My stomach would tighten up like a rock. I didn’t have cramps with mine tho
I went into preterm labor almost a month before my son was supposed to be born.
I could feel my belly tighten and hurt a bit but they stopped the contractions.
He was supposed to be born March 8th but I needed a c-section so it was scheduled on March 1st.
Feb 23nd I was having contractions again… this time stronger and I knew it wasn’t braxton hicks contractions.
I had an ultrasound that day and the tech asked if I knew I was having contractions. At first I honestly just thought it was the baby pushing his feet out and it was causing it.
But later that evening I went to the hospital because I knew it wasn’t right.
(Plus tech said to stay near hospital.)
I was having contractions but hospital said I wasn’t dialated and the contractions were sporadic.
Feb 24th I had an obgyn appointment.
He seen I had went to the hospital the night before and asked if I was still hurting.
I told him yes and it moved to my back also.
He checked me and told me I was having the baby that day and to go straight to the hospital. I was 2cm dialated.
He did an ultrasound to check on the baby and sent me off.
I had my son an hr later.
I took my time getting to the hospital because my bf was working out of town and this is his first child so I didn’t want him to miss it.
10 mins after he arrived, our son was born. He was 5lbs 8oz but otherwise healthy.
They feel more like tight muscles and don’t get stronger or longer.
Mine felt like period cramps and only last anywhere from 10-40 seconds
Like real labor mixed with gas and heartburn. It’s awful!!
Lol not everyone experiences the same.
They were really painful for me, that i had a few false alarms.
I have had 3 babies. My longest labor being 79 hours at 34 weeks to ny shortest being around 6 hours at 35 weeks. I had Braxton hicks with my first born and they felt like really bad gas pains. Like how you start to cramp up really bad and your stomach feels tight when you have to go to the bathroom. I had bh consistently for 4 or more hours but wasn’t dilating so the hospital gave me an iv bag. Come to find out they were caused by me having a uti. So since I wasn’t dilating they sent me home, 3 days later I started having them again but they were a little more painful, went to the hospital and I was in fact in labor. My 2nd pregnancy was 79 hours and my contractions were absolutely terrible. They kept trying many things to stop my labor as I was only 33w 4d when I went in. Finally at 1am they told me nothing was working that I was having a baby soon. So I had him 3 days later at 34w. He spent 10 days in the nicu with some respiratory issues and he had trouble latching to breastfeed or suck a bottle so he had a feeding tube for a few days. My daughter then, my 3rd pregnancy I started having contractions and was like “I was in labor for 3 days with my last pregnancy so I’m sure ill be in labor forever this time to” so I decided to stay home. Then they got close together and I went to the hospital that was 45 mins away. Got to the exit for the hospital and starting having really bad contractions to where I couldn’t even talk and they were a min apart. Got to the hospital and up to l&d and I was 10cm ready to push! They had me pushing as rhey were getting me in a gown and putting mt iv in. It was all so fast it was crazy. My fiance and I had intercourse the night before and I started having contractions that morning…so you might definitely be having a baby early. GOOD thing is at 35 weeks as long as there is no issues with the baby, they don’t have to go to the nicu and can go home when you do. Good luck mama! Hope you have a smooth and quick delivery with a beautiful healthy baby!
Real contractions for me just felt like the baby was balling up. Don’t remember what Braxton Hicks really felt like.
Braxton Hicks are usually tightening at the uppermost of your belly real contractions are down low and in your back and you will definitely know if they are real or not. Good luck and congratulations on new baby
I’m currently 33+5 and I keep having them since I was 24 weeks.
Sounds funny, but it feels like hella pressure from the butt feels like this baby about to crawl outta my and that’s how it’s been with my first son as well!
Yup like period cramps. You will know when you in labor the pain gets more intense
BH stay fairly mild. If they become difficult to bear you probably need to call your OB for guidance or go to the hospital
Sounds like tony braxton hicks
They only happened after I was pregnant for second time
I thought I was having braxtkn hicks for a good 18 hours before my waters broke and I gave birth
Your stomach just gets really hard.
