What is a good pet for a toddler?

My daughter has a beta fish

Whatever animal that YOU feel like taking care of.


A beta fish. They’re easy and colorful.

None! The pet will be the one to suffer :woman_shrugging: wait for a better time


We have fish and cats. I work 2 jobs and the cats seem fine just make sure water/food and clean litter

My 5 year old absolutely loves his beta fish, he named her Queen the fish but calls her Beta :rofl:

My kids LOVE our hedgehog they are minimal in taking care of them they are just so cute and fun to watch

A toddler, 3yr, can’t be responsible for a pet . Also should NEVER be left alone with pet , squeezing too hard, not feeding, over feeding, poking in the eyes, playing too rough etc. not old enough to understand the responsibility. Start out with a goldfish. Your stuck cleaning tank or bowl but at least they get an idea of what it’s like to have a pet.


None… we’ve had dogs, cats, fish, turtles, crabs, rabbits, chameleon, snake. They won’t take care of any of it. It would be your pet. Your problem. Also they harass the shit out of their pets lol. You’ll be constantly monitoring them around it. I’d wait a few more years. Beyond 6 is a good age in my opinion

A fish! Keep it in the living room or somewhere open

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My son loves looking at them and enjoys watching feeding days x

guinea pig, bearded dragon

no matter what species animal your family adopts, it is very important to make sure we teach our littles to respect that animal and handle it safely and correctly for both human and animal❤️

Fish aren’t easy. Fish are just easy to neglect and people don’t see an issue with it. :roll_eyes:

Next yall will be suggesting she put the Fish in a damn Fish bowl. :sweat_smile::woozy_face::woozy_face:

No Toddler has the responsibility reason the bandwidth to take care of a pet. All Pets should be family pets


Idk why people keep bringing up the 3 year old can’t care for the pet, of course it can’t. Pretty sure the mom plans to care for it but she wants something the child will be happy with to have as a little friend :woman_facepalming:t3: I suggest fish.

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I got my two year old two parakeets and he loves them. He knows to change their water daily and food too. He loves to look at them and talk to them. I obviously have to help but he’s really good with them.

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Honestly, if y’all aren’t home enough for a dog or cat then no pet right now is best. Small animals and most reptiles wouldn’t let you handle them only every now and then. You have to mess with them A LOT at first typically to get them used to it. Fish are way more maintenance (and money when done properly) than most people realize. Right now probably isn’t a good time.

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A fish, hermit crabs, frogs, cat (I know you said not catnor dog but cats are so easy and they don’t mind being home alone at all),

Fish. Don’t do Guinea pig if you aren’t home a lot. They require a lot of attention and you have to get 2. I hate when people recommend Guinea pigs for young kids.


Anything your willing to take to take care of


get a tamagotchi (handheld digital pet), you are working hard enough don’t add anymore responsibility.

A fish …it helps teach care but without he touchy touchy…and respecting boundaries and animal space…I don’t recommend a guinea pig as they have bad anxiety most don’t know with being touched and stuff…and loud noises really make them stress out…I really recommend a fish…let your toddler help decorate the tank…and pick a few…let em help clean the aquarium and stuff when you do and feedings( do is as part of a routine before bed or in the morning whichever works best…we did a black light and it made all the pebbles glow and used it as a night light in the living room at night…my boys loved it…they also loved the SpongeBob aquarium decorations…and it’s a great pet to teach respecting animals and their space…most toddlers can’t handle pets for multiple reasons but my main issue is people getting pets and letting there untrained un advised child half torture the animal " because it’s just a child" it’s not fair to the other living thing involved…I think teaching the proper ways to treat and act with all animals is never to early a lesson to learn…but a fish is a great way to start…Iv taught my kids early on with animals like in public they know to ask the owner they also know to let the animal sniff first before just being all touchy touchy they know to touch the top of the head slowly esp if it’s an animal they don’t know and not to move fast…they don’t just throw there selves at every animal…it’s never to early to teach a child how to respect an animal and I think a fish is the perfect pet to start with and it’s also fun getting to decorate there home…and can be part of a daily routine that isn’t to much… cleaning the tank should also be in a routine we did it once a month but we had 4 fish in a bigger tank…but my kids loved it…they also liked being able to get new things( it was part of good behavior too) for the fish…and they even did a Christmas stocking one yr for the fish…haha…but we added fish too…my son struggled with reading and every 9 weeks for school if he got a passing grade he got to pick a fish or a decoration. .it’s a great way to encourage or give rewards for good behavior or learning things…at this age the little things are awesome…and they love it

Fish are really your only option as caged animals need just as much care and attention as a cat or dog.

Hamsters are pretty low maintenance. they live about 2 years

You seem pretty busy and YOU will be the one tending to it
The animal/fish will suffer with no time
Wait until your schedule eases up and your toddler is older

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Rats! MUCH sweeter and smart than hamsters, gerbils and Guinea pigs. Super clean animals over all. You can teach them tricks!

