I Have court for a dna test and establishing paternity and child support i do not wanna go what happens if i don’t show up also he is not going for sure
That’s considered Failure to Appear and the judge COULD issue a bench warrant to show cause. If there’s ever going to be a custody battle it would be in your best interest to appear.
It’s better to go and get it over with.
U gotta go unless youre hiding something
Child support and custody are separate court hearings but they’re the same judge and case usually. So they’re all tied together. That being said, I never had to go to any CS hearings I guess it varies state to state maybe but I only got the court date 1 time and it was like the 4th one so I didn’t bother… I had to be at all my custody stuff but once I won, the judge mentioned in court he’d be setting a CS hearing and I never heard a word. Couple wks l8r I started getting checks in the mail, I had to call to even find out what he’d been ordered to pay
This is fpr the kids npt you no child should have any question or father for that matter and as well the money is so the kids have what they need by not going takes from them not you .yes you need to go
If it’s court ordered you may get in trouble for it. Both of you.
If you have benefits from the state and they are requesting it, you will lose your benefits for not cooperating.
Go to court or they will issue a warrant for failure to appear. Contempt of court.
If it states mandatory for either of you then you must go or there will be a warrant issued for your arrest
If it’s been ordered by the court and neither of you go a judge could issue a bench warrant because he’s pissed you wasted his time. Also if you are receiving any type of state help like snap, WIC or health insurance, it could be cancelled and it’ll be harder for you to get back on it. If he shows up and you don’t, any future court dates will not go in your favor. So unless you want to make things harder for yourself, you need to go.
So… Are you worried about the outcome:joy:
Like others have said you will lose all government benefits if you do not comply.
Just go … They could issue a bench warrant if you don’t. Plus if he doesn’t show makes you look better
You have to go or you will be in contempt of court.
Did u petition for support ? I would go because he may be lying and show up and then what ever amount they come up with won’t even matter since u didn’t show up , u could also get a warrant
If he petitioned the court u better go and u best believe he will be there
You want money you’re sure he is the parent then why are you afraid
You be a grown ass adult and go, don’t waste the courts time
They should issue warrants for women that just decide not to show up like they do men
Go!!! Suck it up. You must show that you are responsible.
Do this for your child.
Just go to make yourself look good… don’t mess with court
And he’s saying he’s not going so that you don’t!!! Go and dress professional .
Bench warrant and sanction of all medical help
Well if you’re on any assistance you have to go or you lose your benefits if that’s not the case then they throw it out of court if be doesn’t show a warrenty is issued for his,arrest
Ffs! Go to court! You will piss the judge off, then you’ll have a warrant issued for your arrest & like others said, if you’re getting any assistance, they’ll cut that off! I used to work for a lawyer, DNA hearings are mandatory more times than not. If you don’t show and he does, future dates could go more in his favor. If he’s the father, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
It’s better to just go that’s part of fighting for child support
You still need to go if he doesn’t go. you could be held in contempt also if paternity is not established do not expect any child support
They going to put your name on the birth certificate
Go and establish the child’s paternity he is owed his parentage
You should go!! It’s 1 for your child. And 2 not that it means everything, but it will make you look better if you should up and he doesn’t
You’re better off going because if he doesn’t show then you are guaranteed what you’re asking for…atleast that’s how it is in Iowa. Unless your documents state that you dont need to be present you need to be there.
Why not go? If you want his money then prove it’s his kid. If not close out the case.
If you don’t go they send you info to go do Dna test for u and the child at the court house the next time and it will get a new court date and if you get any assistable from the state it will be put on hold , and eventually they will Put a bench warrant out for you or just close the case depending on your state
So who the hell requested it if your both not going?
Your case will probably get thrown out . But if you have been supenod(sp?) you can go to jail. You really need to go.
I would think he is supeona by the state to show up and be tested. You should go. I would think you have supeona as well. By you all not going it does not stop the process that has been started. And once he is arrested on a warrant for non appearance , he will be tested. From here on out he will be summoned to care for his child. If he does not pay it could carry out the into childs adult life. He could still be held on child support well into the childs 20’s. Better to get it started. If you started the process then you will have to be the one to go un and file a petition to wave any further action. But why would someone protect another person over their child?
You have to go or a warrant will be issued…looks better on you if he doesn’t show…
They can issue a warrant for your arrest just go get it done
Uhm, you have to go. This has likely been explained. Both parents have to be present, dna testing isn’t done on just him but you as well.
Then u dont get child support or medicaid for ur child…
Sou D’s like neither of you should of had kids
I didn’t have to be there I was told by the judge So I’d call the judge or someone. Good luck to you!
You can be held in contempt of court. They can fine you or even issue a warrant to arrest you.
You won’t have a warrant issued on you. It’s not like a legal matter where if you don’t show they can issue a bench warrant. You just won’t get child support and all that.
Yeh. Why would you not go?
If he don’t show he is waving up his right for the dna and then it will be in your favor but if you dont go you could take a chance and making it more difficult for yourself.
You’ll be held in contempt only if you were served for court otherwise maybe you don’t have to show up? Call the courts and make sure!
Why would you not want to establish paternity at least? Do you know the child isn’t his? If so speak up and save you both the trouble.
