Needing some recommendations for overly emotional kiddos. My son is 8 and he has big emotions. He struggles with spelling and when practicing tonight he was frustrated crying and started hitting himself. Anyone have any practicing methods they find that work for easily frustrated kiddos?
Soothing background music, frequent breaks, sing the letters and make a rhyme. Let him rap the letters out loud and say the words. Have him make a recording of himself reading and spelling out the words.
Also get him checked for dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders and vision problems. Some Aspergers kids go bonkers when they hit a snag, for example. Is he like this with everything or just homework or just spelling?
My daughter worked so hard but has never been a champion speller, even though I was great at spelling. Let him know it’s not the end of the world, he can use spellcheck, have someone else proofread his work, and get jobs that deal more in numbers. Or maybe if he studies a foreign language it’ll help.
Put signs with one or a few of his spelling words on each around the home so he sees them written often. If he has a photographic memory it can help.
Might need assessed for things like ADHD , dyslexia…. It can be sooo frustrating that they can’t focus……
I would talk to your pediatrician to make surrender there is no underline issues. My daughter has severe anxiety, therapy has helped her. ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety, etc…so many factors could play into this.