What Do You Think About Making a Zombie Doll for My Kid?

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"My daughter is 3, and OBSESSED with spooky, scary, and anything Halloween all year round. As I'm cleaning out her room, I'm finding several cheap and broken/ legless Barbie dolls, and I'm considering giving them a Halloween makeover. Basically painting em up like zombies lol. Just looking for some opinions on if this would be good fun or if maybe it's a little much for 3½. Obviously, I'm not gonna make them too scary and gory, just a typical kid's version of a zombie."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I think it’s a good idea"

"I say you know your child better than any of us. If she can handle it and enjoys those things why not. Have fun. Would love to see pics when finished If you’d be up to it"

"I think it’s an awesome idea. My daughter will be 3 in a couple of weeks and LOVES all of that horror/spooky stuff too. You know what your child can handle and what she likes. It doesn’t matter if strangers think your child shouldn’t have it. Do you"

"If you’re crafty like that then go for it."

"Do it…I've done a few with my daughter’s old dolls she and my 2 yr old son really like all of them especially the clown."

"My one-year-old is the same you should definitely do it"

"It’d be a cool project. I did lots of crafts with every kiddo really young and my middle kid really took to it. At 3 they put together their own cotton ball snowman, it was super cute."

"If she likes it why not? Why not get her to help? My wee girl is obsessed with it too. We make up our own Halloween stories and dress up all year round x"

"I 100% support this! I’ve thought about doing this for my 2-year-old. She loves spooky, scary, and creepy!"

"I love this idea! I would totally do it!"

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