What do contractions feel like?

What did everyone’s contractions feel like? I went to my 36 week appointment on Wednesday and was dilated to 2 and 50% effaced. She said my cervix was very soft and she could feel his head. Since then I have been having some tightness, pressure and what almost feels like gas pains in my stomach. I can not get comfortable no matter what I do. Today started getting some period like cramping in my lower back and top of butt. There not really timable as some come right after another and others hours later. With my first I was induced an had an epidural early on so dont remember how exactly they felt.


No expert, but I’m on baby #2 and back/butt pain is what differentiates labor from just 3rd trimester discomfort for me. Still could be days/weeks out. Could be body preparing but you seem to be describing back labor. Sending prayers for safe and healthy delivery!

They always say you will know, and they aren’t wrong. Mine felt like HORRIBLE cramping. Only way I was remotely able to talk through them or be comfortable with them, was in the fetal position and swaying my butt back and forth. I went into triage twice and they sent me home both times. I ended up going back in 12 hours after the 2nd time and I was in full blown labor. If you can time them and they are consistent and getting stronger they are real. Try taking a warm bath and laying down to relax. If they go away it’s not real labor.

I was the same with my first didn’t know what was happening had a bloody show at 7 in the morning and they broke my waters at 4 and 20 minutes later had him.

With my second I could feel the contractions and then I had a bloody show and water break and then she come at home all within 5 mins of the bloody show. If they are continuous and 5 mins apart I would say labour. You may be just having Braxton hicks.

Period like cramps in lower stomach, back ache (which is nearly impossible to time) tummy tightening, pressure. On my 4th pregnancy and all of them been the same. Gets worse and worse as time passes.

My Braxton hicks felt like my stomach was tightening up, my actual contractions felt like bad period cramps until almost time to push. Then there was pain and a lot of pressure

I did it 5 times
Fingers around my belly squeezed
Then like A big shit
Easiest way I can explain

They felt like regular cramps you get when you’re on your period…and well I knew they were contractions because they were coming every 5 mins… that’s when I went to the hospital and once I got the the hospital and dilated even more, the cramps got worse/stronger…

It’s baby getting ready. I went through two weeks of that shit with my daughter before she decided she wanted to come out. Lol

You’ll know lol. I had back labor with my daughter, and it was the most intense pain I’ve ever felt. Besides actually giving birth of course lol. Trust me, you’ll know, but it’s the most rewarding and best thing you’ll ever do

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My contractions were in the back, and they felt like menstrual cramps. I would say you are getting very close.

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My daughter is 37 weeks today and is feeling same things!! Dr says it’s just her body preparing for birth. She’s very uncomfortable and baby is breech. Going for a version on Tuesday.

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Mine felt like period cramps. Really bad cramps.

They feel like bad period pain and sometimes in your back. Sounds like your on your way…good luck

Real contractions would be regular. Every 5 minutes lasting a minute is normally the cut off.

Sound like back labor I have 3 boys plus one on the way n this is what they all my boys felt like.

Could be early labor mama when it starts to be all of them 5 minutes apart or less go to er.

Mine was like horrible pms cramping and just super achy all over but iwas like that for like the last month…i assumed it wud go away but it just got worse…finally I was like i think we should go lol…4cm by the time we got there…it got super intense on the ride :joy:

Sounds like contractions just not the ones you are waiting for. The real ones will be the same pressure and tightening but get more intense and come closer together. Almost there.

Sounds like it’s almost time

Id say you r very close

If you live very far go now. They can drop to 3 minutes apart just like rhat. Don’t havecit in the car . Go!!!

You will know! Trust me… it’s unlike anything else. But you are well on your way! Stay strong momma!

Back labor, for sure. Had this with both of mine. It will continue. Then the pains come around the front. Time them and be ready!!! I’m so excited for you!

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I felt like I had to poop/ bad period cramps

When I was having contractions with my first, it was like it started in my back then wrapped all around my front and squeezed and squeezed. It was much worse than period like cramping to me. More like period like cramping times 10.

Currently 38 weeks with my second and they told me at my last appointment that I’m completely closed and not very soft either. Although ive been feeling lately what are Braxton hicks. Those feel more like a period cramp to me but not painful at all. And very bearable.

Good luck momma, you can do this! Just remember to stay calm❤

Mine felt like period cramps and back cramping.

It really is just intense cramping. Mine started early in the morning. My contractions were about 3 to 5 minutes apart, from the beginning. They didn’t start getting real bad until I lost my mucus plug a handful of hours later.
It never hurts to give your dr a call and see what they say before just going in. Taking a shower will help.
Believe me. You will know when the time truly comes. You will know when to get to the hospital
Good luck mama!!