Mamas that have had itty babies battle gas, were you ever able to find them relief? Mylecon gas drops aren’t doing anything, the exercises aren’t helping, we use the Frida windi, sit up to feed, etc. she is only 2 weeks old and it’s breaking my heart.
Bicycle their legs and have them lay across your lap belly down and gently bounce your legs, that helps it pass easier putting slight pressure on the tummy. Anti colic bottles and the tummy band thing really seemed to help my youngest. Eventually we ended up switching his formula to hypoallergenic due to cow milk allergy.
Try the football hold (works alot better when dad is doing it tho)
when your burping baby change position with a gentle stretch out of babies midsection. be sure to do a nice slow stretch and that the back and tummy straighten up well so it helps air to move
I always gave my baby gas drops before feeding, in the bottle ( it gets rid of air bubbles) and after feeding. I would lay her on her tummy (of course I never left her). She was colic for 4 months and that’s what helped me. She was also drinking alimentum formula
The I Love You massage. It works on adults too!
Yea my son struggles with gas since he came home from the nicu. I also tried the mylecon drop as well and the only thing that works is the little remedies gas drops 0.3ml mixed in every single bottle and burping after every 2 ounces. Also laying on his dads arm or leg provided temporary relief but he works and isn’t always here and my arms and legs aren’t long or bulky enough. Good luck it does get better
By colic calm it works it’s for colic and gas
the chiropractor. my daughter was super colicky and finally went to one at 6 weeks. she’s 10 weeks now and still no colic!
Dr browns bottles helped us.
Frequent burping during feeds, tummy time helped my 6 month old during the newborn days more than anything else
Mothers bliss gripe water is awesome
Is the over the shoulder burping not working? If so, I found that laying them across my lap to burp was more effective at times. And sometimes just moving them around a lot after a feed could help with burps.
Bicycle legs and Kolic water
A pediatrician advise me to give a few drops of cold water and it worked. Really cold water.
Formula or breastfed? My baby was allergic to his formula and was miserable
Bath, keep their tummy under the water, and sometimes bicycle with their legs in the water. Good way to feed, if you feeding that lots air goes in then your baby will become gassy
Curious if she’s formula or breast fed? If breastfed, it could potentially be a poor latch (which is fixable). If the latch isn’t fully sealed around your nipple as well as part of your areola then every time she’s nursing she’ll be sucking in air which causes excess gas. I just went through this with my new born as well and ever since working on the latch we’ve seen a huge improvement! Either way, hang in there momma