A fish. That’s what our toddlers allllll about. Great to practice feeding etc.

Fish or hermit crabs

none at that age unless you intend to care for it

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No living being. Get a fake pet. All living beings require some form of attention. There are animated fur pets in the toy sections at stores. Get one of those.

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Fish are ok but one has to be on top of keeping the tank CLEAN!

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Live pets toys lol that’s what our 3 yr old has she collects them. They run and make noise and walk all the stuff a pet does but no mess no having to care for it nothing lol unless it needs batteries then little piggie sounds like it swallowed a lamb lol

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Since you aren’t home much a beta fish would be best since they eat off of the plant mostly

Honestly, a fish or a plant!

The answer is no pets.


Whatever YOU are most comfortable taking care of. Being that you will be the one completely responsible.

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Guinea Pigs are great first pets, they are very sweet and easy to care for.

That doesn’t sound like much time for any kind of pet but low maintenance pets I recommend a leopard gecko or Guinea pig maybe

At the age of 3-I’d wait a year or so-until they’re really interested-and then start with a fish or a guinea pig-but also,be aware-you will take care of it .

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A goldfish and nothing more cause the way you just described your life it’ll be getting flushed down the toilet after a week of you having it.


I don’t think anyone else has suggested it but you could buy the kids a for real friend which is a kids toy and explain to them that in a few years you can get a real pet but right now they need to learn how to care for this one.


Fish. Cat/dog are alot easier than anything else. If you don’t have time for a cat or dog please just get fish

dwarf hamster!! really easy to take care of and not much work! the kids love them and have so much fun watching them play with the toys (hamster balls, wheel, etc.) would say a guinea pig but they’re known to bite a lot… or you know some gold fish😂

I would consider a turtle. There are several species that stay small and some (like box turtles) that dont require keeping an aquarium. We had turtles as our first pets

A child DOES NOT need a pet until they are fully capable of taking care of it 100%. Without realizing, a child could maim or kill a pet at that age.


A bird, turtle or fish. My son has 2 turtles and loves them.

I would get a cat before I got a rabbit, hamster or guinea pig. They are a lot of work to clean and do not have a long life span. Cats are super easy.


The child is too young, and you are too busy to properly care for a pet.


Let’s be realistic all animals need care and attention if you yourself do not have the time to dedicate to a pet then it wouldn’t be fair to any animal even hamsters need attention and care. Your 3 year old can’t commit to something like that. Best you wait to get a pet until you can take care of it properly

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None and why is because you do not have the time to deal with a pet ALL pets requires attention and love.


Fish, The beta fish are cool and so pretty. Low maintenance fun to watch. Need little space. BTW, as a nutty animal and all critter loving 82 y/o every like minded person needs a pet.


No pet for a Toddler.


Okay honestly? I wouldn’t get a hamster, Guinea pig or turtle or fish. They need more care than you think. Cats are easy. I’m a mom, student and working and I have two. They’re fine. They clean themselves. I don’t have to clean a cage or a tank. & I just have to make sure they’re fed and litter box is cleaned. Fairly simple. No one said you’d have the three year old taking care of it so honestly as long as you can keep them fed you’re good.


Get those fake plastic fish in a tank that have bubbles. You are too busy, child is too young.


Okay so!
If you get a cat I would go for an older one rather than younger. I recommend going to the shelter or even a rescue and letting your munchkin play with the cats to see which one chooses y’all. I promise that makes a difference.
I would not recommend a Guinea pig. I rescued one for my kids and it turned into a bad idea 🫣 they are a lot more work and they poop. A lot.
Anything too small, like a hamster, has the risk of accidentally being held or played with too rough.
A rabbit would be too much work like the Guinea pig with your schedule.
A beta fish, or any fresh water fish, would be good. You don’t necessarily need a huge tank or a filter though filters do help limit the cleaning needed. And they just need fed once a day. Add some plants and cute decorations and you’re set. Female bettas can even share the tank and they come in so many colors.
Either way mama I hope you and your munchkin find what you’re looking for :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

None you aren’t home enough to care for a pet


Non because you can barely juggle what you have as it is


Sounds like a fake fish tank or something cool like a venus fly trap would be great and play well in your busy life.


I got my daughter a fish tank, she was 2 when I got it, she feeds her fish (with assistance) everyday, it’s been easy maintenance, it’s relatively cheap to maintain once you purchase the tank, fish, decor, conditioner and food

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I’ve heard some people have snails as pets :woman_shrugging:t3: lol
Otherwise fish would be less maintenance

you can buy one of those realistic toy dogs/cats

I got my almost 2 year old Guinea pigs, she loves them

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I actually adopted my granddaughter a Guinea pig and they loved each other (he passed as he was considered a senior) she did all the care and she loved giving him his treats, she was 2 when I did this

This post and these comments are painful.

Please learn the difference between surviving and thriving.

Get your kid a pet rock.