For me they felt like my worse period cramps
They feel like period cramps
It’s Braxton Hicks I had that with my baby girl
Drink lots of water and put your feet up. If they go away, BH. If they continue and become very regular call your Dr or go to the ER.
Call your Dr asap. Not every pregnancy is the same. Good luck
This question is always so hard for me to explain, for me they felt like contracts but not bad ones… bad contracts are when you go into the hospital ,they were worse then period cramps but not stop me in me tracks contracts
All I can say is when you’re in labor you WILL KNOW.
Tightening of the belly, uterus, without a lot if any actual pain. Just weird uncomfortable feeling
Braxton Hicks honestly feels like contractions. I had them forever and it was just tightening just like a contraction. I had back labor which is super dangerous because most the time do not know your in labor with it because you can’t feel it. I had tightening and uncomfortablness but that’s all for my contractions. I never screamed nothing. My water was broke by doctors and just because you lose your mucus plug does not mean labor either because you can lose it throughout the pregnancy and it grows back. Contractions are all different for everyone. They could be super painful or could be just a discomfort. For me it was just a discomfort since I had back labor. Honestly your this far along I’d be going to hospital if I felt I was in labor each time and not risking it. I could talk walk and had no issues when I went into labor so it’s not true the whole if can do that then not in labor thing. I’d say get checked and be safe.
Intercourse can deffinetly bring on braxton hicks but it can also help you go into labour if your far enough along. They feel the same as regular contractions, but they dont hurt as bad. They are deffinetly still uncomfortable but they arent as severe. However, if they are coming every 5 mins, you may be in labour. When I was 38 or 39 weeks along w/ my 2nd one, I started having what I thought was braxton hicks one mourning around 4am. They kept coming & going but they werent coming at steady intervals, getting closer together. Like I would contract then 15 mins later have another one then 30 mins later have another one, ect. It was very sporadic but they werent going away. Finally around noon that day, I called my o.b & asked if they thought I was going into labour. They said well if your water hasnt broke yet, and they are sporadic and not consistent, then it would be a waste to come all the way to the hospital. I said okay & hung up & by about 3pm I was like okay they dont kno what their talking about bc this shit isnt going away, I kno Im going into labour. I drove myself to the hospital, they took their sweet time getting me a room bc they thought I was over reacting & not really in labour. I finally got a room around 10pm… they checked my cervix & it was almost time to push, I was already almost fulled dialated… long story short lol listen to your body, if you feel something isnt right, go anyways, & if your not satisfied go somewhere else for a second opinion. Good luck babe, you got this!!
My 1st pregnancy i had regular Braxton Hicks the last trimester. 5 hours labor start to delivery. The 2nd and 3rd pregnancies I had BH regularly 3rd trimester on. 2nd Labor and delivery start to finish 1:58. 3rd labor and delivery start to finish :34 min. My Dr. Said my uterus was primed and ready to go each time. All 3 labors combined were less than 8 hours, no drugs, all Lamaze breathing. Lucky me.
Braxton Hicks are spontaneous and have no time pattern to them. Real contraction will come at regular time intervals, like every 5 minutes and get stronger and closer as time goes on. I think they say if your less than 36 weeks and have more than 5 in an hour to go in.
OK so getting checked is a great idea. My husband kept telling me that I was in labor, but I didn’t believe him because it didn’t hurt. I was in labor for about 15 hours before I went in and I was only at a 4. I’m so glad I went in though! Apparently my body is not built for birthing babies and there was no way she was gonna come out the “normal” way! After 4cms, the pain did get worse to the point of hurting, but then I had an emergency c. I never had pain in my stomach though, just the most intense period like back cramps.
