What do braxton hicks feel like?

So best way i can explain since I didnt actually know i was in labor is I felt like i had to poop haha that’s how I knew something wasnt right and when I called l&d they told me to come in because I was in labor

The best answer I was given by my OB is real contractions you can barely talk through. It sounded stupid at the time but when I got my first real contraction it made sense. BH is more of a tightening feeling

Everyone is different …I know it can be a pain but go get checked it’s the only way to be sure .and only takes half hr to an hr …good luck hun

So Braxton Hicks are the tightening of your belly and that’s it. When I got them during the end they took my breath away a little. At 38 weeks I started experiencing real ones but they were light and they went away, they felt the same as Braxton hicks with the tightening of my stomach and taking my breath away but I also had a little pressure/pain down below. That’s how I could tell. I was getting them on my way to the hospital and when I was on the monitor because I was getting induced I was getting them too but they weren’t strong. I was dilated to a 2 at 39 weeks.

Just like period cramps, Braxton Hicks are different for everyone. The closer I got the “deeper” they got and a little stronger, but it feels different from regular cramping to me

I think it will vary for everyone. My real contractions with my first just felt like menstrual cramps. Which is what Braxton Hicks felt like with my second, I thought I was starting labor at 28 weeks! With my first Braxton Hicks weren’t painful. I could just feel my uterus squeezing and releasing, but I didn’t always notice them. I did with my second, but I always thought it was because I was busier and had more going on, so that was my body’s way of telling me to slow down and relax. LoL!

It feels like your stomach is tightening and then eases up. Sometimes though it can get painful slightly depending on the person. Just go easy and put your feet up and drink your water. It helps.

Ive never experienced BH before. I had back labor with my first 2 and it hurt like absolute hell when I started having contractions. Like I was holding my breath and tearing up and then breathing all heavy. Felt like I was being stabbed. Then I had front labor with my twins. The front labor felt a lot like period cramps or even diarrhea cramps. Enough to be uncomfortable, but I didn’t think anything of them. Decided to go to the hospital and I was already 7cm dilated and had to be rushed back for an emergency C section because they were both breech.

I thought I was having Braxton hicks when I was exactly 35 weeks. Went to get checked because my son wasn’t moving either so I freaked out. Went to the hospital on Friday evening said he was fine but didn’t check if I was dilated. Kept having what I thought was Braxton hicks every few minutes ad well so I went Saturday morning at 3am and they finally checked if I was dilated and sure enough I was almost a 5. Ended up having my son 11 hours later and 5 weeks early. I thought they were Braxton hicks because they felt like period cramps and not severe like everyone says actual contractions are. I only went in because of how close they were. So if you feel like you should go get checked please do! For the safety of you and your baby. Prayers for you both :heavy_heart_exclamation:

They’re painful until you actually go into labor and find out those Hicks weren’t so bad after all. :joy:

Braxton hicks weren’t painful for me. Just uncomfortable tightening of stomach. It would go hard as a rock. Sex can bring on labour, so would be best to go get checked, as a little early for bubs to come. Best of luck❤

My first I had bh starting at 34 weeks at 41 weeks I thought it was the same for a few hours if the start to get close together and last about a min you better get there lol I almost didn’t make it I was in denial :person_facepalming:

Braxton Hicks feel like little electric shocks you mid section contracts it’s a weird sensation

I have no clue I only experienced real contractions morning of giving birth to my child

Felt like mild cramps to me! When I got my first contraction I immediately knew it was a contraction

My belly felt tight and like period cramps.

I’m not sure if I even had Braxton Hicks. About three weeks before my due date I got a constant period like cramp in my lower belly, for 6 hours… I called the hospital and they told me to come in. They said I was in labor and I wasn’t gonna leave without having the baby. Contractions ended up stopping and they sent me home. I got induced 2 days before my due date.