What did you go to school for?

I’m so stuck on what to do with my life. I’m currently a manager in a restaurant and it doesn’t pay well, I’m always exhausted and I just never see my kids. I have the option to finally start school this fall but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I always wanted to be a teacher or something in the medical field since they are always in demand. What did everyone go to school for and was it worth it? And if you feel comfortable can you share your range of pay?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What did you go to school for?

Start off with the normal college core classes and take 1 class in different fields as your elective until you find 1 that feels amazing…


Im a medical assistant I love it my dream was rn or lpn kids came lol lot of kids and so I settled for MA it works with my busy life I do in home care not offices

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I’m a personal support worker I work in a long term care facility I have a casual position 30 hours biweekly and make around 22$ an hour I live in Canada

I went to school for culinary arts I wanted to be a chef :rofl:
At 18 I seen what the waitresses were making I could make 200 a night in the right place so it was bartending and waitresses for many years.
I now have a kettle corn business I can make 1000 in a day but it’s being atbthe right place at the right time.
If you can I’d waitresses while in school it’s more mindless you don’t have to deal with the employees and you make more in less time.
Good luck.


I was in the restaurant industry for over a decade while raising young kids. Went back to school with an Associates in Business and am now an Admin Assistant for a Financial Advisor. Strictly M-F, no evening or weekends, except during tax season.

I went to school for health science admin, public and community health. I’m an optometric tech. I blow air in your eye at the eye doc. I make 18 an hour during the week and 22 if I work Saturday. My hours are never past 5.

Have you thought about being a substitute teacher? Where i live if you’re certified it’s $140 a day not certified it $120 a day. The great thing is it works around my son’ a schedule, all holidays off,no weekends and I can pick how many days I want to work .

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I got my bachelor in business Administration with an associates degree in business fundamentals. Right now im working on my masters in accounting

I’m a medical transcriptionist, but it’s a dying field. I would recommend medical billing. You can work from home, and it pays very well.

Teachers are severely underpaid and underappreciated. Many are leaving the profession because of it, that means more job openings but there is a reason people are leaving. But if you have a passion for it then pursue it!


I did my undergraduate degree in theology and philosophy then I went back to teach. Taught for 2 years now I work for the ambulance service

In this climate I would never waste my time or money to go to school to be a teacher they are severely underpaid and overworked


i’m still in school for a bachelors in interior design.

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I was in nursing. You have to work weekends and most holidays. Start out with night shift most everywhere. Nursing is a very political field. People make it that way. If your good at kissing behind then that a good place for you. I would not do it again if I had the chance to do it over. Definitely overworked and underpaid for the kind of responsibility one has.

I’m an rn and though I do love it, I also hate it. I work for the hospital and it’s tough, long hours, day shift is crazy so I moved to nights, on day shift I’d consistently get out an hour to 1.5 hours late but night shift that’s a very very rare occurrence. We only work 3 days a week so that’s awesome but you will work some weekends and some holidays… I started making $23/hr but by my second year I made $55/hr. During Covid I was making $100-$125. Now I’m at $90 but it’s temporary. Would I do it again? Mmm, maybe, if there’s a m-f job that you get out at like 4 with over $100k in salary I’d chose that but otherwise no I’d stay here

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Medical billing and coding

I have a BA in Psychology with a concentration in Criminal Justice. I currently have about 6 years in the field and make 20.00. I am currently a support worker for families at risk

I have a CNA. And a degree to teach special needs. I don’t work in either field.
With education you have to have experience but you can’t get experience without a job.
CNA, there’s so many of them now that jobs are scarce and pay is barely above minimum wage. I make more money doing odd jobs

Or the healthy industry. Always in demans

I was a nurse for many years and loved it but go for RN not LPN. I then became a case worker for Dept of Human Services. I wish I had started young in that career. Good job satisfaction and good pay.


So. Health care is always going to pay more, depending on what you go to school for (certificate or degree). So with that in mind, this is something you’d really have to want to put the long hours in… And come home tired and sore. I was a CNA, and while the pay was decent for entry level pay, it didn’t feel like I was making enough at the end of the day. Nurses make very decent money, but again, you’ll need to have the drive to complete these intense courses. I chose not to become a nurse. With my degree I am working as an ed tech and I love it… Again, not where I’m staying, as it makes decent money but eventually when the time is right I need to become an LMSW (just need to take the boards). With that said, I would go the teacher route. While you’ll make less than a nurse, your health and mental health would probably be a lot better!

