I’m pregnant with my 4th baby, will be 11 weeks tomorrow. None of my other pregnancies had me nauseous ALL day except for this one, moms who experienced the same thing, what helped?
Anything sour! I used to put lemon juice in my water first thing in the mornibg and it helped so much. I also always had jolly ranchers on hand - that also helped.
Popsicles and frozen juice pops. I’d have about 4-5 a day before I ate meals and just whenever I felt really bad. It’s the only thing that worked for me.
With both of my pregnancies I was nauseas literally until I gave birth. Peppermint helped & so did a glass of cold milk.
Peppermint tea helps me as I’m on my last day of being 11 weeks. It’s also caffeine free
Gingernut biscuits or anyform of ginger helped me through mine
Salt and vinegar chips. Pickled sausage.
Peppermint oil and chicken bone broth.
Combine b6 with unisom at night completely cured my sickness
My doctor prescribed me vitamin b6 and Unisom. Didn’t feel sick at all after that
Zofran and phenergan only things that worked for me. It also lasted my whole pregnancy
Definitely peppermint!!! Get those red and white peppermints from the dollar store. If you are going to take medication for it please ask many questions at the doctor. Some of them cause birth defects
Cinnamon and peppermint.tabletes from a health food store or supplier at a pharmacy or an dealer in homeopathic stores. Also takes care of air and car motion sickness.
Sprite and plain salty chips. Eat small snacks and meals frequently to keep your belly full
I am SO sorry! . My heart goes out to you . I had it so bad the first two babies ( boys - lost 20 pounds with each ) . Could not keep down an ice chip for six months. Third baby was a girl - much better ! But , I did have iv fluids and home health care come to me . I was on zofran and phenergan through the iv fluids at all times and also had phenergan suppositories , as well as
That happened to me all three times until 6 months along. Nothing really helped me unfortunately.
Sniff those little square alcohol pads …
Nausea bands helped me.
Zofran makes me worse.
Drinking water, Pepcid… small meals, not eating after 6:30.
Small snacks frequently. But really only time made it stop.
Has your dr done a scan yet? The cause of my severe morning sickness was due to having twins & hcg levels being so high. Ob prescribed low dose of Zofran because Phenergan knocks me out. I also avoided most caffeine based drinks (i stuck to fruit punch & minute maid brand lemonade) except when i would get a headache.