I’m already a mom, and my LO is 4. Recently I went off BC two months ago, the nuvaring but I was having irregularities with it the couple months. I lost one and removed early. Me and my SO have had a lot of unprotected sex and talked about another baby. My first son wasn’t planned and this one is.
But anyways, I haven’t had a period in almost two months, my Dr said wait two weeks before taking another test. So I have til next Wednesday, I took one yesterday morning and it was negative. I’m not stressed or anything. But today I had some cramping in uterus today and slept all day and when I woke up I had very light pink when I wipe. Not how it typically is when I’m getting my period.
Could it be implantation bleeding?
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I’m getting old … can’t even understand the question - hope all is healthy and ok.
This is over my head.
If you think about it too much you’ll feel and make yourself believe you are . Go take a blood test or wait it out
Spotting can indicate implantation, you may have ovulated late. If you get a negative test next week, I would have a blood test done just in case.
I used nuva ring and my periods were crazy when I went off. Could be pregnant but your body might still be adjusting.
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Sounds like implantation bleeding. Happened with all of my pregnancies.
I used nuva ring and my periods were crazy when I went off. Could be pregnant but your body might still be adjusting.