How do you mamas spend Christmas Eve with your families? For the first time ever, my husband doesn’t have to work on Christmas Eve. We are trying to come up with things for us to do all day with our daughter. At night we will watch a movie, make reindeer food, put out cookies for Santa, and track Santa. Need ideas for during the day please!!
We always have a our friendsmas Christmas Eve morning/day and do brunch style put luck with a few games. So fun!!!
We bake cookies, decorate a gingerbread house and in the evening we open our stockings, the kids get new pajamas, we drink hot chocolate and watch a Christmas movie (we’re watching Elf this year).
Christmas Eve we’re making cookies, watching Christmas movies, eating pizza and opening up stocking presents
We do a Christmas box for each kid
Hot coco socks jammies and a candy make popcorn and watch a movie this year we rented the croods 2
Our elf leaves a Christmas Eve box for our daughter with new Christmas pajamas, hot cocoa, a movie and a lego set or a game. We spend the day in jammies, play games or do puzzles together then make snacks and sit down to the new movie. After that is done, we get cookies and milk ready for Santa and get to bed so Santa can come
wTch movies, play lots of games
We watch movies make reindeer food , and eat munchies my MIL comes and we open her presents that night
Our plans for the day/night:
Christmas Eve dinner
Polar express
Call Santa and track
Make and pour reindeer food
Make fresh cookies for Santa
Call family/friends who live out of state
Color Christmas printouts for Santa
Christmas book
and all of that will take up most of our day. Might do a scavenger hunt also!
I’m putting together a scavenger hunt for my kiddos tomorrow, with a small surprise at the end. We are also making ornaments and cookies.
Watch national lampoon Christmas and making home made pizza. Satisfying pizza and a laugh to wash it down with
We have always had a nice brunch on Christmas Eve then they open gifts that night. We leave milk and cookies for Santa and in the morning we do stockings and they each have 1 gift from Santa to open
We make cookies and decorate them, make a handprint ornament out of doh to paint and go to Christmas Eve church service(not going this year)
We are going to have hot cocoa, make cookies for Santa, watch the elf and go look at Christmas lights
Gingerbread houses. Paper snowflakes. Bake cookies. Board games
My family does Christmas Eve boxes! New jammies, movies, hot chocolate and popcorn! We’ve been doing it for 4 yrs now and my kiddos love it
Bake/decorate cookies, handmade decorations, go sledding ( this is our first year without snow in over 10 years🙁) watch Christmas movie, just anything as a family. My parents come stay the night, I do lasagna for dinner, we leave carrots,cookies, and milk out. Each kid gets to open 1 present early, and then we do a night before Christmas box for each kid( Christmas PJs, Christmas cup, coco, popcorn, and either a Christmas book or move) and then we read Christmas books before bed
Write a Christmas story as a family. Each person adds one sentence to the one before. It can lasts for hours if not days even! Make some fudge together and cookies and other food and desserts for Christmas so it’s done before the big rush of Christmas Day. Draw santa a map if you’re into that. From the chimney to the tree. Let the kids decide where he has to go to get to the tree. Go online and watch Santa read Christmas stories.
Our elf brings the kids new pjs, a cocoa mug, Cocoa, a popcorn tin, and a new Christmas movie. This year I am off so we are doing 2 movies. We are going to do Christmas with my boyfriends family for a little during the day as well. This year I ordered lego ornament sets (you build the set and it goes in a clear ornament) other than that you could make a gingerbread house that could take up time.
Art, play outside, family games, go for a walk, make lunch together, take a nap, science experiments, if you have snow build a snowman, dance, read christmas stories, track Santa, write letters to Santa, water play, bake cookies.
We do late lunch early dinner on Christmas eve instead of Christmas day so it is more relaxing than stressful to manage gifts and cooking. I have 5 kids and they secret Santa each other so we open those gifts, plus new PJs, and drink cocoa and watch movies or play games with the yule log on.
We always drive around Christmas Eve night and look at lights. This year we made hot chocolate bombs to drink in the car as we go.
Christmas Eve is just another day for us until early evening when Daddy gets home and grandma and grandpa come over. As a SAHM I do try to do a craft of some sort, we usually bake something for Santa, and watch some Christmas cartoons.
My one daughter spends it with her mother in law. The other one goes to mass and then out if an early dinner. My husband and I do the same. We spend Christmas Day together. Nice holiday
We bake Christmas cookies & some gifts (like brownies that my son loves- he’s 21). Play board/card games. We also go to church and our kids open one gift each before bed.
Don’t forget The Night Before Christmas story.
During the day : make pancakes look like a snowman, bake cookies and decorate them for Santa, play games, build a gingerbread house and let her pick lunch!
Make crafts…listen to Christmas music! Have a dance party.My kids make snowflakes!
Go drive around and look at Xmas lights while listening to Xmas music…not sure where ur located but if u have snow go sledding and build a snowman then come home for some hot coco and crafts (ornaments for the tree) or maybe some baking and a Xmas movie
Where are you and can you get outside with some hot chocolate?
We just do the christmas diner on Christmas eve that’s basically what us hispanic latino do, atleast the majority of us lol christmas is just a lazy day for us lol. Bake cookies maybe lol but to be honest i hate it, i wish it was a more relaxing time for home for those 2 days.
Evening worship.Sleep in the morning.
We would make cookies, homemade hot chocolate, Christmas ornaments, painted our hands press them against a canvas,
Bake some cookies or decorate a gingerbread man, make an ornament, write a note for Santa
Board games, paint, make cookies for Santa, gingerbread house contest, Christmas scavenger hunt
Our christmas eve varies, my mom lives with us, so when she has to work Christmas day…
We spend the day cleaning up, making cookies, watching christmas movies.
Then we drive around and look at lights while santa comes.
Open gifts.
Eat dinner (usually lasagna).
Then Christmas day we have our family christmas (aunts uncle grandma cousin ect) after mom gets off work.
My mom has to work this year…but even still it’ll be different from our norm…
Husband and kids will be doing most of the housework.
Santa will be getting the no-bake cookies I mad Sunday
We’re eating before we go look at lights and it’ll be crack chicken instead of lasagna.
We’re probably gonna rent a movie and get some snacks and let the kiddos come watch a movie and eat snacks with us and stay up late.
To be honest, we’re just now off a 3 week quarantine, and this is not how I’d planned to spend christmas eve.
But I feel like crap. I’ve got a pretty nasty sinus infection. I’m on less than 24 hours of antibiotics. The cough meds make my stomach hurt and make me a little bitchy (like I feel like a crazy person because everything kind of annoys me including myself)
So we’re trying to keep everything as easy on me as possible so I can enjoy watching the kids open thier gifts this evening.
Normally we spend Christmas Eve with my family. Church, supper, presents. But my dad tested asymptomatic positive on Tuesday so we won’t be doing that however we’ll be zooming with them tonight. Hoping to watch some Christmas movies with my little and make a good supper.
We all gather at my moms for finger foods (tamales, chips, dips), play games.
Have some a couple of drinks and go look at Christmas lights turn off the lights and get close together enjoy your Christmas