My step daughter started her period today. Any recommendations on what to get her? I know the main like pads, Tampons, period panties ( I just heard of today) and other things you can think of She’s 10. She will be 11 Friday.
A heating pad for cramps. Chocolate!
Maybe a little toiletry bag to put it all in for school
Self adhesive heat pads , paracetamol and chocolate
Midol and CHOCOLATE lolol
I’ve put a little section in the vanity cupboard dedicated to pads, panty liners, tampons etc. For our daughter.
What I’ve realsied, is teens don’t want to talk about,they don’t want to discuss anything about ti.
So I’ve explained about the Flo app that helps you keep track.
Set up the little station.
Wouldn’t recommend using tampons that young.
When my girls started I took them and let them pick out their period panties, pads, we got wipes, a bag for school to keep things in. I haven’t done a heating pad or anything like that because they don’t really complain much about pain. I do like to keep Tylenol or ibuprofen on hand just in case though. And chocolate stock up on it lol
Got my daughter a cute bag to keep supplies in. And candy and Tylenol we also have heating pads
Same stuff u may need or like…
Please do not buy her tampons. I would stick with pads and period undies if possible. Make her a little bag for school and let her teachers know she’s going to need the restroom frequently and may be somewhat emotional. I started at 10 and in school! I was so embarrassed and didn’t let anyone know until I got home. Just be there to answer any questions as she may be uncomfortable going to her dad. Buy her some of her favorite snacks, a heating pad, and some pain relief…
Period undies, smaller sized or slim pads. A hot water bottle some comfortable p.js and some chocolate
Wipes , a little bag so she can have her stuffs for school , also midol or another pain pill
A heating pad, some Motrin or Tylenol. Some good smelling stuff like lotion, etc. for self-care.  And some snacks. 
We had to teach tampon usage that young because ours was a swimmer. Definitely a learning curve but she did great. An emergency bag for her backpack midol, etc.
Just a weird thing keep an eye out for migraines. I started getting migraines once I had my period a few times. Get a wet bag for her to carry things in. Maybe let her stay home tomorrow while she gets the hang of things. Keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in her bathroom and teach her what to do incase she has a leak and is too embarrassed to ask for help. Let her watch some movies/tv and veg out. And unless she’s one of those gals that likes to be made a big deal of let it be lowkey. Maybe get her favorite meal.
I just keep my bathrooms stocked with teen pads, size 1&2 always with wings, pantie liners & 3 sizes of tampons tampons. I have 3 girls 20, 11 & 10. My 20 & 11 yr old will tell me when they need something or what they prefer. My 10yr old hasn’t started yet.
In the emergency bag for school or outings I’d include a pair or shorts or leggings with underwear. Just in case. As an adult I still keep a spare in my car wherever I go for any incident related to this or otherwise.
dont do tampons if anything do pads thats what mine use and i have her keep track with calendar.
I wouldn’t use tampons yet
Have a candid talk with her about sex and the consequences therein.
Can’t help on this one I have all boys!!
For teens just starting their period pads only to young for tampons. Midol or Tylenol for cramps maybe a heating pad also to help with cramps. And panty liners for light days
Also here to say chocolate!
Let her tell you when she’s ready to try tampons. Let her try different pads and see what’s best for her. Don’t make too big of a deal out of it, just let her understand that menstruation is a normal part of being female and will most likely have to deal with it for the next 35-40 years. Make sure she understands how it relates to pregnancy.
Everyone saying no to tampons is crazy. Athletics is not comfortable with a pad on. Sweating bacteria into a pad… smh
I wouldn’t get her tampons that young, even the lights or teens. But for sure get her a bag to put everything in, and I definitely agree with the chocolate and midol.
Midol, heating pad. Chocolate. New underwear just for her period aka period panties.
My daughter has everything pads, pants, tampons and her own paracetamol x she started when she was 9 just and within 6 months went on tampons as hated pads but likes the pants. When she is at her dad’s she will wear the period pants then any other time it’s tampons but she still has all the options available x I let her choice what she wanted she keeps a little period bag with it all in with medication and spare knickers x all my kids from very young knew about all of it and what to do and expect so when she started she just cracked on herself and told me.
A nice little bag to have to take on the go,have everything ready.
We put together a little pouch that she keeps in her backpack. Has pads and panty liners in it. Also, a travel pack of baby wipes for her hands just in case. We talked about how to ask her teachers to go to the bathroom (since some are men) and not to feel embarrassed to ask. We’ve discussed period , why she gets a period, what cramps feel like, etc.
We also track her period on an app.
As for tampons, I started using those as soon as I got mine. She’s not comfortable with the idea yet, but she knows the gist when she is. Everybody’s different and when it comes to her body/period, it’s her choice.
Pads, midol, feminine wipes and a little bag to keep them in her book bag. I definitely wouldn’t do tampons but that’s up to you to decide!
I made my daughter a period survival kit. It’s a purse with heat pad/massager belt, a “warmies” animal, a pouch to hold her pads, period underwear, pocket hugs, wipes, chocolate & probably other stuff I don’t remember right now.
I wouldn’t start a 10/11 yo with tampons. Pads & period underwear (to prevent leaks) is best.
I hope you let her call her mom & hubby was flexible enough to let her have extra time with mom if she wanted it. Times like this a girl needs her mom!
She’s gonna be 11… she doesn’t need a tampon, she needs a pad.
period kit in her bag with extra undies
Same things that every other woman needs.
No tampons…not for a 10 year old. Some Midol and pedialyte, some snacks and a heating pad
Pads and midol … idk about the period underwear yet I haven’t tried them with myself or my kids
I packed a small makeup bag for my daughter, before she started, to carry with her in her book bag in case she started while at school but to also carry with each month after. In the bag, a clean pair of period underwear, small pack (or individually wrapped) of wipes, a couple panty liners and regular pads, and eventually tampons.
The Care and Keeping of You books are nice to keep on hand.
To begin I’d say not tampons as my younger ones have no time concept and they’d not be changing them then risking tss
Period pants are a must. Plenty fluids and snacks and paracetamol maybe heated wheat pack
Pads, pain relief and comfort foods.
From a personal and unfortunate experience that still haunts me to this day… if she does choose tampons, may want to tell her to use a back up pad until she learns her typical flow. And no one told me I had to change it every couple hours and had a terrible moment in middle school. May also want to have her pack a spare pair of pants or shorts just in case. I had my incident in khakis and for the 1st time in my life I couldn’t get a hold of either parent. Luckily my friend let me borrow her jacket to put around my waste up try to hide it.