People who say fish aren’t maintenance don’t have fish.

Any pet is maintenance. If you can’t handle taking care of it, don’t get one. It deserves attention.


I had hamsters and fishs

Fish tank or an amphibian/reptile as they don’t take as much time/care/energy. We have a tree frog…

Kids cant be expected to care for anything till probably 8 years old. If you dont have the time to care for something yourself then you shouldnt be getting anything. Most children dont know how to properly handle animals yet either which is why hamsters are so commonly rotated through. People think cuz they are small their wellbeing is less important and they suffer lots of trauma at the hands of children. Dont do it till they can have full understanding and handle it responsibly


A stuffed animal. Don’t buy toddlers pets


And if you do get them a pet do NOT get them a rabbit.
They are delicate and the things you need for them are NOT sold in pet stores aside from the pellets and hay. Bunnies are not meant to be in cages, need lots of space, fresh veggies, unlimited hay, and attention.
Rabbits are NOT pets for children.

We got our kids a bearded dragon. Maintenance is cleaning cage like once a week and buying crickets. The kids love to hold and pet him! And we love to hold him as well!

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I got my toddler a fish! I used to have tanks when I was younger so I know proper care. I got him a betta. He absolutely loves him and its not something he can hurt or stress out to the point of dying.

Honestly with hours your work and the fact that your child is should give you answer not trying be rude. But all I see is neglected animal and stressed mom. What till he/she is older

Hold up…3 year old toddlers dont know thier own strength yet and tend to pet animals more like BAMBAM…lol…they can hurt a small cat or pup or any small animal for that matter…so i would say…a stuffed animal or a larger breed of dog that is gentle with kids…otherwise wait for a couple years

We just got Sea Monkeys and it’s been a lot of fun with mine! She turns 3 this month.
Her very first pets were a chicken, and a cat; which was great for teaching her boundaries. Especially the chicken lolol

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how about a beta fish?

Little ones toddlers, they have no clue that they can hurt a pet so it’s best not to get them a dog or a cat until tell at least 5 years old.

I bought my both of my daughters a beta fish when each turned 3. But l already understood that l would be caring for the fish until they were old enough to understand everything and care for their fish by themselves. My youngest is six and I’m still doing everything other than feeding. So make sure that you are ready to take care of whatever animal full time because there is no way a three year old can be expected to do any of it by themselves.

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Cats are good because they are fine being alone. They don’t require alot of attention and if you have to be somewhere over night, they are fine if they have a litter box and enough food and water.

A fish, no other animal as they will hurt any small creatures


Turtle or hedgehog ( the hedgehog you have to train it from a baby to be held without popping. But they scuttle around and huff which pops up their scales. Mine loved it. However it was my pet. ) they were 3&4 his name as spike. Of course. Golf ball to softball for size. Just make sure it’s a boy.
We also had fish hamsters just got out and we spent most of the time looking for them.
The bearded dragon was ok adult sized but still wasn’t sturdy so you could just lol at it.
We had cats and dog.
Kittens not good idea.
Small dog not good idea

Maybe an armadillo? Lol
Hugs depends on the kid.


I don’t think fish is a good idea… mauve is just me but they are boring and you won’t get the “caring for something” from having a fish! Plus they are super high maintenance

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We got our son a hamster with a habitat that has tunnels where you can keep building on it. It was really awesome and our son loved watching “brownie” run thru them. We also got hamster ball to let the hamster roam around our house.


We have had so many different pets over the years. To me a cat really is the best option. They are independent and don’t care if you aren’t home. Yes they have to be fed and the litter box. But other animals need food and clean cages.


Guinea pigs or hamsters

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Cats are ideal pets, they only want cuddles and food, when you’re at work/school they amuse themselves or sleep

Best thing to do is research on the pet you decide to get before purchasing… Esp a reptile. And not just at the pet store either…try a reputable breeder and lots of research and youtube vids same for Bettas or fish. Beleive me I done lots of research before purchasing a reptile… You want your pet to live a happy and long life. I had bearded dragons and that stuff they give you at a pet store doesn’t do justice for them, it’s crap even the food, all but the terrarium.,. Research! You will be responsible for the pet not the 3 year old. I don’t agree on either of you getting… you don’t have the time and a 3 year old isn’t responsible enough. Get your child a stuffed animal.


Okay so a lot of people are suggesting small caged animals. People don’t realize how much work an indoor rabbit, Guinean pig, etc is until you have one.

They live in a CAGE so you have to scrub that cage nearly everyday, change out bedding, food, water, and let it run and exercise.

A cat is honestly barely any work and can roam freely all day. I would honestly just get a cat. You don’t need to be home all the time for them, they’re independent, they’re naturally litter trained, and can just roam around while you’re at work and school.

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The best pet for a 3 year old with a busy mom is a stuffed pet

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A canary. We got one for our 3 year old and he lived for a very long time. He was so easy to look after :heart: