What is implantation bleeding like

Can anyone who’s experienced implantation bleeding describe it to me? I was scheduled to get my period Saturday, which I did (or so I believe). It was extremely light, basically spotting. I woke up this morning and almost nothing on my pad and no more bleeding/spotting since. Basically less than 48 hr spotting episode. If this could be implantation bleeding, which I’ve never experienced, how soon can I test?


Technically you can test before you even miss a period… so with being due for Saturday, essentially missing it or having minimal, you should be able to test at any time.

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If your period was due on Saturday you can test now if it wasn’t a normal period. Yes it could be implantation bleeding

Mine was barely spotting. Just enough to notice when I wiped. You can test at any time

I had a light 3 day period which I thought nothing of and after I missed my next period I tested and turned out I was 2 months pregnant. You should be able to take a test now if your period is due.

That’s is exactly what mine did. I knew I was supposed to start one day I wiped kinda pinkish lite bleeding hardly anything but I put on a pad thinking it started and that night nothing more so I tested two days later and it was positive :heart_eyes: