What do I need to take a newborn to the beach?

Tips on taking a newborn to the beach. He will be 6 weeks. Must have products? Sunblock? Tips? Thanks!!


He’s too young for sun block so just make sure he’s got a lot of shade


No sunblock before 6 months

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You can’t put sunblock on a baby under 6 months. I wouldn’t even consider taking a newborn out to the beach in the heat. All he’s going to do is sweat and cry.


A baby hat and sunglasses would be good to have too


Personally if it was me I wouldn’t take a 6 week old the sun gets really hot


buy a tent or an umbrella that comes with sides. keep your 6wk old in the shade. they can’t wear any type of sunblock.
also buy a rashguard (theyre like $10 or less at target and walmart) and a bucket hat for him to wear. sunglasses too.


I think its too soon. Too many germs and people, their immune system is till very weak.


Take a canopy of some sort and a plastic shower liner. Dig a hole(smaller than an infant tub) and lay the liner in it and fill with water, he can cool off while staying out of the sun.

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That Fisher Price dome works perfectly at the beach. It kept my 8 week old cool and shaded.

That and a sun hat and a long-sleeved bathing suit and you’re good to go!


No sunblock/sunscreen until 6 months. A rash guard, hat, and sunglasses and keep baby shaded.

Too young for the beach… wait until child is older…


Play pen under a large umbrella…infant sunblock and sunhat.

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Shade and a hat. Hes way too young for sunblock

Ummm you dont…I took mine out too early …ended in a week stay at hospital


Set up an umbrella and have a hat on him

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White thin outfit with white hat, an umbrella to keep sun off of them White reflex s sun

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Too young for sun screen

I agree too young. I’ve taken babies to the beach and it’s just hot, miserable, and stressful AF.


I wouldn’t do it it’s to soon


Don’t take your newborn to the beach. It’s not safe. To many air born things and their skin can’t take the heat.

You should ask your pediatrician and you should wait until you’re both cleared by your respective doctors especially if you plan vaccinate your baby.


Your baby will be fine at the beach, btw. Just because they are little doesn’t mean they can’t go outside in warm weather as long you pack and plan accordingly. :blush:

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My 2 month old just went to the beach! He did great, don’t use sunblock 6 weeks is too young! We used umbrellas to protect him from the sun.


I wouldn’t but that’s just me

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I took mine to the beach, bring umbrella for shade. No sunscreen. Babies should not have sunscreen until 6 months old. So shade is a must. Bring a little baby hat for extra shade.


You can also wet his hat to keep him cool

No sunscreen before 6 months. Make a nice shaded area for baby, use a sun hat and protective clothing too.

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Personally I wouldn’t. But u are mama u do u hun I suggest if u do keep baby shaded with umbrella keep water bottle in case baby gets to hot to cool baby off. Also try to only keep it at a certain time limit outside like maybe 10-15 minutes or less then go inside don’t want baby around all that heat for too long n dress light :slight_smile: good luck

Umm no sunscreen on baby’s until they are six months. It can cause chemical burns because their skin is so new.


Hat, completely covered in spf clothing, and planted under an umbrella the entire time. RIT dye has a wash that puts an spf in clothes.

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I personally wouldn’t take a newborn to the beach. I’d at least wait until baby is at least 9-10 months or older…but that’s just me.

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Don’t use any sunscreen, baby is too little it can cause a chemical burn, just make sure babybis in shade and use a sun hat


6 weeks is way to young for the beach


Shade and lots of bottle/breastfeeding to keep hydrated.

I personally wouldn’t but I would definitely take cordless fans, plenty of shade and I wouldn’t spend extended amounts of time out there with baby. We took our 5 month old and it wasn’t ideal, he was hot and miserable, and was scared of the waves and hated the sand!

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To young for sunblock

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No sunscreen. Stay in the shade always. Dress baby in super light clothing. I wouldn’t stay long. We’ve been taking my son to the beach since he was a month old lol he’s now 2 …

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Take a pack n play and a twin fitted sheet or a crib sheet (try at home first) and put it over the top of play pen like a mattress. Itll create shade (put an umbrella over one side and keep your eye on the sun and adjust accordingly) and so hell have a place to sleep and play and hell be covered

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I wouldn’t take a baby that small to the beach. No sunscreen before 6 months. PLENTY of shade (sun hat and huge umbrella). Don’t stay out too long. Babies that small can’t regulate their body temperature. No water for baby only breastmilk or formula for hydration.


No sunscreen at that age, don’t have baby out in the hot part of the day, don’t let them be exposed to the summer sun, they have thin delicate skin and burn faster than you could ever imagine, keep baby hydrated with formula or breastmilk. Honestly it’s not really a good place to take a 6 week old, but if you do just be extra careful.


