What did you eat while brastfeeding?

Breastfeeding mamas… what was your breastfeeding diet like? Did y’all avoid certain things or ate anything you wanted? I love spicy foods but have heard many different things about how spicy foods affect the milk.


I am 9 months into breastfeeding. I eat whatever I want. No issues. And I love spicy food.

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I ate as normal with all 5

I always ate whatever I wanted! My son didn’t have any issues at all with the things I ate. If he would have then I would have made dietary changes

Def nothing too spicy & no cabbage!! Everything else I ate anything and everything!! Drink lots of water!!

i eat anything and everything i want! i haven’t noticed any adverse effects in my babe. 18 months strong here!

I didn’t change my diet for spice as much as I did for milk production. I ate oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon for breakfast. Oatmeal is big boost. Always had a yogurt for a mid morning snack. Lunch is when I usually had my pasta, or sandwich, with lots of veggies. And for dinner I really tried to stick to baked chicken and rice. I also made sure to drink 12-14 glasses of water a day. Drinking more fluids is a big key.

I eat anything I want except I try to avoid cabbage and peppermint since they’re known to decrease milk production.
I eat spicy all the time!!!

didn’t change anything and drank wine almost daily. still produced enough and my kids never had any issue. I breastfed all of them for 2 years

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I ate whatever I wanted and my baby never had any issues, even lots of caffeine and all my baby did was sleep still. :rofl:

i don’t vary my diet but i did use it as an excuse to avoid a large caffeine intake. And i make lactation cookies once and awhile for a boost if i feel i need it

Just pay attention to how the baby reacts after you eat certain food it will differ for everyone. For my first child k couldn’t eat broccoli, dairy, chocolate or have over a certain amount of caffeine. My second child I couldn’t eat spicy food.

I made my sister lactation treats like cookies, baklava, granola and dessert bars

I eat what ever I want lol. I just try to make sure I drink enough water with it

I lived off of Taco Bell at 3 AM to stay awake. Definitely don’t recommend because when you are done breast-feeding and you eat like that, you’ll gain a ton of weight. lol

I ate normal. Only thing i changed was eating oatmeal every day to increase supply

I didn’t change a single thing. Tried to eat more fruits and drink more water. But mostly just kept eating anything I wanted and watching for her reaction. Never had any changes or reactions. I hate spicy food so idk how that would’ve gone or if I’d have changed that bc I dont eat it ever lol.

Only had to avoid dairy. I’m a spicy girl and love all the hot foods never bothered my baby but any dairy and he was sick. I ate normal with anything else even caffeine.

Breastfed my 3. Each baby was different. What bothered one didn’t bother the other two! Trial and error.

I ate everything and anything.

I breastfed for eighteen months. I tried to avoid alcohol or garlic just before feeding but just otherwise ate well. Certainly not the time to diet!

My son I didn’t have to change anything at all. My daughter, I couldn’t have soy, needed to limit dairy. When she was real little I had to limit beans and broccoli and cauliflower.
Oh, caffeine I needed to limit with him or he didn’t sleep. Caffeine didn’t effect her.

I’m almost 6 month in with my twins and avoid lactose but I’m lactose intolerant and I don’t eat a lot of greasy foods cause then it’s not fun for any of us and I try to stay away from acidic things cause one of my twins has horrible acid reflux… I mostly cater my diet around what upsets them and what doesn’t lots of trial and error

With last baby I just couldn’t eat beans and that was it.

Most of my diet just consists of high protein and lots of water on my own choice

I didn’t change anything really but just make sure you’re eating more protein and drinking LOTS of water.

No caffeine or alcohol don’t drink anyway

I eat whatever I want WHILE trying to keep it healthy-ish. One thing you don’t wanna do is lower your calories/carbs. We burn over 1500 a day on average.

I’ve been breastfeeding 5 years no days off and I’ve never changed my diet for my kiddos. coffee, broccoli, garlic, all the yummy stuff. spicy food doesn’t make my babies tummy upset but I only eat moderate spice as I don’t like anything too extreme. Both my kids are super healthy no guy issues and never really spit up their whole lives.

Eat what you want. It won’t affect it.

Decreasing dairy but only bc she gets gassy and stomach pains from it. My last kid and nieces and nephews are sensitive too. I gave her a chance to tolerate it first and then when symptoms came did I decrease it

I learned to avoid pasta sauce till baby was around 6 months cause it gave them gas and to much coffee tended to make the new borns sleep more but other than that I kept it as healthy as I could and lots of water. Feed 5 babies for around a year each and I didn’t have all thaws fancy drinks around that girls seem to think they have to have in order to produce enough. The baby and your body know what’s needed and when.

Ate anything I wanted but with my 3rd I’ve had to avoid dairy due to my son being lactose intolerant.

I didn’t consume any caffeine and tried to eat mostly organic. I would absolutely not eat spicy. Obviously no alcohol. Maybe limit gassy foods.

It depends if your little one has colic or not and if they have an adverse reaction to certain foods. Things that typically give you gas (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, onions etc) can do the same to your little one. If they have a reaction to dairy you would have to cut that from your diet. There were quite a few things that made my oldest baby’s reflux worse .

Breastmilk is made from your blood cells not the food you eat. It has very little effect as long as you’re getting enough nutrients you’ll be fine. 

Spicy food will make your baby spit up a lot. Have to go bland while nursing. And watch how much greens you eat bc that will make baby very gassy and upset

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I avoided garlic and caffeine . Ate anything else I wanted

My girl seems to be really sensitive to spice, so I limit that and I also don’t drink any caffeine as she seems unsettled afterward a feed if I have had a coffee or a bit of an energy drink

And all of them are probably true

I pumped, but ate & drank whatever i wanted aside from alcohol.