What are some things you get your kids for Easter? I feel like I do the same thing every year and want to do something different this year. Needing some ideas from other mamas!
Get something that your child is interested in doing or collecting
Every year, we plant jelly beans and dum dums grow overnight! We dye eggs, and hide them as well as dozens of plastic ones. One year I did upside down umbrellas as baskets, this year I was thinking hats. I have also seen rainboot basket ideas.
We used to always get stuff like skipping rope, Frisbee, pail and sand shovel, coloring book and crayons, a kite. Colorful rainboots and or jacket for playing out in spring would be fun. I always get my Mom tulips or daffodils to plant outside when it warms up.
This year something different we’re doing is eggs hidden in the yard when they wake up!
We usually get outdoor activity stuff for spring, or pool/beach stuff…
I did some some great indoor activity kits this year too!
I buy boxes of candy and glue them together and make that for them they love it. This year im gonna use ediable grass. U can find at walmart
Usually depends on what they are into, and I don’t usually do much candy. Also depends if we have a trip coming, we used to go to Florida after Easter so I would get things for that.
We hide the easter basket. Kids have to find it then they have to search for eggs filled with goodies and then a golden egg . Can be done inside or outside depending on the weather
I keep the candy to a minimum and fill it with small outside toys for the spring & summer, my two girls will get a Barbie or LOL Doll and it’s my sons first Easter so he will getting books, sippy cups, a sun hat and a small toy. I try to keep their baskets under $15.
A set of PJs, a Disney movie, rainboots, Easter activity book
Sidewalk Chalk, bubbles, craft things n candy of course lol, hair ties etc
I did this one year for my daughter she loved it!
Summer outside toys such as sidewalk chalk, swimming goggles, inflatable pool float, sun glasses, beach pail with shovel.
I have seen where you can take an umbrella and tip it over and fill it with toys and candy. Kids size fishing poles
Ours are 5 & 3, we hide their baskets. Typically includes new croc flip flops (indestructible) coloring books/crayons, playdoh , sidewalk chalk, a small toy (hot wheels cars/Barbie) and limited candy. I use the same basket every year.
I get those empty plastic Easter eggs and and put a dollar in each one, then do a hunt for the kids. They have to devide them equally at the end, they love it!
I got a personalized tote to use this year since their baskets were destroyed when we moved. I’ll do a little candy, books, probably either a shorts outfit or swimsuit.
We do scavenger hunt from one egg with hint to find next- the last takes you to basket… Now that grandkids are a little older we add an exercise in each egg also… We team the parents with kids (so they can read hint n exercise) n parent n kid does it together… lol
My oldest son got corrected on how to do windmills from our grandson… Makes for laughs
Take them to church?
Bunny footprints, just size down, A LOT
Plant jelly beans the night before that grow into lollipops
Put summer toys in the Easter basket
Make and decorate egg shaped cake pops
New swimming trunks, sandals, candy and usually a big toy. The 13 y/o wants an xbox gf and the 6 year old will get roblox toys!
With my first child (back when I had energy lol) I used to do a scavenger hunt. I’d draw pictures of different places inside and outside of the house and put the drawings inside the plastic eggs in a basket in the living room. She’d open an egg, figure out the drawing, go to that location and find a small surprise. She loved it and I did it every year until she started criticizing my drawing skills but by then her little brother was born and I was too tired to still do it anyway!
It doesn’t matter if you do the same every year! That’ll be a tradition they will love
I get my children a little gift bag of things from the Easter bunny… clothes, book and a toy and a little trail of eggs from bedroom to living room
My kids get usually one outfits a couple small toys and a small amount if candy
I always do new beach toys towels hair stuff for the older girls and for the boys do things they can use and that they need sunglasses stuff like that
Sorry but like christmas Easter is too commercialized its not about the bunny
Normally the whole town does a huge Easter Egg hunt with all the different age groups, food trucks, Easter bunny, some other game type things.
This year they are going around “egging” peoples yards for the kids so we can’t all get together.
Easter egg hunt, followed by kite flying!
Not my picture but I am doing this. My kids are 3 & 4
We are planting jellybeans the day before and they “grow into bedtime baskets” by morning… Or what ever basket you want!?
Our Basket consists of
New lounge blankie
Small plushy
New pj set
Bath paint/bomb set
And a coloring activity kit