What is a good anti-anxiety medicine for kids?

I need help mamas!! I have an 8 yr old son who has SEVERE anxiety. I also believe he is most likely on the spectrum somewhere, along with anger issues and more…we have been dealing with all this for a really long time. His dad and I both struggle with anxiety/depression as well and take meds for it. Our sons issues are just so much more extreme. We had to home school this past yr because he started to literally have panic attacks when I was trying to get him out the door the first week. New issues keep popping up and he just is getting more and more anxious with anything and everything. His dad and I don’t completely see eye to eye when it comes to prescription meds. He didn’t want to do anything when he was younger which I understand. But now that he is getting older, and things are getting worse. I think it is time to get him evaluated and everything. We were giving him Brillia, it’s a homeopathic med. But they have been out of stock for weeks now…but my question(if you made it this far) what prescription meds for anxiety do your kids take? Age, med and dosage? Also, do they ever actually prescribe a very small dose of a benzo to kids ever? My son has such severe attacks, that he honest to God just has a total breakdown…I need help!!