What does a miscarriage look like pictures?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.


There’s just a lot of blood.

Pictures? Of what? A miscarriage? Really?


Sorry, wasn’t taking pictures when I had mine. (kind of an invasive request). It’s cramping, blood, and clots. If you think you may be having one, see a doctor. Some women will need to speak with their doctor to see if a D&C is in order.

You are not asking for pictures of a miscarriage are you?

Who are these women asking these questions lol

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I think this is a child tbh

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Welp that’s my queue!! :v:t5::walking_woman:t5:

I’m confused by this question. Did you mean feel like? No one I wouldn’t think would take a picture of a miscarriage. That’s a silly question and very hurtful memories.

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Who ever this person is clearly needs an answer and may not be able to seek medical attention. Instead of being srcastic, critical or judgmental. Maybe just respond respectfully. If you feel you’re unable to, then just read and move along.
I’ve never had that happen, so I can’t be of help to you. I strongly suggest getting some medical help if you are getting heavy bleeding with big/large clots. Maybe a palnned parenthood or call 1-800-672-2296 for help.


Depends how far in the pregnancy someone is. If it’s early it’s basically blood and clots. U wouldn’t even see it. Anything into the 2nd trimester I’m not sure of.

I’m unfollowing this group I swear the questions are so )&&!$(;,(@&&?)? I can’t I just can’t


If its anything after 17 weeks, its truly a fully formed baby. Speaking from experience.

If your pregnant and bleeding best if you contact your Dr. Rather than ask for pictures…

It doesn’t have to be heavy bleeding. If there’s even minimal spotting you could be miscarrying. Bleeding isn’t normal. Mine was light. Only noticeable when I wiped. There was no pain at this point either.

What? I had one and never bled. I had to have a dnc.

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You must have a serious mental problem. If you think you are having one call a frickin doctor and stop asking for pictures. When your done seeking help for this you should seek some serious mental help.


Not being funny or anything but iv been through a miscarriage and I would never of dreamed of taking pictures that’s just the wrong thing to do


Could be a young girl asking. People don’t need to be nasty


As a person who has suffered a miscarriage mine started with light cramps which felt like period pain then they progressively got worse and spotting then heavy bleeding then the cramps got so bad I was in so much pain. I went for emergency scan to confirm. I was early on 9wks but baby died at 7. It can take a couple of weeks for your body to realise what is happening and when it realizes this baby is no longer alive it tries to flush your body. . I didnt go and get a D&C when I probably should have I just felt I couldn’t go to hospital I felt I was confined to the toilet, I also never got my levels checked after . This resulted in me still having positive pregnancy tests 2 months after and me passing the sac a couple of months later and I thought I had miscarried again
But nope they confirmed just left over tissue. I was very fortunate not to get sick or anything…

I really hope your not miscarrying. Some people still get implantation bleeding up to 12weeks. Call your midwife and if your really concerned please go doc or hosp. Goodluck x :heart:

Unfollowing… This is to much to come across for a mother that has lost 2 before 14 weeks. And to ask for pictures is wrong. Go Google it.


Oh shut up the lot of yous if u haven’t anything nice or good to say fuck of the poor girl probably first pregnancy and maybe a young girl also needs a bit of advise ,no need to be such unhelpful cunts , ,if your bleeding go see your doctor is all u need to do ,


I dont have pictures but for me it was quite an early one. I didnt even know I was pregnant. It was really painful for me like really bad cramps to the point I was in tears but I didn’t really know what it was till I it happened. It was like a large blood clot but more . I cant have been far along as there were no definite features but there was no mistaking what it was.

It depends on how far gone you are. A miscarriage upto 12 weeks is just blood and clots

It’s blood & clots & cramps & it looks like this:

This is the second page Iv seen this being asked in the last hour!! That’s weird! Google it, why would you ask to see someone loosing their baby, that’s way too personal :woman_shrugging:t3:

I had a miscarriage my first pregnancy, I had terrible cramping and went to bathroom lots of blood for me,my mom was a nurse ,I had her look at what I passed in the toilet…I was about 4/6 weeks and looked like a blood clot and kinda looked like a egg with a red center. Mom said definitely a miscarriage. I went thru bad depression after but did go on to have 3 sons. That was 40 years ago. Good luck.:pray::two_hearts:

If you think you are having a miscarriage go see your doctor, or go to hospital…a people on a FB page can not determine if you are having one, in danger of having one, or just bleeding …only a professional can do that…and it’s best for professional to do that! They can do exam, ultrasound, and monitor you to be sure you don’t lose to much blood…and preform surgery (d&c) should your body not miscarry on its own.

im not sure how to take this post but if u are pregnant and crampy its normal to be as the baby is growing your stretching. So dont stress, if your worried then please go see a Dr it’ll take 5 mins for him to tell ya.

My advice is seek medical attention cause after you need to get cleaned out and checked but google it. Basically The tissue (the fetus, gestational sac, and placenta) from an early miscarriage may not be obvious to the naked eye. Many early miscarriages look like heavy menstrual periods. In a miscarriage that happens beyond 6 weeks, more tissue will be expelled. The expelled tissue usually resemble large blood clots

What the hell? Why ask people on fb? Like somebody is gonna have that in thier camra roll… Google it!

Who just takes pictures!! I have had 2 miscarriages and I definitely wasn’t thinking about pictures