What Does It Mean if a Mom Has a Pennywise Tattoo With Their Child's Name on It?

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"Thoughts on a mother that has pennywise clown holding a balloon with her child’s name on it. I’m trying to understand what that represents and if im missing something. I’d really like to know the psychological reason."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Probably just something this mother likes…mind your business."

"Why don’t you just ask?"

"I think you’re thinking too deep on this."

"How about you ask the person with the tattoo? That will probably be a better way to get you an answer…."

"Maybe her and her child like those movies and that’s the significance of the tattoo. But like why read into it like it’s that deep? Just ask if you’re so curious tbh."

"Why does anyone get tattoos? Because they want it. What’s it matter the meaning behind it? If you’re that curious ask her. Not strangers who don’t have the tattoo."

"The Horror community are very dedicated and passionate people"

"Probably likes the movie or book IT and likes pennywise the clown. Maybe she is a horror buff……hell me and my daughter love horror, she would be stoked if I did a horror movie tattoo for her."

"Why does it matter? Tattoos are personal… so ONLY the person who got it knows why. Ask her."

"Maybe she just mixed 2 things she loves together? I have a Lord of the Rings tattoo with my sibling’s initials around it. The 2 things aren’t related."

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