What do you do when a friend is talking badly about you?

No, leave their business alone


Not much of a friend.

Just stop talking to them

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Let’s say the guy gets an std or hiv wud u tell her. Well cheatin is takin that risk so I wud tell her. Wud u Wana Kno.

That’s not a friend.Don’t confront her , show her that you have Class, but shove her to the side. …. About the affair? Do not say anything. It’s not of your business.

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Woah that’s a crap load of drama that you don’t need in your life. I’d be running a mile

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Let all ends loose and move on…

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Mind your business. Not your circus nor monkeys.


The friend talking badly isn’t a friend. As for thr cheating spouse, I’ve been in this situation and I was furious that people knew and didn’t say anything to me. I would say something.


First one is not a friend. Just let them go. I figure that if they’re talking about me, they’re letting someone else alone.
Second is tricky. It happened to me(not with me!) and I just kept my mouth shut. I don’t regret it.

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Confront the friend & cut them loose.

Tell the person who is being cheated on what you know.

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Cut your losses and walk away. Friends don’t talk down on friends.

Confront the friend ….as for affair…. don’t tell .it’ll get found out

Confront the friend & then cut ties with her. As for the one having an affair, please tell him/her. It’s better to know than to be kept in the dark.


just walk away from it all


Be done and ignore them no explanation needed

I would definitely confront the friend, then cut them off. As for the couple. I’d stay out of it. It’s not your call to make. What’s done in the dark, comes to the light.

You find better friends :rofl:

I stop calling them a FRIEND… that’s what u call a frienemy✂️

The friend having an affair . It happened with friends of mine . I kept out of it and didn’t get involved or take sides .

I wouldn’t worry about my friend talking badly about me I be more concerned what others said to defend me, and of course I be the better person to just walk away I wouldn’t even lower my self to there level…as for the affair depends who it was having affair is a shitty thing to be doing in my own personal view…I don’t like seeing people hurt but don’t like people being mistreated I guess just stay out of it truth will come out just be there when :poop: hits the pan.

Confront your so called friend & then cut your losses. As for the couple. Stay out of it.

For all y’all saying stay out of the relationship, would you really respect someone if they looked into your face knowing what they know?? And that wouldn’t mess you all the way up?? Serious questions!! I might however distance myself if they are not great close long term friends, but I think these factors are important!!!


Confront her and end the relationship. If you are close with the couple then you should tell the spouse about the affair because that’s what friends do but if the relationship is not close then mind your business.

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cut your losses and move on to a real friend


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