Help so I was 3 weeks pregnant last week and started to bleed started off spotting and turned in a period type week later am still bleeding but no pain no cramping nothing
now they told me most likely it’s a miscarriage but wanted to test my hcg levels to see them go down but… I been testing 3 times now and there going up no doubling but not going Down
1st 31
2nd 43
3rd 67
Anyone had this happen to them? Doctor says she wants to wait and see a bit more test since am bleeding but not in pain am concern because I have a history of miscarriages… trying to see if anyone been on the same boat as me my other miscarriage I had had to be cause as my body would do it it self …
Thanks !
This happened and it was ectopic
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I bled at the beginning of each pregnancy for two weeks. I’m super high risk
MTHFR factor 5
My weak cervix caused the bleeding
Bed rest and labor shots starting at 12 weeks
It could possibly be implantation bleeding that early, however it also Sounds like it could possibly be a tubal, which unfortunately you have to abort or miscarry or else your tube can rupture, but prayers and best of luck for you and hoping that is not the case!
Yeah I had this now have a 9 week old
It just depends on ur body everyone is different it could be anything
I had this and miscarried naturally it wasn’t ectopic my hcg just kept rising then eventually dropped
I’ve had it happen to me also
My rule of thumb is don’t do anything to end it . Like if they offer a D&C until at least after 12 weeks to make sure date we’re not off. Sadly for me I was having a miscarriage but glad I waited to make sure
I had light bleeding with my first pregnancy and went to the doctors and they said there was something in my uterus but it didnt look good. I wasnt in pain either. And then a week later I miscarried. But that was just MY experience. I hope everything goes perfect for you though keep a positive outlook, if u can.
For me it was loss I was pregnant with twins lost 1
Dont give up hope yet you could very well carry to term
it’s called a subcoreonic hematoma. Spelling may be wrong but its where the placenta trys to detach from uterus causing bleeding. Yes it can cause a miscarriage but usually doesn’t
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I had my period (normal flow) for 3 months when I was pregnant with my daughter my daughter was overall born normal, she has some issues they think was due to medication, but didn’t think anything of my periods. Hopefully your baby’s ok!
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It could be a chemical pregnancy
I had it with my son and one of my daughters. With my daughter it was spotting but I carried to term with my son it was gushing blood for several weeks and I carried to term. I’d go to your obgyn not the er cuz the er will just scare the hell out of you
Praying for you, sounds like a misscarriage
I had a similar thing happen to me and I ended up having placenta previa and it fixed it itself. Had my daughter nice and healthy. She’s a year old now.
Going through that right now, I had a blighted ovum miscarriage.
I had this with ectopic. My numbers were going up, but only slightly… the numbers should be in the hundreds by now
Sounds like a chemical pregnancy. I had one a few years ago.
I did spot like that. Turned out to be placenta previa. Carried out my pregnancy full term. Perhaps you should get seen by your OB or go to the hospital. Don’t wait, its best to be informed.
It’s probably just too early for them to be doubling just yet I had to go every two weeks when I first found out I was pregnant for blood work eventually they started to double good luck mama
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Go get checked out tell your doctor!
I bleed for the first 9 weeks straight. Doctors were shocked and couldn’t find a reason why. Baby was perfectly fine.
I had my full on period for 3 months before I was “pregnant” so as much as they say you can not still have your period while pregnant. Lies. Hes a healthy 5 years old now.
It’s def not ectopic if your not having any pain. You would be bent over in very bad pain. Try and get some rest as much a possible take vitamins and stay hydrated. Best wishes
I had a period for 4 month while pregnant. Delivered a full term very healthy baby.
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I had that happen I miscarried at 10 weeks
Sounds like implantation bleeding,
I bled through almost my entire pregnancy with my 3rd and a partial with my 4th. My Dr. said it happens more than we would think. As long as you’re not miscarrying just sit back and relax. Keep your feet up.
I bled horribly in my pregnancy at one point. My dr never knew why and i went to the er and they also didn’t know why. I delivered a healthy baby boy. My ob said some women just bleed
I had a lot of spotting my first trimester. Was watched carefully, put on very high restrictions (basically bed rest) and total pelvic rest. and started weekly McKenna shots at 16 weeks just to be safe. Almost 27 weeks now still going strong
I had bleeding from 3 weeks and lost it at 8 weeks, I had no pain anything till after the bleeding stopped and I was getting bad backache
It looks like you are going to miscarry or is a chemical pregnancy