What is an acceptable age for kids to play with light sabers?

What do you think is an appropriate age for kids to do pretend fights (sword, lightsaber, etc.)? My son is going to be 4 June 1st and recently he’s been pretending everything is a lightsaber and will come up and surprise “stab” me. I know me and my brothers used to play like this growing up but I feel like 4 is still too young… But he also gets really upset when I try to redirect him to play other ways. He gets a lot of these play ideas from kids at preschool.


My almost 3 year old has a foam sward at nan n pops and loves it :joy: there an age limit? :joy::joy: he also gets chop sticks and does “magic” let kidos have fun don’t let Karen’s ruin it :crazy_face:

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Whenever they want. My son was not even two when he started playing with it all. Didn’t know their was an age limit


I googled and found this “force-sensitive children were brought into the Jedi Order before the age of six”.

So 6 for light sabers.

My son was into nerf guns and he couldn’t pull the handle back till around 6.

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He’s a boy let him play. He’s using his imagination which is completely age appropriate


I view light sabot play as appropriate at any age

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I guess it depends on which side he’s on. Will he use the force for good or evil?


Ok Karen. When I was four we didn’t play with lightsabers. We pretended we had SWORDS. Grow the f up. I feel sorry for your kid.


Didn’t know their was an age limit


Depends… are you handing him a real light Saber/sword? If the answer is no, than any age.

It seems young to you because he’s always going to be your “baby” this is probably the biggest step to independence that you’ve experienced to date.
I get it… I’ve got two kids of my own.
It’s hard to explain in just the right words, but sometimes I’ll find myself thinking my kids are “too young” for something but really they’re not it’s just that as mom I am not ready.

So no…Four isn’t too young. Especially not for kids who are interacting and playing with other kids. At this point it’s your job to make sure to start talking with him about the differences between real and pretend and being careful so that he doesn’t accidentally hurt someone for real.


Whenever they’re old enough that they can hold it


You’re kidding right? My son started playing like that when he could walk. Kids like to play like that so let him use his imagination and let him play. He’s a boy and boys like to play pretend fights. Of course he gets upset because he thinks he’s in trouble because you redirect him to different things instead of playing what he wants.

My son has been pretending a straw was sword or gun (bent in half) since he was like a year and half. He’s also been convinced he was a power ranger since about that time as well lol.

My kids were toddlers. This isn’t an age thing. It’s an interest thing.

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A light saber is appropriate for any age group. This is a hill I will die on :laughing:

Whenever they want. It’s not inappropriate.
My son is 5 has been doing it for years. My daughter Is 18 months this week and picks them up too. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My son had mini nerf guns and light sabers at the age of 3. :woman_shrugging:

Why try to regulate your childs imagination?

He is a 3 year old boy that’s normal. Let him be a kid.

I cant relate, me and my cousins grew up stabbing each other with sticks and throwing rocks at each others heads for fun so…


If he is a Jedi, from birth.


They make foam ones. Feed his brain.