What is it like being induced?

any advice for a nervous FTM getting induced tom evening


Take the epidural and do it ASAP. Inducing makes the contractions more intense and closer together

That happened to me thereā€™s nothing to worry about just means you get to meet your little one sooner then you thinkā˜ŗ the epidural dosent always work so make sure you have the gas by your side

No advice just. itā€™s amazing I loved both my inductions

Stay calm and u will do just fine :heart: prayers

Donā€™t think about it.
Just go hard. You got this.

No advice but I just want to say Good Luck!! :black_heart: itā€™ll all be worth it when you hold that little angel!!

I always get induced and i go in with the mantra ā€œits just one day out of ur life! Youā€™ll get thru it!ā€
My adviceā€¦
Donā€™t be too proud to take pain meds!
Ur not alone!
If u want it or need it, ask!
Stand ur ground!
And ur gonna do great!
Dont forget to keep visualizing the end prize!

Just breathe!!! :rofl::smiling_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: congratulations

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Seeing that sweet babyā€™s face will be completely worth it! Focus on the reward after the delivery. Best wishes

After the birth ur gonna feel every emotion. Let them come.
Afterbirth isnt pretty but try not to get caught up in how overwhelming it can be. Ask questions, google and take each day as it comes. Good luck mumma bear! Xx

Rest when you can , let others help , enjoy every moment and congrats!!

I got induced and all I could think about was I would finally get to hold my baby. Take deep breaths and push as hard as you canšŸ˜Š good luck momma!

Breathe, everything is going to be just fine. Rest, but we alllllll know thatā€™s not gonna happen.

Donā€™t let them rush things
Remember, they work for YOU
If you want to breastfeed make sure you let them know you want baby to breast asap
If youā€™re having a boy watch an elephant in the hospital!
Donā€™t stress about pooping, sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnā€™t but itā€™s highly doubtful youā€™ll even realize either way and the Drs have seen it probably daily lol

I loved my induction experience and would do it again in a heartbeat. It was all worth it in the end! Just remember not every induction ends badly like some women think. Youā€™re going to do great! :heart::blush:

Breathe try an relax and if they let you use headphones with your fave music to keep you focused on you an baby not what they are doing.

Relax you may not even have little one on the day, I was induced and it took 3 days for my son to be born and as soon as you see little one it goes away! You will be okay and will have the support you need and you are strong enough to do this mama to be :heart: take deep breathes and rest as much as you can before the big day you can do this :muscle::heart: remain calm and ask all the questions you want and congratulations

Go with the flow.
Listen to your doctor and you will be fine.

Breathe. Donā€™t hyperventilate. Itā€™s not as bad as you think. It will be worth it in the end.

I got induced with pitocin. 2 bags. Since my kid didnā€™t wanna come out. Nurses loved me. I turned into a comedian. Told my baby daddy Iā€™ll snip him before we leave the hospital. Or heā€™s never having sex again. Etc. Wish someone recorded it lol. Good luck ma. You will do great. Everything will be fine. Btw Itā€™s ok/normal to be nervous/ scared.

Sleep as much as you can before and also eat a big meal. They didnā€™t let me eat once I went it to the time my child was born.

Also just get the epidural. When you are inducing the pains can be worse because you are using medicine to force your body into labor. Just be pain free from the beginning!

Other than that just breathe! You are going to do great!

I got induced with .my 2ndā€¦ that pitocin didnā€™t speed up nothing. I arrived at 5am started pitocin at 7am and didnā€™t have him til 1am the next morningā€¦ It was long and drawn outā€¦

The longer you wait for epiduralā€¦ the longer you get to eatā€¦ . After epidural, canā€™t move, get out of bed, canā€™t eatā€¦ only iceā€¦

Good Luck Mama! You got this!

My induction was great. Iā€™m sure yours will be too just get plenty of rest and relax before you get there :slightly_smiling_face: your tiny human will be here in no time!! :grinning: congrats!!