Braxton hicks contractions are painful but not not nearly as painful as a regular contraction. A Braxton hicks will feel like a period cramp but if you are having them every five minutes I’d head to the hospital. I never went into labor with either of my kids. I was induced with my son who ended up being a C-section baby and my daughter was a C-section baby from the start, so I personally don’t know what real contractions are but I’m very familiar with Braxton hocks and THEY SUCK
I have experience Braxton hicks all 4 pregnancy. But with my last I thought I was experience it but I wasn’t I went into labor at 29 weeks with her . Call your doctor asap … And congratulations…
Period cramps. Same as labor. But with labor it gets worse and stronger
They could be either, honestly. Sex can trigger labor at this point but, if you are in labor, they will more than likely stop it. Best of luck!
They feel like period cramps but more intense.
They hurt for me like strong period pains sometimes to the point i couldnt move
Braxton hicks feels different to everyone. Consistency is the difference between the two. Braxton aren’t consistent. They do not start getting more frequent.
Definitely sound like braxton hicks. I would avoid sex in the last trimester because of it… Also had lots of lightening crotch.
Mine were like period cramps and sometines a bit more painful… You can definitely tell from real labor pains tho in my opinion
Period like cramps. Happens after sex
they feel how they look!
They are usually only tightening of the uterus, should hurt much or be crampy. Your stomach will get hard as a rock.
My mom literally drove herself to the hospital and told them she was having a baby and everyone ignored her until she almost delivered my bro in the waiting room. I never got Braxton hicks, and was always induced so I don’t truly know what you are supposed to feel…
If they don’t stop it’s baby time. Braxton Hicks stops on its own and isn’t usually normal time that come between contractions.
My son came at 36 weeks all on his own. They just kept getting worse. I drove myself to the hospital ( I had an ultrasound scheduled that day) they checked me by the time I got there. I was 6 cm dilated and he came out 45 minutes later. Nurse caught him actually. No time for any pain meds.
This is one of those, if you asked 100 women…you’ll likely get 100 different answers because they are different for everyone. Some of my Braxton-hicks were just as painful as early labor contractions. But they were not consistent at all, each one didn’t last very long, and they eventually tapered off to nothing (usually lasting nor more than an hour or so). My OB told me with all four of mine, if you’re not sure that it’s Braxton-Hicks or the real thing, sit down and relax with your feet up, and drink a glass of water. She also assured me that it was absolutely okay to call her or go to the birth center to get checked just to be sure.
It feels like a tightening in your stomach, or pressure in the stomach/ back area. It will usually go away with drinking liquids, taking a warm bath, lying down, etc. If it feels like it is getting worse, or contractions are getting less than 10 minutes apart, you should contact your doctors office.
With my second I thought Braxton Hicks until I went in for a scan to be told I was already 2cm dilated
Talk to your doctor but I know when I was having real contractions I could tell beyond any doubt! Lol
They feel like cramps and tightness all over the stomach
To me they feel pretty similar but Braxton Hicks stay the same or lessen while contractions get more intense closer to pushing time. Let’s just say I was in labor and the doc had to tell me it was my 2nd and I thought they were Braxton Hicks so call your medical team to be safe.
If you can breathe through it, it’s most likely Braxton Hicks. True labor… You’re probably going to need to be reminded. Holding space for you
Braxton Hicks will be inconsistent in timing. Real contractions will be consistent, and have shorter time in between as they go, and get stronger as well. Time from the start of a contraction to the next contraction.
Drink water and lay on ur left side and try to relax and get um to stop on ur own if they don’t stop after a while u should probably get checked out
You said your heading to the hospital so your obviously going to get the best advice there. But in my experience I’ve had Braxton hicks that are located more in my lower back and some the are in my lower abdomen (like a period).
If it does turn out to be Braxton hicks in the future the best thing to do would be kick your feet up and drink plenty of water. Dehydration and working yourself to hard this late in the game can sunbelt cause them.
This close though every time it happens you’re going to be asking yourself if this is it. I can say from my previous two births that the day you go into “real labor” you are going know. Not because they feel so much worse or anything, but because you are just going to be like “yep, this baby is coming.”
From a fellow mama who is 28w pregnant with baby #3
Good luck and no matter what all the blessings for your healthy and happy family!
Yes go get checked out being that your further along.Could just be Braxton Hicks but you never know and having sex can definitely throw ya into labor.Best of luck with everything !
