What do you put in your teens easter baskets?

I get their favorite snacks and drinks

Yet Easter has zero to do with gifts, candy ECT., Should be a family day with dinner, games and teaching what Easter is really aboutā€¦ just sayn. I get small baskets but again itā€™s not about that. I know most donā€™t care about God, the bible or Jesus anymore but if you do not care about any of those things then you shouldnā€™t be ā€œcelebratingā€ Easter.


I do movie night themed baskets. Popcorn, their favorite candy, a new movie, a cuddly blanket or stuffy

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$$$$ that is what they want & need. Give the kiddy stuff to the kiddies. Stuff their eggs with $$$

My step sons 11 we got him A new snap back, earrings. Some fishing gear, critter catcher, candy shirts light up football a watch a new water bottle v bucks

We donā€™t enjoy a ton of candy so I fill my kids with things they actually use. Favorite snacks, batting gloves and baseball pants because tis the season

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Same as you would for a toddlerā€¦ snacks candy ļæ¼ļæ¼

Whatever they likeā€¦maybe sandals with hat and sunglasses, candy, chips,video game or DVD, earphones, phone case, lip balm, car accessories if have one,etc.

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I used a baseball cap instead of a basket and filled out with candy and then body wash, shampoo, and gift cards


My daughter will be 13 in October so I got her flip flops, 2 pop its, makeup, beauty blenders, earrings, pajamas, candy, iPhone charger, and a gift card so far.

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I just do easter baskets with candy, snacks etc in them and in the morning they have to find them bc the ā€œeaster bunnyā€ hid them lol. They know thereā€™s no easter bunny. But finding their baskets in the morning is a tradition


For the littles 7,5,1 i got a pair of summer shoes at walmart for the basket and then just some candy and thats it

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I always do them just like I do the little one but put a Tshirt and shorts or something like that. Last year they got a Tshirt and Crocs. I think this year they will get gift cards and candy. They looks forward to it every year.

My thirteen-year-old daughter is getting some anime hair clips some The squishmallows Minis five year anniversary pack weā€™re doing the Easter egg hunt she still loves doing that and then just some stickers in fun pens and stuff

I swear some of these comments are acting like Easter is supposed to be a second birthday or Christmas.

Just get your kids some candy/snacks and maybe a gift card. Easter isnā€™t supposed to be you giving your children a bunch of gifts.


Swim trunks, gogles, flip flops, gum, books, snacks, mints and a pool floaty :wink::+1:t3::grin:

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Get em a chocolate bunny and a sweater or gift card. Nothing big and major but simple and sweet

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Candy, clothes, any of their favorite things (it doesnā€™t have to be Easter related)

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This year I did her favorite candy, gum, swim goggles, a few skincare things, PJs, socks, a bunny, and some platform Converse sheā€™s been wanting. But Iā€™m extra for every holiday and donā€™t care that people think itā€™s ā€œtoo much.ā€ :woman_shrugging::rofl:


You can add things towards outdoor fun, candy, gift card, whatever you want.

My mom used to put a toy in every basket like a dart gun or potato gun, then everyone (including adults) got to have a little fight together. She did it at Christmas too, our guests always love it.

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Candy, maybe a gift card?

Cleaning supplies and a Walmart gift card ones you forgot anything

A new uniform, Disney gift card, pajamas, and some small toys. Other years Iā€™ve done an American girl doll with accessories. If you want to go all out go for it if you want to keep it simple then do that. You do what you want and is best for your family, donā€™t let anyone discourage you from buying too much or too little.

Their favorite things I loved Easter I missed doing it for my kid

Giftcards, new swimsuit, books, fun hair stuff/makeup, candy, favorite snacks, or tickets to go do something.

How about taking Saturday and all your kids and do something fun like an Easter egg hunt go to the zoo go to a park and have a picnic go to a museum and just hang out with them and enjoy them and then you can give him a small gift card to spend wherever youā€™re at or a little bit of candy or something Easter is really not about the Easter Bunny itā€™s about the resurrection of our savior maybe going to a park and having a picnic and read them The Easter story interact and enjoy because theyā€™re going to grow up and do their own thing

My 16 yo loves baking so we put together a baking basket for him.

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My mom still does candy/snacks and a few smaller gifts for her kids. Weā€™re adults now. Nothing crazy.

One of mine asked for peeps and the other asked for chocolate.

I always got a dvd of a movie I wanted and some candy and a small stuffed animal

Favorite candy, favorite gift card (ours was roblox), some sort of outdoor toy (football for ours).

The toddlers get to collect rhe eggs and get one toy. One was a escavator toy and one was a doll.

We also will be doing eggs and stuff together

Gift cards and candy. Maybe a new device? Or like headphones


Something sentimental? Thatā€™s what I got growing upā€¦ necklaceā€¦ earringsā€¦ ring ā€¦ or a furniture piece

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Makeup, personal items, gift cards

Depends on what theyā€™re into. 1 of mine is getting an expanding folder, paperclips, staples, printer paper, ink. Another is getting a hair straightener & hair products. Not exciting but itā€™s stuff theyā€™ll use. Then Iā€™ll hide eggs with money, fidgets & candy.

Deodorant, body spray, chewing gum, breath mints, a gift card/game card, new phone case, makeup/face&body wash, keychains, pens, notebook.

I got my son a drone :person_shrugging: we got him eggs filled with candy but that was the only ā€œtoyā€ it was like $40 off Amazon.

Candy and snacks. Youā€™re never too old to enjoy candy and snacks!

