I am 17 weeks today but was just looking at information from my 12 week ultrasound and it said the baby measured 13 weeks 1 day does that mean that I am a week ahead of what I was initially told?
Baby will measure differently and it’s normal. Mine measured bigger sometimes and farther ahead but as long as it’s close you’ll still keep your due date.
My son measured ahead the whole time, and when he was born some drs said he was preemie, others said he was full term.
Based on your last period you are 17 weeks pregnant, however your baby’s growth can be measured differently. Baby can be a week ahead which mine was at my 20 week ultrasound just means baby is growing fast and healthy!!
No! It does not mean a thing
I stuck with my 2nd due date. My original one from my OB. They told me it will change every time you have an ultrasound. My GYNO did my very first ultrasound and gave me a due date, then when I got my OB and did my first ultrasound WITH HIM, he gave me a due date with a week later day, so I stuck with that one so far.
No. Babies grow at different rates. I’m 22 weeks and at 20 weeks my spawn was measuring everything pretty on point except his big ass head was measuring almost 2 weeks further. But his dad has a big ass head.
Lucky me
It’s a “guestament” at best.
Not necessarily. Just means baby is growing
No, just means the baby is a little bigger or a little smaller
Just means your is a little bigger… My 5th child measured 2 weeks more than what she was and she was just big. Almost 10 pounds at birth
Go by you lmp or your first sonogram, it’s more accurate for due date. Babies measure differently through out pregnancy, the size charts are just an average to go by
Why am I getting these posts?
My son measure big at 20 weeks n I was induced early n had an almost 10lb child n I’m now 22 weeks pregnant n my now 2nd son (pregnant with) is also measuring big just like my 1st …might not necessarily mean you are farther along might have a big baby
Not all the time. My daughter was measuring bigger than she should of been, but I knew exactly when I fell pregnant with her. (It was Jan 2) Bub might be bigger at birth
Not necessarily it just means that’s how big the baby is measuring so you could just be having a big baby or are your dates are wrong
I measured a head my son came out 10lbs 3 oz only 2 days over due
I always meadured right on but they give leeway on both ends.
They don’t always measure accurately either. They told me my daughter was going to be tiny because I was measuring weeks behind and she came out 7lbs 6 oz a healthy size