No sunblock before 6months… cover him in a full body swim suit with hat also they make a thing with a cover and has like a little bed that you can use

Ask his pediatrician for any alternatives for sun block because I believe that’s too young for any store bought.

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Pack an play fitted sheet over the top or what ever thing u have like travel wise and a big beach umbrella

They make little tents for babies :blush:

A sun canopy or tent, hat, sunglasses that have the band for around their head. Light color clothes

Find a babysitter. 6 weeks is too young to be expose in that heat.


I have a 3 month old and wouldn’t think of going to the beach. Too young for the heat and sun


All of my kids have been going to beach since 3 weeks old! Just go in afternoon when it cools off stay in shade keep them out of the sand and no sunscreen


You could probably take a pack & play with a sheet over it so he’s all shaded, and clip a battery operated fan on it!

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Plenty of milk and baby tea or baby water.

Please don’t take a 6 week old to the beach!!!


This picture is off the internet but I did this when I took my newborn to the beach it work fabulously she napped in the shade, I napped in the shade lol and she was safe from sand. I used a queen size sheet

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Dont do it their skin is too thin for the sun

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With all the sand in the air and getting everywhere and you cant use sunblock on babies younger than 6 months…I wouldn’t do it. Or if you do you would have to stay in the beach house or hotel the whole time…I mean that’s what I would do if i had to go.


Lots of shade a hat. I would get baby a board shirt and swim shorts.

Umbrellas also.

Six weeks is too young imo

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He was around 3m here! Get a portable fan!


I took my 7 week old on May 7 - May 11. We got the pink baby sunscreen with the baby butt on it lol. Idk what it’s called. Also got a blue tent from Walmart , it was a pop up tent but tbh it was a pain folding up so I would get something other than that. :joy: I smothered him in sunscreen and the wind was blowing pretty good to keep him cool in the tent. But we only stayed outside on the beach a few hours at a time. He never had an issue with heat fr. But I sure did carrying him around in my carrier :joy: but he was fine he loved it. We were lucky to have 2 cloudy days and lots of wind so wasn’t too sunny or hot. But tbh the whole time I was paranoid he would over heat or burn when he wasn’t in the tent. He didn’t burn or over heat. Idk how much your bby weighs I think I tiny baby would be alittle more susceptible to the heat and sun. My boy is 13 pounds he was good. Don’t quote me on the weight thing bc really idk lol. But just keep baby covered in sunscreen which I’m sure you will do bc every 2 seconds I was like “oh he needs more on his face” lol. Have fun!


I personally wouldn’t. He will be extremely sensitive to the sun and a lot of times they can’t regulate their body temperature yet so they don’t sweat which makes them overheat faster


Pack n play. Being a fitted sheet to place over top for shade, works like a tent lol. Sunblock. Baby Carier if u want to go for a stroll. If in the carier, sunblock and a hat.
Also bring a couple baby blankets for if u walk with baby in carier/thin ones to cover up their legs. And toys for the pack n play.
What I did with both of my girls.

Keep baby under an umbrella and get a rash guard and sunhat with spf protection. Baby is too young for sunscreen, they have to be 6 months.

You can’t put sunblock on babies under 6 months. My doctor told me that before we were discharged from the hospital. I wouldn’t bring baby to the beach until at least 3 months old… They can’t regulate their body temperature well at all and could definitely over heat.

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They make long sleeve beach wear for kids that is SPF 50. He’s too young for sunblock so keep him in the shade but remember, unless your beach umbrella has an UV/SPF block, he can still get burnt THROUGH it. Also, a portable fan is ideal to prevent him from overheating. DO NOT keep him in a bucket car seat as they can get super hot. A blanket on the sand should work instead. In all seriousness, he’s too young to take to the beach so give it some hard thought about if it’s even worth it. Babies get dehydrated and sunburnt easily and the aftermath could be severe. Good luck.


Stay home… beach not going anywhere.


A tent! It keeps him out of the sun you can put water in a small tote for spashy time

I waited till my son was 5 months before I took him to the lake. He loved it sunblock lots of shade and that portable fan. I dont live near a beach just a lake so lol.

Why not have a beach day? What’s the difference sitting at the beach or in your back yard? Temperature is gonna be the same :woman_shrugging:t2: my doctor okayed zinc sunscreen at 3 months. So best talk to them

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I have been using this on my baby since she was a couple months. Definitely bring something to shade the baby with, and a portable fan to keep them cool


Babies burn easily, and over heat.

