What do braxton hicks feel like?

what dose Braxton hicks feel like I have never had them before but last night I had a throbbing pain in my lower back and someone told me that it could be Braxton hicks but I have no idea because I have never felt them before


BH is your uterus tightening.

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I was told when I was pregnant that if I felt a cramping or what could possibly be labor to take a warm bath, if it eased then it was more than likely BH, if it caused them to become closer together it was more than likely labor. Are you having any other symptoms or problems?

Feelings like period cramps.

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Like mini contractions, you need more water. If it was throbbing pain it was just maybe tired muscles or legitimates, sciatic nerves. It helps to stretch and remember drink fluids it helps, also potassium, like bananas, potatoes it helps with the muscle spasms or pain.

I think it differs. For me it felt like really bad period cramps.

I had them regularly from 34 weeks on… occurred more when I was driving… The feeling is your upper abdomen will tighten but no pain like a real contraction. Just uncomfortable.

You will definitely know when it’s time. Well I think so. I tried to “wait it out” as long as possible. When u can’t stand it any more you will know.

Back pain n cramps is what mine felt like, n went to obgyn first baby n felt silly asking such things ;”) they aren’t bad just weird feelings not knowing what to expect first baby !! 28-19 now missing the little yrs

Your belly gets super hard and tight. Not painful but uncomfortable.

Mine were all in my stomach and started around 33-34 weeks. If it’s in your back I doubt it would be BH but I could be wrong

Braxton Hicks should not hurt. And usually you feel them in the front. To me it was like when you drink coffee too fast that’s too strong minus the pain. My stomach would just tighten up. They’re uncomfortable as hell but they shouldn’t be painful

They feel like a contraction but they don’t last long and stay in the back area.