I went to my ob Thursday and I was 31 wks 5 days and the dr measured me and said I was measuring 33 weeks instead of 31. All along I’ve felt my due date was off but he didn’t change my due date. My first baby was 9lbs 3ozs. Has any other moms experience this and due date was off or was your baby just big? Thanks
Both of my pregnancies I measured two weeks ahead but ended up being two weeks over my due date before having them. Both boys were almost 9lbs when I had them.
I’m currently 30weeks. When I went for my 25week ultrasound they told me my baby measured 3weeks bigger and my due date is the same with a healthy baby. I think you’ll be fine but if you feel you want to be induced to make sure then consult your doctor
I was told the same thing and my daughter was 6lbs so it’s different for every woman and pregnancy. Don’t worry momma.
I was measuring 40 when I was only 36! My doctor had me get an ultrasound done to check his growth and he was right on track. It could just be the way baby is positioned or how you’re carrying! My little one measured like a week ahead each appointment. He was 4 days late and only 7lbs 4oz
First trimester ultrasounds are more accurate than later one. I measured ahead with #3 and #4 but they were 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 lbs
No point in changing the due date. They’ll come when they come. I know plenty of mom’s that measured further along and had their babies near or after their due dates.
I carried my oldest a month and a half overdue according to Dr due to his size. They had to induce me 5 times before contractions would start. 36 hours and a emergency C-section ( his shoulders got stuck) later he was only 7lbs 14 oz 21 inches long. My calculations he shouldn’t have been due for another month.
My daughter measured 3 weeks ahead mid pregnancy.
She was born the day before my estimated due date.
8lbs 1oz.
My son was growing normally, then was estimated 4 lbs at 23 weeks along.
He was born two days before his estimated due date at 9lbs 1oz.
Sometimes babies just like to grow
Both my kids were early & they looked way bigger than what my gestational age was. My daughter at 35 weeks was 6.8 & my son at 34 weeks was 5.5 & they would’ve been huge had they come at full term.
I measured 6 weeks behind in my pregnancy but it was high risk and I had 4 due dates before they settled on my final due date of 2-13 but he came a couple weeks early
They don’t change your due date unless it’s off more than a month I think. My son was measuring ahead 2 weeks and he was 6lbs
My son was conceived via IUI so I know exactly when he was conceived and when I had my ultrasound at a different clinic and went to a new OB both of them said my due date was wrong… well until I told them how my son was conceived. Which clearly meant they didn’t read my file properly… needless to say I got a new doctor. I measured two weeks ahead from 26 weeks on and was told my son would be over 9 lbs. I had a csection for medical reasons and my son was 8lbs 3oz 18” long but… my place weighted 4lbs all by itself. The nurse showed it to me and said it was very large. I had seen my sisters so I knew what to expect but mine was very large in comparison to hers so that could have something to do with it as well. My sisters first son was just shy of 9lbs and she measured three weeks ahead for her second son and he was 6lbs even. So lots depends on different things. Try not to worry.
Yes…My son was due Jan 29th and they say he was 7lbs and something they made me carry him till Feb 20th and he was 10lbs 130z 23 1/2 inches. He was so big for my 1st baby he got stuck in my pelvis and they had to give me a 1st episodmy. It’s was a horrible night mare. Now they induce me every time early before my due dates. Obviously they had my due date wrong and my ultra sound was also wrong on the weight also.
Ur body is doing what it needs. Ur body knows what to do!!!