurt for a long time. I went to the Dr and they kept saying it was ulcers and kept giving me GI cocktails until I went to ER and a Dr actually heard me out and ordered a Ct with contrast and discovered I needed surgery asap to remove my gallbladder.
It was so bad I was close to becoming septic from it. He said it was the worst case he’s ever seen.
Don’t ignore it.
Just bc we know our organs are located in one place in our bodies doesn’t mean it can’t hurt somewhere else. We seem to forget that all our organs are connected in some way and all work together. Get it checked out and don’t take no for an answer. Better safe than sorry.
Good luck.
We aren’t doctors here , call your doctor
why these questions go see a dr
we are not doctors here go to your doctor to ask these questions
So sometimes your appendix is not where it’s supposed to be!!
My mom was having really bad pain in the middle of her stomach She could barely walk and she was puking and she looked like death and so they did explorative surgery on her because it could have been a bowel obstruction and they were worried about sepsis My mom was sick and so much pain. Well they found out that her intestines were twisted all weird which she’s born like that so that wasn’t what was causing her pain but her appendix was in the middle of her stomach hidden by her intestines and it was infected and about ready to burst when they found it and took it out. Then
few months after that my cousin went in cuz she got really sick with stomach pain in the middle also and they couldn’t figure out what it was and they decided to go in and look around in her stomach too and found her appendix hiding out behind the intestines in the middle of her stomach. Moral story pain anywhere Go to the doctor if it your back concerned
I had pain there for years kept getting ignored by doctors then one day I lifted something heavy and right where the pain had been a hernia popped out. Could be a tear in the muscle just no hernia yet. Definitely go get checked out at the doctor though as it could be any number of things
Anything on the left side see a Dr.
I have the exact same thing since I was pregnant with my second… She’s almost 2 now and still have pain there. I was told mine was Kidneyvstones