I got mine plastic containers that snapped closed and filled them with candy, that way they could keep that years stuff in it.

Eggs filled with candy and cash. Clothing, accessories, sentimental things, card games, books, art supplies, outdoor gear, etc

Gift cards to their favorite store, if teen girl ā€œmakeup minisā€, supplies for any hobbies

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I did make up and fun summer stuff for my 12 year old :slight_smile:

I make them an Easter basket filled with candy

cleaning supplies lol

All my hildren get an Easter egg :rofl::rofl::rofl: when they claim to be too old for said easter egg they can either go without or suck it up :joy::joy::joy:

I have a ā€œtweenā€ (heā€™s 12). His basket has some candy, snacks (pizza Combos and a bag of hot fries), art supplies, and PokĆ©mon cards (heā€™s obsessed, lol).

Just buy them large chocolate bunny

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Just pay attention to what they are asking you for and what youā€™ve said no to in the past. I usually get my kids the chocolate and candy and things they tend to need or have been asking for. Ex: my oldest has been asking for a Co2 can for his paintball gun, along with a new hopper and paintballs. So got him exactly that. The youngest doesnā€™t really ask for to much, so heā€™s harder to shop for. So I find cool things he might like and run with it.

Useable wicker baskets, bath stuff, gum, chocolate, word search & pens, slim Jim or beef jerky, scratch off lottery tickets, socks, slippers, books, dvd, gift cards, art supplies, deck of cardsā€¦

Cleaning products :clown_face::rofl::rofl::rofl:


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I got 4 books he wanted, an Xbox card, a new outfit, some hey dudes, and some candy. For my 13 year old. He always hated toys. So I just kind of remember things he asked for along the way and get that for his basket. I didnā€™t intentionally buy a lot but I didnā€™t know his Dad had bought the shoes and outfit. :joy:

My mom growing up did cool stuff like a lottery scratcher ticket and candy and bubbles and socks and as I got older a cute shirt or a stuffed animal
Creative stuff

Snacks, gift cards, candy, drinksā€¦etc.

Aint nobody give teens Easter baskets when I was growing up. They got that outta the way when we were kids and then as teens our job was to hide the Easter eggs and help the little kids find them!

Ear buds. Sandals, flip flips, cell phone case (just a case, not a phone), beach towel, cool reusable water bottle, sun glasses!, :sunglasses:

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And item they like.
Frisbee, candy, $20 gift card, fragrance they likeā€¦ so many options

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I try to get things my kids are into. I have a 7 year old and a 17 year old and neither really care for a lot of candy so this year I made them each a movie basket. My 7 year old needed a new lunch bag for school so I got her one, picked out a new movie she likes and then I got different ā€œmovieā€ snacks (popcorn, chips, twizzlers, and a few candies that she does like). I did the same thing for the 17 year old except I got him a plastic tote to put stuff instead of the lunch bag. Each year I try to pick out things that they like so each year is different. Last year I got Legoā€™s for the oldest and I did a spa basket (shower gel, lotion, face mask, bubble, ect.) for the youngest. I also try and find baskets that cane be reused around their rooms.


I put a hoodie, $20 gift card and jewelry in my daughterā€™s basket :heart: with a chocolate bar

Jewelry, body spray, make up, shower stuff, fun socks, new pjs.

teens get Easter baskets??? My God! Iā€™ve abused my children!!! I quit after elementary school! beat me with a stick!!!

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I have 3 little ones to do baskets for (4-8years old) , my oldest is 12 so Iā€™m doing her one solely because I donā€™t want the Littles asking ā€œwhy didnā€™t the easter bunny get her a basket?ā€ LOL doesnā€™t make you a good or bad parent regardless if you choose to do one for the older kids or not. (Seen a few posts saying they didnā€™t for theirs or they didnā€™t get one when they were older) My oldest told me things sheā€™d like in hers so Iā€™m going off of that for hers.

I put swim stuff in it since they out grew theirs and a weight set for one and a tool set for the other. Theyā€™re boys and I wanted them to have their own and out of mine. Especially my tools.

Just give them a BIG chocolate bar!

Bathing suit, sandals, towel, book, sunscreen and a few snacks all in a beach bag

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Razorsā€¦snacksā€¦giftcardsā€¦if they like to color coloring books and pencilsā€¦makeupā€¦ Nail polish

Box of her favorite snack cakes (that she wonā€™t have to share with her siblings haha), nail polish, ICE drink, Chapstick, favorite candy, a DVD, fun t-shirt.

I have a 4 year old, 5 year old, 8 year old, and 12 year old. My three younger got store baskets and some added stuff and I an making an emo Easter basket for my 12 year old. Makeup, nail polish, candy, bath bombs etc sheā€™s gonna love it

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Is it a boy or a girl? Do the wear makeup or play video games? Favorite fast food place gift card, new sweater or shirt, a favorite body soap or lotion. Socks that they would like. If they like to draw or color get then a sketch pad/coloring book or some new pencils/paints(w.e they use) obviously candy, maybe beach towel if they like to swim

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Tye dye kit, shirt, travel cup, small mirror to hang (for the girl)
Star wars tote bag, shorts, PokƩmon Lego set, water bottle. (For the boy)
Candy for both
Couple eggs with 1$ in them.
And a Easter fidget for both.
Thatā€™s what I came up with. Lol

Um, candy & things they like, like every year :woman_facepalming:

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deodorant or body spray, gift card or cash, their fav candy, chapstick, beef jerky or snacks?

Clothes! Perfume jewelry