What do Braxton Hicks feel like?

What do Braxton hicks feel like and how do you know that’s what it is

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They feel like actual contractions

They feel like actual contractions. Just not as constant and not as strong. They arent strong enough to make you dilate

She may not know what contractions feel like if its her 1st. For me it was a tightening in my stomach/lower belly that radiated out. Usually quite painful. I even thought i was in labor bc of them and this is my 2nd baby


Inconsistent contractions which is pretty much really painful cramping

To me they dont/didn’t ever hurt or bother me… I could just feel a slight pressure… and if you touch your belly… it gets very hard and then after a moment will let up…

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They can start as early as 4 months all way through to actual labor… They are cramps, sharp pain in low abdomen and can last few seconds to few minutes and couple days… Totally natural, just painful… It’s your body preparing you for what’s to come, childbirth… :blush:

Your belly will get all hard

Real contractions you won’t be able to talk through

For me, they felt like really bad period pains that radiated to my back and also stomach tightening. But they are inconsistent and would usually go away if I drank a whole glass of water or switched positions. Some people don’t feel them. I never felt them with my first daughter but I had them a lot with my second and they were uncomfortable

When they start at your belly button and go between your legs that’s the real ones. The Braxton Hicks only last a little while and write it down if no constant time apart not real but everybody’s different

Feel like anywhere from period cramps to contractions. Difference is where Braxton Hicks normally goes away with: changing position, walking, if you have to pee, dehydrated or the intensity changes where with contractions walking hurts, intensity doesn’t change, feel a balling up feeling

I been in the hospital twice for Braxton Hicks just to make sure and take an fft

For me they are never painful. I just get the tightening and kind of excited feeling in my stomach and pelvis. The stronger ones I can feel in my hips too. I guess the only way you can know thats what it is is if you get that feeling coming and going and there’s no other explanation

I always had them. With each babe they atarted earlier and earlier. Just a tightening

Mine didnt really hurt but your belly will tighten and you’ll feel pressure, sometimes less or just as painful as a contraction

For me it’s just a tight tummy like instant bloat like a balloon. No pain . Totally random

Best way I can think to define it…Braxton hicks are practice for the body…like a rubber band stretching…tighten and release. When its show time the whole lower half is involved and it radiates horrible pain and the legs and hips are involved not just belly.

27 weeks over here…I’ve been having them the past couple days and my stomach will get tight for a couple seconds and then release. I feel pressure and have to take deep breaths cause it’s almost hard to breathe. Mine haven’t been painful yet, thank goodness!!

Maybe I should add I am 26 weeks this is my 2nd but I never went into labor with my first and had a c section what I felt was like a low cramp not sure if my belly was hard

If you can talk through it its BH is what I was told by my doctor.

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I never had any with my first pregnancy. Nothing up until the day I went into labor. This time they feel like regular contractions just not nearly as strong and they go away with different positions and moving or resting. Depending on what I’m doing at the time. :slightly_smiling_face: I hope this helps!

They are also irregular they can come 2 mins apart then 10 mins apart.

You’ll feel uncomfortable, minor pain and tightness. Take your breath away a bit if your moving around. A way to check is to feel the bottom of your belly right above your vag and if it’s really hard then it’s braxton hicks

All braxton hicks are is your bodies way of practicing and getting ready for what its suppose to do, some natural stretching for baby and placenta growth and in rare cases a reminder for you to drink more water.

Your abdomen tightens. Some can be uncomfortable but mostly its just tightness

Not painful or consistent. Just felt like my belly was tightening, kinda like when baby would make a big movement.