What do 1 year olds like to eat?

What is something y’all can get y’alls one year old kid to actually eat?

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Thankfully, everything I offer. We started BLW at 6.5 months old and he’s had 200+ foods which I feel has been a huge advantage. He’s not picky at all.

I have her fruit, banana and peanut butter, crackers, hot dogs, chicken nuggets.
Now she’s two and it’s back to trying to figure out what she’ll eat lol

My kiddo loved cottage cheese, eggs, fruit, crab, shrimp, grilled cheese, celery (loved to naw on it while teething lol)

Peas and carrots, bananas, eggs, cheesy eggs, crackers, peanut butter

My guy will eat Olives & mushrooms lol

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TRY: :watermelon::tangerine::banana::apple::peach::strawberry::tomato::avocado::cucumber::corn::bread::pancakes::cheese::cut_of_meat::poultry_leg::pizza::fries::fried_egg::spaghetti::rice:
Sliced or Cooked/boiled

Eggs with cheese and spinach

fish, sweet potato, chicken, basically anything I was eating she wanted it too.

My 14 month old will literally eat anything but he’s definitely a carb baby!! Loves pasta and bread!


my daughter was tearing up a steak since she was six months but once she turned 2 she’s been very picky and barely eats my daughter is in love with broccoli and celery and fruits I would suggest take her to an all-you-can-eat buffet in just a tiny bit I have mostly everything off the counter so she can try a little bit and know what she likes and don’t like

anything he could dip. waffles and yogurt, apples and peanut butter, veggies and ranch, flat bread and salsa, literally… if he could dip it he’d eat it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’d start with fruit. After a kid gets to be 2 they won’t even try fruit unless they’re already used to it. Same goes vegetables. For a snack use those koolaid popcycle makers,(plastic cup with a little handle). Instead of koolaid or juice freeze formula or breast milk to make them a popcycle.

Just about everything except Brussels sprouts

Make fruit and veggie smoothies.

Eggs and pretty much any type of fruit