What do you get your kids for Valentines Day?

What do you get your kids for Valentines Day? I didnt know this was even a thing but my sister said it was…why is being a parent so expensive?


I get my daughter (8yo) a single rose and my gf a bunch of flowers. Sometimes it’s good to show standards to your kids so they don’t just fall for anyone that gives them something


I get mine the small heart box of candy.

My hubby will get our daughters a rose and a chocolate bar. But its really not a “thing” everyone does. Some parents just want them to feel special and set a standard for them, some prefer to leave it as an adult only thing. To each their own.

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I’ve always gave some candy and a small stuffed animal. He’s 16 now and I still do it lol. Last year was a kangaroo and her Joey. The year before was a colorful monkey.

Nothing. It’s not a “holiday” I acknowledge or celebrate

Chocolate. Take the oldest out to an elegant restaurant of her choice.
It’s really not a “thing” but you get to choose what you want to do with your children…

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It’s doesn’t have to be “a thing” or be expensive. When my boys were younger, I got them a card (or made one) and a little thing of candy. Hugged them told them I loved them and called it day

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It doesn’t have to be expensive. Get a pack of post it notes. Write why you love them on each one. Stick them all over their door, hide them in their backpack etc.

Temu has little cards that have a figure with them. Those are cute for lunch boxes.

My kids get a special lunch. Nutella & strawberry sandwich cut in an :heart: shape. Other little goodies in their lunch boxes. They also get a stuffed animal. This year they’re getting a German shepherd with a color & personalized tag with a corny Valentine’s saying. It’s “from” our GS.

I used to take my kids out on the 15th & let them choose anything Valentine’s day they wanted. It may be candy or toy. But clearance isnt like it used to be. By the day after the holiday there isn’t much left.

nothing much , but he does do valentines day cards with his school

My kids is:
1st girl: 21 this year
2nd girl: 18 this year
My boy: 10 This year

Since they were born we do the following:

Daddy: buy chocolate, flowers and teddy bear
Mommy: pejamas, slippers, hair brush and something they need.

Although we tell them every day how much we love them, we always try to make Valentine’s Day special so that they feel extra loved

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My daughter does homemade cards for everyone
Boys flowers a teddy bear and chocolates (billet brothers)
My son we do flowers and a giant teddy bear ( he’s not a sweet person)
My daughter giant teddy bear and a bag of chips
And Papa usually brings her flowers later in the day

And grandma and Papa get homemade cards with turtle chocolates

Even a small gesture to make them feel loved. Something cooked shaped as a heart like pancakes or a sandwich, fruit, anything. Doesn’t always have to cost money or a lot. A small heart shaped chocolate or donut. One year I cut out hearts and put one on their bedroom doors for each day February 1-14 and wrote things like “You are loved”. “You are special”. You are kind or artistic or whatever. They loved that. Makes them feel good.

Nothing. I don’t even know why it became a thing to get your kids shit for valentines.