What did you need for your home birth?

Moms who have done home births what all did you need to buy, and how did they go?

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We were asked to have two bowls, lots of cloths, couple towels, peroxide, water bottle, snacks and garbage bags on hand. As well as any pain management methods we wanted to use (heat pack, TENS, exercises ball, etc). It was also suggested to layer the bed. Plastic shower curtain/waterproof mattress cover, then regular/good sheets, then another plastic shower curtain or waterproof bed cover and on top cheap/old sheets.

I did a medicated hospital birth with my first and had an awful experience. So with my second I opted for a natural home birth. Definitely more painful but it was a much better experience. I could do as I wished in my own house. And I felt more like myself after the birth, I got to slide right into bed with my new baby, and it was lovely. I also healed a lot nicer and quicker and it was great having the midwifes tends to me in my own room and come visit for check ups throughout the week!

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My midwives had a kit, pre-assembled at the medical company, that you’d order that had all the medical supplies you need. Other than that, I made sure to have some labor food and drink available and some meals in the freezer for easy meals after. I had a traditional hospital bag packed in case of transfer. I printed a list off a website for that. My midwives also had a list of what they needed you to have nearby—extra sheets, towels, washcloths, garbage bags, etc. The one special item I ordered for myself not on the list was a labor gown that had the snaps and stuff on the shoulders and back. It was nice after the birth to get the wet gown off easily and be able to nurse the baby uninterrupted and in comfort. Most women probably just labor in a sports bra, but I don’t like having cold shoulders, so I wanted something with sleeves that was still easy to get out of. Your midwives should have lists of what you need to assemble. Best of luck to you! My last 5 births were home births (the first was non-emergent transfer to hospital from birthing center and the second was birthing center). I can honestly say it was easier at home and the recovery was sooooo much better at home. I was really sick by the time I got home from the hospital and so was my baby—they made medical errors on both of us that landed my son in the NICU. The birthing center birth was nice, but we got stuck in a traffic jam on the way home—having after pains in a car with a full bladder is torture. The home births were gentle, and we were able to just rest and nurse after. So much easier and more comfortable!

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I’m having my home birth too and just get what needed on list that midwife or doula recommended and you be set for home birth but birth ball totally needed for before birth so that way stress relief And helps with pains

Need for what? After or during labor?
You dont really need anything… if youre home you should already have everything you need.
If you don’t already have a medicine ball for labor, might be a good idea to get it now even beforehand.
Those hefty pads for the bleeding afterwards.
Obviously diapers for the baby, and if youre planning to strictly breastfeed then a nursing bra, some nipple cream and bra pads for leakage.
Thats literally all I can think of :woman_shrugging:
Again you should have everything you need if youll be at home.

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