Aiernuo Large Baby Beach Tent, Portable Baby Travel Tent UPF 50+ Infant Sun Shelters Pop Up Folding Travel Bed Mosquito Net Sunshade with 2 Pegs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XKNQK32/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Hx14Cb1CZ50ZB

Make sure the baby is not in direct sunlight shade make sure they don’t get overheated possibly have a little portable battery operated fan maybe just put the baby in a diaper in like a little bouncer lounging type chair for babies and get a huge umbrella just said so the baby’s not in the Sun

Wagon with a doc a tot to sleep in, umbrella for shade, mini fan or cool rag.

Careful with sunscreen- some kids are allergic to ingredients… check w doc which is best hypoallergenic…

I’ve asked a lot of my mom friends because we will be doing the same when my sons 6 weeks!
Everyone’s told me to get him a hat for his head, keep damp rags in a cooler to occasionally wipe him down, a clip on fan, some have told me I cant use sunblock on him that young but Some say I can so I’m just gonna ask his pediatrician! And they’ve also recommend an umbrella.
Everyone says traveling with a baby really isn’t much different other than packing more items!

If you’re breastfeeding, make sure you’re hydrated so the babe can be as well.
6 weeks is too young to give water so you’ll need to watch their temperature. Cool rag, portable fan, breathable clothing and shade.

My pediatrician told me no sunscreen until 6 months. I would just make sure to keep him in the shade and a hat on him and don’t keep him out in the heat very long .


Sunhat, big sheet to sit on, portable fan, umbrella. Lots of shade.

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Something to cover yall if you plan on staying for long periods on the beach. Like a sports canopy. I used water babies sunblock on my daughter when i took her to Savannah when she was 1 month old. And also a blanket or something for yall to sit on

Beach tent, or a playpen

Do not put some block on a infant !!!
Keep them out of the sun


I am with Janey Marie, do you have to remember sand gets everywhere, the sun is bad enough. But the sand is so rough on their skin

Remember that even if you are in the shade on a beach you can still get sunburned because of the reflection of the rays off of the water. My advice? Don’t take a baby that young to the beach.


A “sport brella” an all terrain wagon & a small cooler

Portable fan! But don’t buy a stroller but a portable camping one And a beach umbrella ! And I’m pretty sure you can’t put sun block on till 6 months. I had a June baby just keep baby in the shade, cool and hydrated

Carrot oil!!! It’s a natural sunscreen!!

Remember even in a tent with mesh sides, it can get much hotter much faster. He needs to be out of direct sun, but not zipped in any form of tent.

Babies that young can not regulate their body heat AT ALL. They cannot until 6 months of age. If you have to go, tent, have ice, cooler, in case baby overheats. No sunscreen, baby is too little. Don’t stay more than an hour or two max.

We took our baby to the lake when he was about 3 weeks old. We just set up and umbrella and kept him in the shade since they don’t recommend sunscreen on babies that age. I made sure to nurse him so he wouldn’t be dehydrated as well.

Don’t take him to the beach , at least until he is 9 months , that’s what my daughters pediatrician told me and if you do make sure he has just some sunblock not a lot, I use the aveeno sunblock for babies , and a hat

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sun hat, sunscreen, sun umbrella and a blanket to sit on. Maybe a light blanket in case of a breeze.

I wouldn’t take a newborn out that early. 6 weeks is still earlier for major trips. Think immunity etc


i had a little tent just for my son, this helped tons and kept him under the easy up

I took my daughter to the beach at 3 months she was and is totally fine. We stayed in a hotel and had a great time.

Baby powder !!! To brush off any sand without pain!
Lots of shade and light long sleeve clothing to keep the sun off the baby… try not to get the salt water in the babies mouth.

No sunscreen - he’s too young

No sunscreen before six months an infants skin absorbs the chemicals differently

I had a canopy and set up a woven mat with a towel then baby blanket. I had a mesh seat ( like a bouncer ) kept him in that under the canopy with a fan. I was well prepared but I WAS MISERABLE . My son seemed okay . He was 6 weeks old. I fussed and worried constantly. I was happier at the house. He could be inside and o could be on the deck sitting in the baby pool. I had so much more fun with him❤️

Take an umbrella and keep the baby under the umbrella a spray bottle with water would probably be a good idea too so you could spray a little mist on babies arms and legs so he doesn’t get to hot make sure he is taking bottles or nursing frequently so he doesn’t dehydrate! Good luck have fun!!!

We took our little guy to the beach when he was about 5 weeks. We had umbrellas for shade, a portable fan and he had a hat on and I just continuously kept checking to make sure he wasn’t getting too hot. I personally wouldn’t use sunscreen until older than 6 months.