Usually after you have sex, it can trigger cramps. Or braxton Hicks. They honestly feel like little contractions cause trust me when you having contractions and are in active labor you’ll know. Braxton Hicks are still contractions, but it doesn’t progress labor or anything. They are more farther apart and usually go away within 1-2 hours. If it’s consistent for like 3-4 hours that’s when I would go in. But they feel like really bad period cramps. Good luck.
So odd I guess with my second child I didnt even know I was in labor and it wasnt the reason I went in… I found out once in labor and delivery that I was in labor but not feeling them at all I didnt start feeling them till probably 6 hrs in… my labor lasted 11hrs and 56 minutes…so sometimes it cam be bh but sometimes it can be real labor.
Best to call labor and delivery advice nurse
Take a bath and relax. If the continue in bath get checked
Let us know what the hospital says!
The best thing you can do is to call your on call OBGYN.
Seggs does induce early labour fyi
BH after sex is normal, orgasms are muscle spasms, so is contractions. I found it’s time to go when their so painful it’s hard to breath through them
I would say it’s probably a little different for everyone.
With my oldest…I’d been having real contractions at 28 weeks and didn’t know it because it felt like he was just pushing his butt out.
At 39 weeks when I was induced it didn’t hurt until they broke my water…I was having them every 60 seconds and it didn’t phase me just because it hurt WAY less than a rupturing cyst.
I know other women who were stopped in their tracks by just Braxton Hicks contractions.
With my oldest and youngest, I was told to lay down, relax, and drink water to see if they eased up. Real contractions and Braxton Hicks can be brought on by dehydration and sometimes even extreme stress. Often relaxing the body and rehydrating is enough to stop them.
If it’s BH, they usually stop if you change position… if you sitting stand and walk. If your up, lie down. If they don’t stop, I’d check with my OB.
Honestly it’s hard to even explain the difference. Real labor just seemed to get worse with the longer the contractions went is prolly the best way I can describe a difference. Sex can throw you into labor this late in pregnancy so keep that in mind. It’s how I went into labor with my oldest. Best of luck
My “Braxton hicks” were actually contractions and I just don’t feel much until 6 cm. With all four of mine. Everyone’s different but mine felt like period cramps until I was 6 cm.
They are practice labor pain. They can be brought on by exhaustion or even dehydration. In late stages of my pregnancy I used to walk and then have contractions. Granted I wanted things to progress but wasn’t ready. Chances are if I calmed down relaxed and drank water they would stop. And yes, they can last awhile and be timed. Best of luck!
Feels like a balloon is getting hard in your belly. There is a minor amount of pressure and pain
I remember how it felt- my stomach got hard as a rock for about a minute and then would go away. Then come back not long after lol it was uncomfortable
How long have they been consistent like that. They are here and there. If u had sex that brings it on cause orgasm makes uterus contract so may be just that but like I said depends how long this has been going on. Sex can bring on labor if your close enough to due date
Im going to go with contractions that arent actually labor… every time my daughter had sex it seemed we were at hospital. They would watch her hour or so and home we would go. After couple times id ask then determine whether i needed to haul a**.
Might be labor I felt my contractions in my back just thought my back was hurting really bad
This happened with me… I thought they were bh turns out it was labor!
Intense cramps… mine wasn’t in my back, around my abdomen… x3
Think of PMS cramps but a tad more intense
It’s normal to get those after something like sex especially if he finished inside the sperm have prostaglandins which cause the tissues to contract. If your ever in doubt always call the birth unit at your hospital and talk to a midwife
I feel like labor contractions come subtle and build over time Braxton Hicks are much more noticeable and more like a tightening in the tummy. Labor is more in your back
Mine feel like super tightening all over my belly. It’s very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. They last awhile then go away. But normal contractions get worse over time and usually can be felt in your back too. I’m 29 weeks and have BH every day multiple times a day
Like a band around your belly being tightened. Actual labor you feel that sensation from the top. It’s nut comfy but breathing and walking help. Do your best not to sit through them.
