What does it mean to have low fluid levels in early pregnancy?

I am 10 weeks pregnant and doctors are saying my fluid levels are very low…what can even cause this? does this mean my pregnancy isn’t going to go well? I am freaking out and they left me with little to no informaiton…


It just means you need to drink more water. The more water you drink the more fluid there is around the baby.


It means that you need to drink more water, or Gatorade. Something to keep you hydrated. They should’ve give you IV fluids since your levels were low. It can really resolve itself this early, if you drink more water :slight_smile:

If they’re speaking of amniotic fluids it could mean that the baby’s kidneys aren’t properly developed which means that he/she isn’t peeing much to create the fluids. This could also impact lung development. But 10 weeks into pregnancy is early and it could end up resolving itself. Stay hydrated!

They are probably referring to your fluids in uterus so amniotic fluid. Which yes can be a bad thing but can resolve itself. I had low fluids in my second pregnancy and they just told me to stay hydrated and a few weeks later did a repeat ultrasound and my fluids were normal. So try no to freak even thou I know that’s almost impossible and just wait until you get clear instruction. Or ask. Ask what the complications can be ask what you can do in the meantime. Sometimes they give little info to not freak us out which in turn does the opposite. So I’m sorry. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy.

I had low fluid my first pregnancy. There is a few causes mine was never determined. She was born healthy at 37 weeks. Drink lots of water. They will keep an eye on you. I was set to be induced because of it but went into labor the day before.

Drink plenty of water!! No sugary drinks. Learn to LOVE :ice_cube: WATER! :blue_heart:

Perhaps you should go back to your doctor and ask him all these questions Merry Christmas

First thing like my Dr saids get off the internet for answers even though everyone means well and talk to your Dr in more detail about what he means

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