Many nursing homes in my area are in need of CNAs and pay over minimum wage. There are opportunities to advance and possibly even tuition reimbursement. Many of our high school kids take the class, then get jobs at nursing homes. Once they’ve been there for a certain amount of time, they will be reimbursed for partial or full class. I’m not in the medical field, but I know many students who started with the CNA. And that has helped them move into nursing and even doctoral programs.
I went to school or Animal Science and History and I’m in retail management. If your not 100% sure, start slow. Take your basics and talk to your advisors. Good luck in your endeavors!!

I went to school for business/ restaurant management and have been in the industry for 30 years. Raised two kids on my own because the hours/days are so flexible. If you’re not making enough money you need to work in a restaurant that pays more. Im not comfortable sharing how much I make but in the right place you can easily make $25+ an hour.

I’m a cosmetologist… got to love it to hang in there though.

I got my Associate’s in Automotive Science and an Associate’s in Buisiness Management.
I sell houseplants out of my home and raise banty chickens. I made more throwing chlorine tabs into pools than anything my degree paid for


I have two degrees- Paralegal and Administrative Assistant. I’ve had jobs in both fields and didn’t really enjoy my day. I now sub at our local elementary school and absolutely love it.

Technology is a good paying field. Lots of those jobs are also remote.

I became a para a 40 in a school district. You work with special needs kids. I work 9-2 so I am able to drop off and pickup my kids. But they are in great demand. In NJ it’s a simple test you need to take.

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Well, teaching is a very rewarding and great job. But the pay leaves a lot to be desired for the hours you put in. I would recommend LPN school. It’s about 2 years. The pay is pretty good and the jobs are out there. I know of one LPN who got a job at an assisted living facility and got paid $30/hour. Of course a lot depends on where you live. The cost of living seems to dictate what they pay, but the fact that nurses are always in demand is encouraging. Also, a lot of places where you work have tuition reimbursement and you can get your RN later while you work part-time.

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I’m a medical assistant. Worked my ass off in school with 2 kids at the time. Now 5 kids and in the field 10 years. The right company pays well mine doesn’t but my co workers are worth it

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I went to college for Surgical Technology. It’s a quick 1-2 year program (depending where you are) and my starting pay in 2013 was $21 an hour. The hours are pretty consistent but you are usually required to pick up call shifts. In our small hospital it was around 3x a month during the weekdays and every 6th weekend. It will depend on where you work tho. I don’t do this work anymore, as I found it too stressful.

I’m a certified medical assistant it only took 9 months. I’m currently making 22.50/hr. I work a normal 9 to 5 job I get weekends with my kids. It’s an always growing changing field and it will all ways be a necessity and in demand.

Went to school for education. Decided I did not want to be in the school system because it’s horrible. Been a sahm and will begin homeschooling so I can teach without being in the school system.

I got my CNA certification I was able to find a class through work one and I work in multiple facilities and I made anywhere between 12 and 15 an hour

Be an ultrasound or radiology tech

So I went to school for my CNA. I immediately started as a Hospice CNA. I get a caseload of pts and arrange my schedule to fit my needs. No weekends unless you do on call. I’m in Arizona and get paid very well, also recieve mileage for driving my car , I drive around town going to private homes, grouphomes, facilities. I help them with showers/bed baths. Sometimes it’s just companionship. Works great with my family schedule

medical assistant stating pay around 16 per hour im making 22 now


Teacher. I’m off when my kids are

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I was a logistics broker. Sales, basically. I liked having control of my account and being my own boss. Unfortunately I’m on disability now. Where I worked it was 7am-4pm. The base pay was crappy, about $35k, but there was unlimited earning potential with the commission. My boyfriend still works there and will make at least a quarter of a million this year. The downside is you have to build your own book and that can take a while so you wouldn’t immediately see that kind of cash flow. But it’s an office job, sales over the phone. You contact companies for their freight and then find a truck driver to take it. Most of these places will let you work from home from time to time as well because the whole job is basically on your computer and phone. You don’t need a degree. I went to college for journalism and didn’t do anything with it.

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Nurse practitioner (master’s degrees). I live in California but the average is 100,000 to 200,000 a year easy for full time.

