What helped kickstart your labor? I’ve done work outs, bounced on a ball for days, pumped, eaten spicy food, etc. On Monday when I was checked I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, it’s my second pregnancy. I know I just need to be patient and I won’t be pregnant forever, but still.
I was checked a week ago and was at 3cm and 70% effaced and I’m just riding it out
I ate 2 pineapples. I was scheduled for induction on Monday went into labor early Friday morning.
I cleaned vigorously all day the day before. I also went shopping and walked around. Then got awkwardly frisky with my husband. Labour started at 5 am the following morning.
Banging all day every day
I heard “shenanigans” can help. That cod oil trick just gives you diarrhea. I had to be induced for both of mine. Good luck!
Walking and not being stressed out. Give the first born to someone and go have a mommy day. Once you relax your body will move forward with the labor.
Shenanigans, bumpy road rides, castor oil, my first I was induced that is hard to take, my second I “entertained” the kids father, third child Dr stretched my cervix
Nothing helps kickstart labor u til your body is actually ready. The closest thing to help would be “stimulation”.
Pitocin and my OB breaking my water. Literally nothing worked for me and I was almost two weeks past my due date.
Don’t do castor oil. It is dangerous and can be fatal to your baby
Please do not use castor oil!!! Anyone advising ot does not know the dangers it could cause not only to you but your baby!!!
I was at 4 days overdue and ended up having a membrane sweep, then went for a big walk up a slow declining hill and back down. Early the next morning I went into labour. I was already 2cm dilated when I went in for the sweep though.
Just plain old walking just a nice steady walk no running or jogging it worked for me
Raspberry leaf tea. Or in my case, fireworks. They tried to induce me for three days and reluctantly booked me in for a C-section. There was a massive fireworks display going off nearby late at night and suddenly I’m fully dilated
Honestly, nothing will truly work unless baby and your cervix is ready. The only thing that worked was with my 1st they did a membrane sweep that day if her due date and I went into labor less than 24 hours later. I’m currently pregnant with my 5th and nothing has helped with any of the others including this one.
Jump off a curb. Several times.