What did you pack in your hospital bag?

What did you pack in your hospital bag ? I’m trying to get mine packed and I’m not sure what to pack.


For me A comfy nightgown, my own underwear, snacks, going home outfit, my phone and charger.
For babe a couple outfits, paci and bottle (if using) that you’ll be using at home, blanket and car seat to bring home.

Don’t forget your Boppy pillow! Also, I needed a fan with both of my babies. The anesthesia made me sweat!

Definitely toiletries, something comfy, sweater, mini fan for labor which was a savior, snacks. For the baby her coming home outfit, hat, blanket and carseat

I packed toiletries, shower shoes, take home outfit and socks, outfit for me, hair ties, phone charger, ChapStick. If I had to do it again I’d have hubby bring his own pillow, phone charger, and some snacks but I was in labor for a long time.

I packed depends undies for me, a button up jammy set, warm socks, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste a soft blanket my pillow and 2 sleepers and a coming home outfit and blanket for the babes. The hospital provides everything else for the baby so no need to over pack for the babes.

Don’t overpack. I made that mistake.
Just need some toiletries, a change of comfy clothes, some clothes for the babe and essentials like chapstick and hairties.


3 Pj sets shirt buttoned up for easy access to boobs for breast feeding
baby onesies
baby gloves
Baby socks
Baby Sleepers
Pads (wasn’t gonna use hospital pads)
My granny panties I use for my periods
nipple cream
socks for myself
nursing bra
pads for my boobs to catch leaking milk (forgot what they are called)
Hair brush
Tooth brush
Tooth paste
Soap bar
Pony tails
Noodles (had a microwave in the room and I hated the hospital food)
Drinks (had a fridge in the room)
Baby Blankets
Blanket for myself
Face Wash
Baby outfit to take photos in
Phone charger
Comfortable clothes to wear when leaving hospital
Bedroom slippers

All I needed was a toothbrush, an outfit with a few diapers for baby, and going home clothes for me. Keep it simple they have what you need while you’re there.:purple_heart: