What do you put in your teens easter baskets?

What are you putting in your teens easter baskets? I am at a loss here but wanna do something fun for them since I also have toddlers whom i go all out for


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What do you put in your teens easter baskets?

We put eggs all around the house.

They have to find ALL before they can cash in on their GOLD eggs The gold eggs always have money so they clean up all the memories I put down lol.


Little cash eggs, their favourite items (perfume, cologne, chocolate etc) a phone charger, socks, maybe a gift card to somewhere they like (Starbucks, McDonald’s etc)


I have a pre teen and I’m putting a bunch of body care stuff. She likes body washes sugar scrub face mask stuff like that then instead of the normal Easter candy I get her candy she likes like funny worms and such


Makeup, hair accessories, earbuds, giftcards, press ons, things you’d like


If a boy. Funko magic the Gathering cards, fortnite skin gift cards. Switch game, cologne samples, skin care, socks, condoms :smile:


Pool/beach stuff
Hair/ body
Homemade chocolate
Nail stuff/Perfume

New swimsuit, sun glasses, beach towel, sandles/flip flops, body sprays, a book or gift card to Barnes and noble just to name a few things.

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Since when do people get presents for Easter? Over the top if you ask me…


Bible, lotion, jewlery, good book—


I don’t have a teen, but any of their fav candy, $10 gift cards to the theater/target/Starbucks, makeup, new hair products or tools, something to use for outdoors.


I get mine hats and put a swimsuit and a favorite treat or socks

Notepads are always helpful when in school around that age. Colored pens. Soaps, lotions, scrubs and things of that nature. Earbuds are always good because they break and get lost/tangled easily. Sun screen for the summer. Sunglasses. A good book. Whatever snacks they personally like.


I do a hunt, I have 2 boys 22 and 14. I write down clues for each child on slips of paper. My boys are not fans of lindt so I hide cash, their favourite snacks, lindt Ferrero, etc

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I don’t do it for my teens, 17,19 and 25 the Easter bunny is long gone


I only get them candy. The toy thing and baskets is a littyle young for them.

Just the fact that my mom would get me baskets/buckets each birthday and holiday was enough for me.
My mom made the all candy baskets as we got older and filled them with candy. But could also put things like journals, pens, sharpies, gift cards, hats, sunglasses, cologne/perfume, lotion, nails/nail polish, phone accessories, bags, hair accessories, fidget toys(most teens like them.)

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Um…well oops. Mines getting eggs

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For my teen who is 15 we usually do new sketch pad and drawing things as she loves to draw, make up and some anime things. My 12 year old daughter isn’t really into make up yet but loves care bears so she is getting glittery care bears lip glosses and nail polish and a few lol surprise dolls(she still loves them so we get what we know she likes). My 9 year old son is getting some blind bags and a few five nights at Freddy’s figures. Also some candy and will have 2 different easter egg hunts one at our place and one at their omas house.

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We Got These For Our Guys & Will Put Some Candy & A Few Fishing Lures…They All 3 Got A Good Bit Of Tackle For Christmas & Needed Something To Put It In…

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My get some bath thing and face Mask and book too

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I hide $ in eggs. He gets 1 minute. Everything he doesn’t find is mine :grin:


My daughter got:
Shave cream and razor
Shampoo and conditioner
New Wet brush
Hair ties
Lip gloss
cat socks
Face masks
Bath bombs
Body wash
Sketch pad
Gel pens
Starbucks tumbler/5$ gift card

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Cadbury eggs chocolate bunnies and plastic eggs with money.

Not teens but mine are almost 11 almost 10 and 7.
They literally get a bunch of chocolate and pjs. And we do a couple easter activities. :hatching_chick:
Were in NZ we dont go aaaall out for easter like some people do. I have all their birthdays too close to easter to do so. Plus single mother no dads etc. But this was last years setup

phone chargers, hair stuff, deodrant, jewelry, gift cards, lip balm, pens,nail polish, water bottle face masks


I don’t believe in really big gifts at his time of year. I did get my son a small cactus, haha. I think he’ll think it’s fun. Easter is about spring and nature and growth and renewal. I think a plant fits those themes. And of course he’s getting some candies.

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The same as the other baskets.

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Laundry soap, dish soap, deoderant, socks and underwear.

Yest­e­rday i ea­rn $ 4­8­7 a­nd Tod­ay i ea­r­n $ 52­0 b­y usi­ng my mob­ile. l­ n­e­ver ­t­h­0­u­ght l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my b­uddy ma­kes 0ver $ 1­6790 a m0nth d0­lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

lnf0 Here >>> https://MaxFlow27.netlify.app/

My son wants gift cards but he’s getting cologne, body wash and chocolate with gift card

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Depends on if they’re boys or girls. Gift cards are good. Let them pick what they want. Girls like makeup. If you know what music or movies they like a CD or DVD would work for either girls or guys. That’s what I’d do.

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Shirt, travel game, mini lego set, pop figure, gift cards

Money, snacks, candy and gift cards for my 16 and 14 year old.

Gift cards, insulated mugs, makeup (if girls), socks, cross, outfit and candy

in Ma­r­c­h 20­22 i ha­v­e rec­e­lved $ 17­5­43 b­y doi­ng w0­rk o­n my m0­b­i­le. l­ n­e­ver ­t­h­0­u­ght l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my b­uddy ma­kes 0ver $ 1­7410 a m0nth d0­lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

lnf0 Here >>> https://MaxFlow32.netlify.app/

in Ma­r­c­h 20­22 i ha­v­e rec­e­lved $ 17­5­43 b­y doi­ng w0­rk o­n my m0­b­i­le. l­ n­e­ver ­t­h­0­u­ght l’d be able t0 d0 lt but my b­uddy ma­kes 0ver $ 1­7410 a m0nth d0­lng thls and she c0nvlnced me t0 try. The p0sslblllty wlth thls ls endless.

lnf0 Here >>> https://MaxFlow34.netlify.app/

I did her favorite chocolates and then something for her clarinet that I know she will use. Also a gift card for her Xbox.

I didn’t really get Easter baskets as a teen but we did do an Easter egg hunt just for the big kids (all the kids over 10) with money and candy in the eggs. Something I do at Christmas that could translate to Easter baskets is a snack thing. So do some of their favorite snacks in a basket and throw in a gift card or two. Try and think like what do you do for stocking stuffers and then do that in an Easter basket.

Gifts cards
Water bottles

Cleaning supplues!!! Lololol

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For doing work in spare time i maklng $ 500 every day using my mobile. l never th0ught l c0uld d0 that, but my frlend w0uld earn m0re than $ 14,731 a m0nth and persuade me t0 glve lt a try. The p0sslbllltles are endless.


Tackle box and fishing pole, the tackle box filled with candy.
A hoodie
A trash can for their room filled with candy and gift card

Just fil the basket with the same stuff as ur lil ones but add in like razors and toiletry that’s what my mom always did and I didn’t complain

Deodorants and perfumes

Think along the lines of what they’ll need for the summer. Swim suit, summer outfits, sunblock, sunglasses, sandals, passes to your local pool or amusement park, a bike, helmet etc. Throw in some snacks you don’t normally buy.

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Candy, movie tickets

This year will is getting a couple of video games, a pocket knife cause he was looking at them last week and found one he absolutely loved and then just candy.

I put a gas card in my daughters basket

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Gift cards, phone accessories, bathing suits, candy and they got an Occulus

Candy and PlayStation card.

I usually just give a chocolate bunny and $20

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My daughter is 15 and asked for hardly anything. I gave her eggs with money, axolotl stuffed animal that matches her real pet, makeup and a crimper

Beach bag with beach towel, sunglasses, swim goggles, swim suit,flip flops, umbrella, sun screen…that’s what I always did for mine once they were teens.


Candy, nice hygiene things, sandals, boy a hat, beef jerky, make up, gift card

Mine is getting hygiene products and a gaming headset

I put a new water bottle, a new notebook, drawing stuff and some candy.

Candy, gum, drawing supplies, paint, Jewelry, chips, seasonings, things they like

For doing work in spare time i maklng $ 500 every day using my mobile. l never th0ught l c0uld d0 that, but my frlend w0uld earn m0re than $ 16,284 a m0nth and persuade me t0 glve lt a try. The p0sslbllltles are endless.


