Babies under 6 months have NO melanin in their skin do must be kept out of the sun as much as possible. Protect skin and eyes from reflective sun also. Prevent exposure to sea spray and blowing or kicked up sand, and sand bugs. Protect against cold or heat. If you don’t have a tent or shade shelter use an umbrella. Use cornstarch to remove sand from anyone’s skin. I thought this photo showed a an inexpensive way to provide protection, although during my search for information for you, some mother’s suggested a jogging stroller or rock and play to keep baby higher up off the sand. Hope this helps.
Wtf. 6 weeks? Really. Wow. Just wow.
Sunblock. Awe. Enjoy.
Try to keep sand off his face. It sucks to get off
I’m sure it’s already been said, but honestly I’m too lazy to read through the other comments… but no sunscreen, it could cause a chemical burn.
Shade and keep the time short, if it’s a common occurrence, work the amount of time up… I don’t sunscreen my kid, just work up the timing (we live on an island, the beach is where we live in the summer lol)
Stay home and keep the baby out of the sun.
I guess I’m a bad mom we took my son when he was 3 weeks old. We just had him covered the whole time, I wore him the whole time, we never set him down in the sand or anything. We mostly just walked on the sand though. We didn’t do a whole lot.
I was on a boat at 3 weeks old. my kid was on the beach at 5 weeks old. Just be smart.
I wouldn’t take mine to the beach that young.
No business at the beach that young.
No sunblock that early…his skin is just too sensitive right now. They sell little beach tents for babes … get one and have him lounge in there to be protected by the sun!
And make sure to keep a hat over his head.
There is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t take your infant with you…
Beach tents work great but make sure you check with that specific beach ahead of time some place don’t allow it . We were planning on going to Myrtle beach in South Carolina and I know they don’t allow them.
Beach tent, baby powder in case of sand on his little body. And shade only, maybe even a battery fan if it’s super hot
Omg these people. Just take him and have fun. No sunscreen bit take a playpen and you can even put a sheet over it a small one that’s fitted. Just make sure he has a fan so he doesn’t get hot. Hope y’all have fun!!
A fitted bed sheet upside down, use the coolers to hold in place, under a canopy is a great place for baby to lay/play.
Gallon of water to rinse sand off.
I’m considering taking mine, she’s 5.5 months old and I’m still not entirely comfortable with her going… let us know how your little does!!!
Would not, way to young.
Lol look at all the sanctamomies! In Mexico we took both of our kids to the beach for their 40 days just set up somewhere in the shade and bring baby sunblock with the highest SPM you can find. Also a pack n play or somewhere he can sleep comfortably and lots of water (for his bottles, if he’s formula fed) DO NOT GIVE THE BABY WATER! And the obvious diapers, wipes, formula, etc.
Sunscreen is not suitable for babies under 6 months it will give them chemical burns on their skin. If you are going to the beach use a pop up tent or something to keep them shaded
I would advise against bringing a 6 week old to the beach cant use sunblock hes too young
Keep him at home.too young to be out in the sun
I wouldn’t take a. 6 week old to the Beach , but that’s just me