My first born is going in to JK. What do I need to get her? School hasn’t sent a list and I don’t want to over/ under buy. Specific things like lunch containers or tips/ hacks welcome. Thanks!
This is my school’s supply list
Backpack. Lunch box. I send my kids with a snack for morning recess. I also send them with a leak proof water bottle. Of course their lunch. Unless your child likes hot lunch.
Some schools provide all school supplies. So call the office and ask about your child’s school:)
Depends on the school. All our kids have to have is a backpack with their name on it.
Ask the school. Mark all iteem with the childs name on it
A spare set of clothes in case of an accident. Do they have nap time? Ask if they allow a stuffed toy for comfort.
Back pack , extra clothes, water bottle
If it’s an all day preK then a lunch/snack and spare clothes. That’s all my son needed when he was in Pre-K
I would call the school and find out what you need to send in. Every school is different.
Definitely spare clothes and a back pack. They eat breakfast lunch and snacks at school