I thought they felt like period cramps. Real contractions move. Like they started in my back and then moved to my front. That’s how I could tell the difference.
I have 3 babies and I never felt Braxton hicks or when I was actually contracting everyone is different and the only way I knew to go to hospital is a strong gut feeling I just felt off
So best way i can explain since I didnt actually know i was in labor is I felt like i had to poop haha that’s how I knew something wasnt right and when I called l&d they told me to come in because I was in labor
The best answer I was given by my OB is real contractions you can barely talk through. It sounded stupid at the time but when I got my first real contraction it made sense. BH is more of a tightening feeling
Everyone is different …I know it can be a pain but go get checked it’s the only way to be sure .and only takes half hr to an hr …good luck hun
So Braxton Hicks are the tightening of your belly and that’s it. When I got them during the end they took my breath away a little. At 38 weeks I started experiencing real ones but they were light and they went away, they felt the same as Braxton hicks with the tightening of my stomach and taking my breath away but I also had a little pressure/pain down below. That’s how I could tell. I was getting them on my way to the hospital and when I was on the monitor because I was getting induced I was getting them too but they weren’t strong. I was dilated to a 2 at 39 weeks.
Just like period cramps, Braxton Hicks are different for everyone. The closer I got the “deeper” they got and a little stronger, but it feels different from regular cramping to me
I think it will vary for everyone. My real contractions with my first just felt like menstrual cramps. Which is what Braxton Hicks felt like with my second, I thought I was starting labor at 28 weeks! With my first Braxton Hicks weren’t painful. I could just feel my uterus squeezing and releasing, but I didn’t always notice them. I did with my second, but I always thought it was because I was busier and had more going on, so that was my body’s way of telling me to slow down and relax. LoL!
It feels like your stomach is tightening and then eases up. Sometimes though it can get painful slightly depending on the person. Just go easy and put your feet up and drink your water. It helps.
Ive never experienced BH before. I had back labor with my first 2 and it hurt like absolute hell when I started having contractions. Like I was holding my breath and tearing up and then breathing all heavy. Felt like I was being stabbed. Then I had front labor with my twins. The front labor felt a lot like period cramps or even diarrhea cramps. Enough to be uncomfortable, but I didn’t think anything of them. Decided to go to the hospital and I was already 7cm dilated and had to be rushed back for an emergency C section because they were both breech.
I thought I was having Braxton hicks when I was exactly 35 weeks. Went to get checked because my son wasn’t moving either so I freaked out. Went to the hospital on Friday evening said he was fine but didn’t check if I was dilated. Kept having what I thought was Braxton hicks every few minutes ad well so I went Saturday morning at 3am and they finally checked if I was dilated and sure enough I was almost a 5. Ended up having my son 11 hours later and 5 weeks early. I thought they were Braxton hicks because they felt like period cramps and not severe like everyone says actual contractions are. I only went in because of how close they were. So if you feel like you should go get checked please do! For the safety of you and your baby. Prayers for you both
They’re painful until you actually go into labor and find out those Hicks weren’t so bad after all.
Braxton hicks weren’t painful for me. Just uncomfortable tightening of stomach. It would go hard as a rock. Sex can bring on labour, so would be best to go get checked, as a little early for bubs to come. Best of luck❤
My first I had bh starting at 34 weeks at 41 weeks I thought it was the same for a few hours if the start to get close together and last about a min you better get there lol I almost didn’t make it I was in denial
Braxton Hicks feel like little electric shocks you mid section contracts it’s a weird sensation
I have no clue I only experienced real contractions morning of giving birth to my child
Felt like mild cramps to me! When I got my first contraction I immediately knew it was a contraction
My belly felt tight and like period cramps.
I’m not sure if I even had Braxton Hicks. About three weeks before my due date I got a constant period like cramp in my lower belly, for 6 hours… I called the hospital and they told me to come in. They said I was in labor and I wasn’t gonna leave without having the baby. Contractions ended up stopping and they sent me home. I got induced 2 days before my due date.