Both of my babies (twins) are now both walking! What are some tips, things I need to know/do or anything to help? I’m a single FTM and have no one to help.
Baby proof your house. Gates at stairs, cushions on sharp edges/corners, put stuff up high if you don’t want them playing with it, be sure furniture is heavy enough or bolted to the wall so if they start climbing it won’t tip over, put locks on whatever you don’t want them getting into like cabinets (finger push ones) but also refrigerator, oven, toilets (probably Velcro ones) Our son was especially curious so we got as many different locks as we could so when he figured out one he hadn’t figured out all of them.
Of course keep medicines and cleaning products locked up and have the poison control hotline number handy.
Bless you! One toddler is a handful but two are double trouble!
Let the fun begin! Xs two!!!
First remove any glass within reach. My nephew was walking then fell into a glass coffee table. Got several stitches. He was close to 2 before he walked again. People say to use baby gates. They never worked for my kids. They’d just climb over them or knock them down. Put chemicals up high. Basically if you don’t want them into it put it out of reach. Keep your eyes on them.