You could go to jail for contempt of court…loose whatever support you are getting like foodstamps, rent help, etc…
Please show up to your court date. This shows the judge if you even care. If you don’t, why should he?
All assistance is stopped.Depends on the state you live in.
So your fear of what is keeping your child from receiving benefits? Get up, put your big girl panties on and do right by your child. Screw him, as obviously you did, and be the responsible parent
Put on your big girl panties and go. This isn’t about you or him, this is about your child.
Ur gonna get contempt of court nd go to jail!
Warrent jail . who gonna keep ur kid when in jail
You can be cited for contempt of court and arrested for failure to appear.
Don’t go. Then end up in jail. And lose any kind of benefits you receive.
Don’t go, sounds like the child would be better off in foster care.
Honestly if its because you get any type of benefits or the baby get any benefits from the state you will lose them… just because child support is ordered doesnt mean anything else.just means if he turns out to be the father he will have to pay you for the child… I know when my ex didnt show up it all went to my favor and I got everything I asked for. Sarah
You will get a bench warrant for not going to court an will result in possible jail time
Why dont YOU wanna go? Thats my question and yes u have to to answer yours.
If you don’t get assistance you can close the case but with assistance you have no choice or you’ll lose benefits.
Woman up and go. No one wants to go to court. But this is for your child/children. And in my state, if you don’t go to court for a custody issue, you’re choosing to terminate your rights.
You need to grow the fuck up. Its your child. Regardless of whether he shows up or not, you need to go.
If you don’t want to go and he doesn’t want to go who requested it? I think you have to go, I was just curious.
In ks a DNA isn’t required. He can just verbally Attest to the court or his lawyer that it’s his. If this happens, in ks, he can also take your child until there is court documents stating their place of residence. Good luck .
You have to go. Welcome to being am adult and parent
You will go to jail. Iv been there I went but, they told me if I didnt show they would throw my ass in jail
Go and pay for you child jesus!!! That baby came out of your vagina do the right thing… Who has custody of your child
Go, your child deserves the financial support, even if her father is not interested.
I am making an assumption he might not be interested, but if he is, then both deserve to know.
It is a court order to appear. Your DAD worker gave you the worst case scenario. In all likelihood you will loose all of your DAD services with the exception of medical. Either way you loose something & so will your child.
Best bet, go.
Just go or if u don’t want to call them n say I don’t want childsupport close the case
You could go to jail & the judge call you both unfit!
Get yourself to court & take care of your child & your responsibilities, for your child!
Your child deserves to know who their parents are, to be supported, & to have some sort of normalcy as far as visitation. If you are doing the right thing, there should be nothing to fear on your side. if you are not, get an attorney, because it could get messy.
Depends of hes the one with the baby an it’s about you having to pay support then yes you have to go but if it’s the other way around and you know hes not going to show up then you might want to go either way just to find out what they are going to do
You “don’t want to go”. How childish. Put your big girl panties on and go. The world no longer revolves are what you want but what is best for your child.
They won’t go through with the CS order
Why wouldn’t you go? Unless you’re hiding something. Do you not want help from the father?
You get a fine for not going to court and lose your case. And depending on the judge you can have a warrant out for your arrest.
If you got an order for it you dont have a choice. Also, if you’re receiving benefits and dont go, your benefits will stop
You initiated this and if you don’t go the motion will be dismissed. The judge and the courts don’t appreciate their time being wasted when another case could have had your time
It will get dropped if you guys don’t go
It’s worth it to go in the long run
Also why wouldn’t you want to go???
This helps you prove to him he’s the dad and so your child know who the dad is. Plus you can then file for child support for help and if you don’t want him in the child’s life for whatever reason you can ask him to give up his right and if he wants to do that you have to have proof he’s the dad.
If you go and he doesn’t then its automatically declared he’s the daddy & he’s gotta pay.
_pa is like that
I never want to go to court but I go anytime I have court. It’s call being an adult and doing what needs to be done. And in this case is getting your ass up getting dressed and showing up at court
Um…so what if he doesn’t show? You can serve him again or put an arrest warrant if he skips. Why would you not go? And again, if you didn’t want to go? Why did you file a court order?
I just went through this whole ordeal, and guess what? Even when I thought he wouldn’t show up, he did. And he’s the daddy. He may not want to be a part of his life, but he has to provide financial support. And this is the only way to ensure he will.
Looks like someone doesn’t want the truth to come out!! Just saying!
Don’t do it for you, do it for the child…it would be nice for the child when he gets older to know whom his/her parents are…
What a special twat muffin
Pretty sure If its court ordered then you have to go or it could result in a warrant for a no show. But I guess that depends who filed for the CS and DNA testing. If you filed yourself, i imagine they just drop the case. Why dont you want to go?
It’s not for you. It’s for your child. Just go. I don’t want to go to work but I do.
Go amd you will have extra money for ur child… Also didnt u press it?why not if you prob filed right?
They can put out a warrant for your arrest if it court ordered i think.
So you have court, which you probably asked for, to determine DNA and support and YOU don’t wanna go?
If you don’t show up you don’t get shit
You need to go. It looks bad on you if you don’t.
How fucking stupid. Losing your child is on the line and ‘you don’t wanna go?’
Grow the fuck up.