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I’m currently in college for social work to either become a child protective investigator or a case manager for children in foster care. Currently I am a family support worker for dcf. I transport child in dcf custody and supervise visits. I love my job and really feel like I am giving something back to the world. Before I was in a lot of dead end warehouse jobs that I hated but had to do in order to survive. I got the opportunity to go to college last year and to persue my career.


I have learning disabilities and am bipolar. I tried school many times and always had to quit due to having a breakdown. I am a recovering alcoholic (27 years) and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 34.
At 47 years old I went to culinary school and got my diploma in 18 months. I wanted to get my associates but due to severe disabilities in math, I was too chicken to try for my associates. I then went back to start a degree in business, but had to drop out due to a back injury. At 58 years old I went back to my technical college and got my associates in culinary art. I had wonderful help in remedial math and algebra classes and finally after 3 tries through my college career, I took college algebra and made a C. ICulinary school was hard for me. I had to take lots of notes and study like crazy for all my classes, because of my learning disabilities. When every one else breezed by. When I graduated with my associates on May 19, 2019 my GPA was 3.51. I was so proud and graduated with honors. But I worked my butt of through the years for it.
Now I didn’t get to do much with my career. First I’m older and the pay in the area I live isn’t great and their aren’t many places to use an associates degree in my area.
The most I made was $15 and hour. But the work was long and hard. And from what I have learned about chefs is a lot drink to much and use drugs. Wasn’t a good place for person in recovery to be.
I had to quit last year due to my bipolar disorder and health problems.
But I don’t regret going to school and getting my degree. I would go to college everyday if I could to learn. I love going to school.

Go to school for what makes you happy and we’re you can support yourself without killing yourself doing a job.
They have little tests you can take to see what career fits you. You can take them through the internet or go to the college you are interested in and talk to someone in their career center.
Best of luck and you are never to old to learn.

Don’t go to school just to go. The financial burden long term isn’t worth it. If you have a passion to follow then absolutely but don’t go to school just because society says you should.

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I went to school for Psychology. Can literally use that kind of education in almost any industry and it helped me personally to improve my thoughts and feelings. How to be a better person for my kids and husband. I loved it. Lots of critical thinking but totally worth it and very impressive in interviews.

If you are interested in the medical field look into a Neuro diagnostic technician. It is a 2 year program that does not cost a lot at all and you start off making about 60,000 in our area.


Have a bachelor in elementary education, I worked for a year until I realized that school system in Florida not my favorite. Currently working as banker $20 hrs. Going back to school in fall for nursing, really want to be a midwife


I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21048 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. https://formalhomejobs55.netlify.app/

I went to school to be a Paralegal, with additional classes in business administration. I also have a substitute teaching license. I work 2 days a week at a local preschool for $12.50 an hour. Full time subs are in high demand in my area, right now. Anywhere from 12-22 an hour.

Decide what your passion is.

Medical anything. It is a 24/7 job.


I went to school to be a lawyer. Finished that and worked for a while then quit and I’m currently a Transition Support Specialist at a school for special needs students. I am also in school for cyber security and ethical hacking.

I’m a nurse turned small business owner and if I could do it all over it would be computer sciences. It’s a wide open field with great opportunities, great pay and tremendous flexibility.

Just started school to be a medical assistant it’s a 10 month program & I will have a job before I finish my course pay is like 14+$$ depending on your location!

To appease juvenile probate.

I when back to school by after 3 kids I when for early child’s education and then I open a license day care and love it best of both world alway home for my kids and made great money

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 20850 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. https://formalhomejobs82.netlify.app/

I majored in French and English in college, but mostly I went to grow up & transition to adulthood. It’s too expensive to do that now. I ended up being admin for a trade association magazine, working in marketing and communications, and being an editor/writer for various organizations & managing photography and events planning for trade shows. I didn’t make a ton of money, but the perks were great and the work fun a lot of the time. I lived in the D.C. area so could work for many national trade associations, of which there are few outside of DC, NYC & Chicago. I made $10,000 to $60,000 from 1978 to 2008, so you’d have to figure that out in today’s dollars. I wasn’t rich, but it was enough to live on and create savings at the time. I married someone who made better money & we could afford two children and live reasonably well: decent but not extravagant vacations, an entertainment budget for local performances and less expensive theater tickets, a three story townhouse in the suburbs—a solid middle class existence.