Candy, t shirt, New wallet, a golden egg with some cash hidden in his room…

What do. They. Enjoy,. It. May. Be. Cheating. But. With Candy. You. Might. Through. In. Gift. Cards. To. Places. Like. Movies. Concerts. Walmart,. Places. to. Eat. Happy. Easter

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Perfume small amount gift cards candy and makeup

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Bath salts, bubble bath, or special boys body wash (like bath and body works) favorite candies, cute water bottle/cup, little Lego set, new razor pack, beach towel, cute socks

I’d say it depends what they like. If they’re into art get them some art supplies, or maybe something for video games like extra battery packs for controllers or a new game
Books, gift cards, snacks or candy they like
It doesn’t always have to be some huge well thought out thing, just make a little mix of a few small things you know they’ll enjoy

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Gift cards to fsat food places…

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Hair care bubble bath cute brush ect…


Candy, jewelry, socks, makeup

I ask my children what they want for holidays and that’s what I get them.


Our girls got new playstation controllers that all look different and they are responsible for charging their own lol some candy, makeup, drawing stuff, chapstick 5hrow away cameras for camp.

My (almost teen) is getting bath bombs, candy, a volleyball, a new pop socket for her phone, and a weird stuffed animal she wanted.

When did Easter became christmas? :joy: I’m guilty too but dannnnnggg


Hygiene products .razors ,creams,deodorant, toothbrush, ext…

Gift cards, chapstick, makeup, favorite candy, beef jerky, body wash, razors, socks, pens, tshirts, favorite drink

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Teens always like money


My son is 13, he gets candy and lots of fishing stuff. Couple pairs of shorts and some shirts

My teen is getting a mixture of stuff he personally likes(beef jerky, slim Jim’s, a big bag of sour patch kids, some chocolate but not much he’s not a big chocolate fan, etc…)

Mine likes stuffed but I’m buying a trampoline and the younger two are each getting a movie and the youngest is getting toys

Something fun that they will use, but nothing expensive. I don’t go all out for an Easter basket. And their favorite snacks. I usually make their “basket” something practice also. A new cap, a new tote, etc.

I dont normally go crazy at Easter. My littles get a basket of spring stuff like raincoats, boots, umbrellas, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and of course chocolate etc…
My teens get chocolate and gift card.

Fidget toys, make up, nail polish, socks, mechanical pencils, adult coloring books, cross word puzzles, jig saw puzzles,

Basketball, softball, volleyball, hockey puck

I didn’t know Easter is the new Christmas, we normally get all chocolate bunnies Easter eggs, eat pickle fish and hot cross buns and different fish dishes , I never knew they need to get gifts🤔 and the little ones does the Easter egg hunt and fill their baskets

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Keeping his interest or hobbies in mind …. Games music tickets to movie bowling for him and a bud gift certificates for eating out cologne crazy socks candy snacks

I usually get my teens hygiene stuff and little trinkets they’d enjoy like Keychains, slim jims, make up, charger cords etc

A great new idea for me I saw recently … a beach bag with towel trunks sun screens shades flip flops beach ball all read for summer

I put hygiene face masks hair ties body spray stuff like that

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Passes or gift cards to do something new with a friend. Movie , trampoline Park, shopping cards to a different store than they are used to.

An Xbox controller, his brother gave him his old ps2 so he was excited for a few games for it, and a memory card for it, to save his progress! He is 11 so still into stuffies, so got him a peeps stuffed rabbit, gift card, some peeps, and chocolate bunny of course!

Put money, candy, gaming cards, make up, junk food etc into a new hat or new purse (depending on what they like/need) or something.?

you’re so nice :pleading_face::sob:

So my mom usually gave me a gift card or two, a hobby i was interested in (miniature paint) & then some candy

My mom would just leave an outfit and a box of chocolate outside our bedroom door! Knock and runaway! :woman_shrugging:

my mom always made me a basket using the boxed candies from the dollar tree and a glue gun. then she filled it with flip flops and a tank top, wax melts and a burner, make up, kind of what ever i was into at the time. now that she has 6 grand babies with 7 and 8 on the way she doesn’t do it anymore :joy:

Money in eggs favorite snack and candy video games or time with parent of choice like yes day

Makeup, face masks, hair ties, candy, gum, air freshener

Movie tickets
Gift cards to local places.

Eggs filled with money, do some with singles and one “golden egg” with a $20 or $10. Bluetooth headphones, body care from their favorite places, bubbles cuz your never too old for bubbles, an outfit, stuffed animal and a gift card. Of course other Candy or snacks for fillers.

Candy money or gift cards

I get face stuff, something they really want/like that’s $50-100, chargers, TV color lights, candy, Xbox card, Robux, chalk/markers, shirts, make up, nail polish…All of my kids (15,12, 6), even boys, love cat plushes so I can’t go wrong with that.