What do you do in your free time?

What do y’all do when you put your baby to sleep and have a little free time?


I’d sleep if I were you. Otherwise get chores done around the house, get a shower.

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Read, watch something other than cartoons, shower and eat my snacks in peace

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Shower, smoke, spend one on one time with my man, eat, clean something.

But my son is 6 now so I don’t have these problems lol

Smoke weed, watch tv/eat and sleep


what is free time? :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl::rofl:

usually that’s when i pass out.

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I shave my legs and smoke a joint :woman_shrugging: I get quick showers every couple days. No time to shave in the shower. So once a week I make sure to do that. I used to shave almost daily before 2 kids.

I’d either eat sleep or clean when they were babies

Shower, clean up after the kids then I’m knackered and go to bed. I don’t really have free time :see_no_evil:

Do whatever needs done sleep or enjoy me time

Nap, clean , eat , tv or read