See if you can “job shadow” people in various professions, following folks around for an hour to an entire work day.

Look for a career counselor to assess your strengths and find what professions would suit your skills & temperament. The people you interact with as co-workers and/or clients is also important to think about, as is the corporate culture. Are you extroverted? Do you like to talk to people? Or are you more of a behind the scenes person? Is the company fast-paced or laid back? How much flexibility is there? Can you work from home at least some of the time? Is there good insurance and maternity leave available? My passion is dance, which doesn’t pay, so I was willing to put up with some unpleasantness in order to afford to participate in dance companies and take classes outside of work.

What about dental tech, pharmacist or pharmacy tech, radiologist or physical therapist as something with regular hours? Or how about a trade school instead? Often plumbers, mechanics, skilled construction workers electricians, etc. make more than those with college degrees and you can make your own hours, though the more you work the more you make and vice versa, and you need learn how to manage and market a business or be able to pay people to do that. The people who make the most $$ usually have their own businesses.

If you’re going for a 4-year degree, I’d bang out requirements at a community college first. It’s cheaper that way, often you have guaranteed admission to state schools, and it gives you time to explore what you like before committing to a specific field of study for 2 years. Just make sure all your credits will transfer.

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What about therapist? Those jobs are in high demand. You could do telehealth and/or in office

Anything to do with mental health and you’ll be working for the next 1000 years

I went to school to be an Early Childhood Educator. I worked in daycare for 10 years. Not great money but it was great for experience and I was still young living t home. Now I work for the school board as an ECE in kindergarten. I’ve been doing this for 8 years and make almost 30$ an hour. I love my job.

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I’m going to school for my associates in Medical Billing. Will have my degree in August and then I’m going back for my BA in HR Management.

I suggest you start school first- core classes and talk with a counselor. I went Mt. San Jacinto- (2 yrs. Studied Art - Automotive) CSULA- (4yrs. BS- Education - started teaching - 6-12 grade “at-risk” federal school - I LOVED IT. I later went to ASU - 2 yrs SELPA program - multicultural education. So I could understand my kids better. I started at 33000 yr - in 90’s - retired 94000 yr
More education&time more money-

Medical assistant takes 10 months. Pay in Arizona right now is $18-$20 hour depending on private practice which in M-F or hospital which can be three different shifts. RN is $60-$100k . Always work in the medical industry.

Do you like to interact with people or work alone? Both? Do you have a passion? You don’t need to decide just yet. College students often change their majors. Years ago I took a course that analyzed my personality for career suitability. High pay doesn’t mean squat if you hate what you do. Enjoy your career and you won’t work a day in your life… the money will flow aka the Law Of Attraction. Best in your endeavors! :heart:

Reading these comments makes me grateful I didn’t spend a dime on college.

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I would reach out to either a vocational advocate or guidance counselor at your local college. They can run you through several “tests” to see where your interests are and direct your curriculum from there. Also are you more suited for a traditional college degree tract or would you be better served to find a vocational “start to finish” type program that trains you for a specific trade. Either way do it! You heart is telling you now is the time. Blessings in your quest.

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I went to nursing school, worked about 6 months and could not stand being away from my son that much. I now own my own business.


Criminal justice. Anything to do with the law. Everything else is boring.

I was an English major who would have liked to be an architect but became an enfineer as there was less time involved in getting to a good paying job. Don’t think of it as a single decision. You can start with a two year degree that will get you more earning power quickly and then go on to finish your education in whatever direction you decide. The important thing is to experience new things and find out what will make you the happiest.

I went to school for medical billing and was told to expect 60k yearly. I made 8.50 a hour :roll_eyes:

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Phlebotomy! I love my job, I had 3 children when I decided I wanted a career and I always wanted to be a phlebotomist so I went for it and I couldn’t be happier

when i was younger i had always wanted to be either a vet or a doctor , i love my animals and always wanted to help them in any way that i could , if i couldn’t help them than i wanted to be doctor where i could help people . i stuck iy out so far in school as to be a vet , but ended up getting married and my dream of being a doctor or vet was shot !

ive been a waitress my entire life and had no desire to go to school and i always had money to pay my bills, take care of myself and my dogs frivolous life, and have money to spend.
if i could go back tho, id probably become a chiropractor for large animals. like horses and cows and working/show animals
they make alot of money