Talk to me about membrane sweeps. I don’t want to consider it if it won’t be successful (unnecessary pain), but I’m open to it over medical induction. I’m not super comfortable going more than a few days over my due date. I’m 37 weeks so I have time to decide, so I’m trying to gather the information now. Currently 1cm and 70% effaced and this is my second. My daughter was born at 39+3 by induction via cervidil and eventually pitocin. Tell me your stories, give me your info, help me out with some facts
I didn’t find it painful as much as I did uncomfortable. I was past my due date and really wanted to go into labor without the medicine but it did not work and I needed to be induced. I had some pretty serious cramping and I was uncomfortable for three days afterwords. I was 3 cm and 60% effaced when I had it. A week later at my induction I was 4 cm and 90% effaced. Not sure if the membrane sweep helped at all or if my body was just naturally doing what it was supposed to do since she was already two weeks late.
It’s really painful. I would t recommend it. It does “work” though. Was in early labor for 3 straight days after having it done
From what I understand, it won’t work unless your body is ready. I had mine done, and it wasn’t painful. Minimal cramping. I had mine done in the morning and went into labor that evening.
Don’t really understand the purpose. Let nature take its coarse.
There’s no real guarantee it will work, if it does you’ll go into labor within 48 hours. The more progress your cervix has made, the better your chances of it being successful. You should keep in mind though, your due date is an estimate, most babies aren’t on time, even 2nd or any subsequent pregnancies. I was induced with my first, had a membrane sweep and went into labor roughly 48 hrs later with my 2nd. I don’t think it was actually the sweep, but I’ll never know. a sweep is uncomfortable, sometimes painful depending on your pain tolerance, but they’re literally digging their finger around your cervix, pain/discomfort should be expected, and even bleeding to some degree is normal.
1 cm and 70% effaced is pretty good for 37 weeks. If your trying to avoid induction keep your body moving keep doing stuff to get baby engaged in the birth canal like squats/walking/bouncing/ all of that. I was never effaced with any of my 3 until labor started
They say the more babies you have the easier and more natural labor comes on. Which was true for me. In some cases induction is necessary but the more you can do to get babys head down there and making a change the better. Keep moving.
There’s no reason to induce I’m assuming. Just relax and let nature work