Alright, ladies, I need some ideas on the toy organization. What do y’all do to keep it organized? I don’t have a spare room, and I’m wondering how to keep things in their rightful place with a toddler. My OCD is killing me. Lol. I bought cube storage and mesh bags to keep things together, but over time, shit just got all messed up. I’m so close to just returning the cube storage and just using his toy box solely… even for his smallest of toys.
Unfortunately, things are going to get messed up as he’s a toddler. My sister used to always get the plastic storage drawer carts for my nieces to organize all their barbies and when it got messed up she would just fix it. They’re kids. It’s going to happen.
I have the cube storage and also use plastic bins with covers from Walmart. And also can do wall shelving to keep some other items up out of the way.
We put everything in 1 toy box in each kids room and I have a small one for baby toys in the livingroom for our 8 month old. Our 2 yr old daughter and 3 yr old son have similar toys i quit sorting their toys now who’s ever room the toy is in at the time it goes in that toy box we have so many toys
I try to encourage 1 bin out at a time, when done you put it away. And not all my toys are available. I rotate every 3 months.
I have 2 toy boxes for my daughter
It’s really easy… you don’t. My youngest is 7. I’ve tried to organize her clothes and toys so many times and I’ve just given up. I’ll ask where her shoes are and she will get in the toy box. It’s a losing battle.
I have no extra space for toys to be all over the place. Have bookshelf with cube storage for all the toys in the living room. Its cute and so convenient!!
Garbage bags I give my kids 20 mins and if any are still out they get tossed, this happens months before Xmas.
Take pictures of what goes in a box and help him. It takes a lot of time and patience but he will get it. Preschool teacher here. Totally understand!
Get a toy box with a lid so you can close it and dont have to see it?
Its to much hassle. I gave up. Lol toys just go in whatever container they put them in. Lol
I have a toy box in the living room and one in her room. Whatever box is closest is where the toy goes when we clean up. She will help before bed most nights but otherwise whichever box is closest for me to chunk it in while sweeping lol🤣 its legit not gotten better and i dont expect it to for a few more years. I get hyped when she helps…lol not many 2yrs old help ive been told. There isnt really a way to oragnize em. Cleaning them up signals their tiny brains to play with it that instant lop
I have one box for all my daughter toys why because she mixes everything up toddlers are the worst about oh look hole lets shove this in there and see if momma can find it
Split all toys into 3 boxes. Put 2 away where they can’t find them. Every few months rotate the boxes. New toys for them, less mess for you. Win/win
I have a toy box in the livingroom, whatever travels out of the bedroom goes in it. When its full or about once a week I move everything back to the bedroom. I have one toy box in their room for toys that they play with a lot, and one in their closet for toys that don’t get much love. Other than barbies and drawing stuff, everything just put in one of those boxes. About once a month I go through their toys and throw out anything broken or unplayed with, and towards the holidays and birthdays I get rid of pretty much anything I haven’t seen them touch in a month or more.
I have OCD too and I totally understand lol
For those who don’t have OCD, it’s not something you can ignore. It’s like having tiny fires all around the house.
I have toy boxes in every single room I also have a toy bin in their room. It’s takes everything to not organize the toys, but it also helps a lot to have toy boxes everywhere where I can throw them in and have them out of sight.
We pick up as soon as the room gets overly messy, and we show them where the toys go. Blocks in this drawer, books in this one. And after doing it for awhile and showing them, they can now actually help, so it makes cleanup alot easier. And it keeps all the toys together.
when we had to many toys I put half up every 6 months trade feels like christmas much easier to clean with less good luck
Throw them in the kids room and shut the door.
Good luck with that!
I like shelves with baskets.
We have rubber maid (or whatever brand) containers for things that can be grouped together (dinosaurs, action figures, firefighter dress up, etc.) and have them labeled. Have a big toy bin for individual toys/big things. That’s really all we can do. Just have to remind the kids to pick up after playing so things don’t get disorganized/the house get messy. Sometimes still does. Good luck!
I bought this toys bags from tiger shop…
Rid some of the toys! Toddlers don’t need alot to keep them occupied. You could even store some in a box and rotate.
For one thing don’t let them play with everything at one time. When they are done,eith one you put it back before playing with somethingvelse. This,will help not having toys,all over.
Have the kids decide what to keep & what to give away, like every 6 months or so. Keep it a regular thing you do with THEM.
It works.
Donate some, throw away any damaged ones.
I used nestle quick containers, empty wipe containers, empty coffee cans. If it had a lid I used it for organization.
Get rid of half the toys.
Consolidate the toys
I organized the toys in storage bins. It stays organized for about 24 hours. It’s just a battle I cannot win. Twice a year, before birthdays and christmas, my kids go through the bins and donate some so we’re not overloaded with toys. It helps keep it more organized, but not by much.
I have so many kinds of storage bins, good luck!!! My daughter is 3 and the more i organize the more she makes a mess of it! She is great at cleaning up, but they don’t understand what goes where yet, dries me crazy!!! But all in time, she will learn
Limit what your toddler can get out and play with. Less is better. Then you can have them help you clean up when they are done. They won’t feel overwhelmed and neither will you. Plus you can change up the toy and it will be like Christmas every time without spending the money.
I put some in a tote, wait a week, and rotate the toys out. Toddlers do get bored of playing with the same thing after awhile. This way, it stays new to them.
We bought seperate tubs for each kind of toy…for instance one for dolls, one for cars etc. They stack easy and we only pulled 1 tub out at a time. Good luck
Mine is 6 and have used and tried everything! It all ends up back in the middle of his floor, all mixed together. I’m at a loss with it!
Following for ideas thinking of doing shelves in closet and in room and containers with lids and do rotation toys for them so all the toys will eventually get played with🤣
I keep cars, legos and art supplies separate, everything else goes in the 3 big toy boxes. They can’t have the cars, Legos or art stuff unless everything else is clean first.
Allow only a few toys at a time, put the others out of sight & rotate…
Fewer toy choices increases their attention span.
I have a box or 2 of toys/books/activities in my wardrobe. Rotate them with the ones in the living room every week. Keeps the toys clean and gives the kids something ‘new’ to play and interact with
Use one toy and put it back before getting another!!!
Wtf… A toy box… And trained kids…