Can anyone who’s experienced implantation bleeding describe it to me? I was scheduled to get my period Saturday, which I did (or so I believe). It was extremely light, basically spotting. I woke up this morning and almost nothing on my pad and no more bleeding/spotting since. Basically less than 48 hr spotting episode. If this could be implantation bleeding, which I’ve never experienced, how soon can I test?
Technically you can test before you even miss a period… so with being due for Saturday, essentially missing it or having minimal, you should be able to test at any time.
If your period was due on Saturday you can test now if it wasn’t a normal period. Yes it could be implantation bleeding
Mine was barely spotting. Just enough to notice when I wiped. You can test at any time
I had a light 3 day period which I thought nothing of and after I missed my next period I tested and turned out I was 2 months pregnant. You should be able to take a test now if your period is due.
That’s is exactly what mine did. I knew I was supposed to start one day I wiped kinda pinkish lite bleeding hardly anything but I put on a pad thinking it started and that night nothing more so I tested two days later and it was positive