What is a good routine for baby?

I was wondering what other moms do for a nighttime routine or even daily routine for baby when they’re about a month old. My son sleeps very well about 5 hours at night already I would just like to get him into a routine but don’t know what to include in that since they don’t get baths everyday. I’m having a hard time getting up before 12:30 because I wake up when he does and have a hard time getting to sleep anyways so I don’t know how to help him get on a schedule. I’m trying to adjust my sleep so I don’t sleep in like that.

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I was able to take 2 months off of work so that I could bond and develop a working routine/schedule with my son who is now 2 months/ almost 3 months. I started by scheduled feedings unless he was absolutely inconsolable. I would feed him 2-3 oz every 2-3 hours until he worked his way up to 4 oz (which helped his sleep a lot) every 3-4 hours. So our feed schedule is 12 am, 5-7am (goes back down to nap til) 9 am feed, awake time until 12 pm feed, in between nap until 4 pm feed and 8 pm. First thing in the morning he usually takes 6 oz since he went longer in between feeds. Also some nights his last feed is 8pm and he’s in his crib by 9-9:30 and sleeps til his normal wake up times. If you have a partner I would ask him/her to take the night feeding if you’re the one taking care of him during the day and try to be in bed yourself by 10pm and be awake earlier. Also- nap when baby naps, even if you’re just laying in your bed thinking. (I had the hardest time napping when my lo napped because every time I tried he refused to nap himself) It’s hard getting motivated when you’re so tired but it’s good for your mind and body to be rested!

Pretty much find something that works for both of you! A schedule that accommodates your daily life and still keeps baby happy and full. Also if hes having trouble napping what I do in the morning is I’ll change, feed, burp him and then swaddle and lay him upward on my chest until he falls asleep (20ish minutes) and lay him in his crib and sleep myself too

Also I give my babe a bath every 1-3 days depending how stinky he is. Like I said find something that works for YOU every mama is different and prefers things done differently