What do you feed your 8-month-olds?

My baby is almost 8 months old and eats twice a day (breakfast & supper) I make my own purées, sometimes I mix them but it’s generally a fruit at breakfast and a vegetable at supper, if it’s watery I mix it with baby oats and if it’s thick and creamy I mix it with plain yoghurt - my real question here is those that do purées, what are you feeding them? I feel like it’s the same thing over and over and want to offer a broader variety


Download the App “solid starts”. It literally has every food you can think of on there and tells you how to prepare it and give to your little at every age. There’s meal ideas on there as well.

My sons 9 months old, yesterday he had oats for breakfast, avocado, banana and biscuits as a snack, then had some tomato and cheese, then a apple pear and mango pouch for lunch, then more banana and avo, then for dinner had a chicken and veg puree, but also wanted some of my daughter’s chips and carrots she was eating with her dinner, then wanted some of my mash potato too :joy:
Anything I eat that isn’t spicy my son trys too, he is always wanting to eat the same as me and my daughter :joy::joy: he has 5 teeth already tho so he is pretty good at chewing :sweat_smile:

My daughter is 7 months, whenever I cut up fruit for her older sisters, I puree a little and occasionally mix them for something different. My 7 month old is pretty picky at the moment, but it’s all new.

Have a look in the supermarkets at the baby pouches to get some ideas of what they put in them. You can also Google ‘baby puree food ideas’ and it should give you a bunch of recipes to try

We’re still on purees too, I’m scared to death to start solids :pleading_face:

Anything you eat given in appropriate sizes and cuts.

Try soft solids foods. Feeding should be at least three times a day. A snack before bed time.

We give him chicken/salmon with most veg all pureed. Give him fruit loose so he can feed himself

Mine was eating solid everything way earlier than 8 months. And 3 meals a day.

Plated food. Baby led weaning is what I followed so they could learn to handle food in their mouth and I didn’t have to do any special food prep


I know that baby hungry eating twice a day

If the baby has teeth start on some solid food as well but still soft enough for them to chew

Puree whatever you’re eating.