What is it like being induced?

Fan Question

:warning:Trigger Warningā€‹:warning:

I just need to vent. Iā€™m 36+4 weeks, I recently posted about having a breech baby with a heart shaped uterus. Thursday at 5:30am I started getting cramping and slight contractions. I didnā€™t think too much of it and thought itā€™s nothing. I couldnā€™t sleep and started thinking, ā€œwhat if itā€™s the start of labor???ā€ I was told this past Tuesday that he was head up and if I exp anything like that to go to L&D. So I ended up taking a shower and they went away. Which I ended up going back to sleep by this time itā€™s almost 7. So I sleep for an 1-2 hours and wake up again because my 2 year old wakes up. I doze off again and wake up at around 11:30 and just to make sure everything is okay I go to L&D. They check me and Iā€™m only at 1cm BUT come to find baby isnā€™t breech anymore & to top it off he had no heartbeatā€¦I waited all day til 5pm for the doctor to explain and didnā€™t really get an answer. I had the option to get induced right at that moment (day) or schedule for another day. I decided to go home today and go in on Monday morningā€¦I didnā€™t realize they still made you give birth to your baby even if he stopped breathingā€¦ I assumed itā€™d be an automatic c-sectionā€¦

Also, I have a question how long does it take when you get induced? I just want it to go by quick ā€¦


It depends on ur body actually. It can go quick or slow. Prayers for you. I am so sorry you have to go thru this.

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I would have asked to be done right then and there.
Sending you prayers for you and your boy :blue_heart:

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Im so sorry this has happened to you :(. I know that doesnt help at all, just take it one day at a timeā€¦
When I was induced it took about 6 hrs


Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t go into emergency c-section if I read that right. Why are they letting you waitā€¦ Iā€™m sorry that you have to go through this.

Oi judgy bitches, this lady LITERALLY just found out her child doesnā€™t have a heart beat. Sheā€™s not thinking clearly, and doesnā€™t need rude comments. Have some damn compassion.
Poster Iā€™m sorry you have to read some of these comments.
I wish you all the best and I hope you get the help you need mentally as well as physically xx

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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss! Sending prayers :cry::pray:

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And sadly yes they do make you have a natural labour after theyā€™ve found a loss, they would do an emergency c section if bub was under stress etc but unfortunately has grown his wingsā€¦ give yourself TIME to grieve xx


Both my inductions took 36 hours
ā€¦ some moms it only takes a fewā€¦ it depends on your body

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I am so sorry this has happend to you darling LAWAYS GET CHECKD LADIES small cramp or not no movement or little less than usual ALWAYS BETTER SAFE THEN this

If you need any words of support we are all here,
Make sure you have plenty of support, rest up darling and remember another mummy needed your angel xx


I was 9 hours in labor being induced to deliver my angel babyā€¦so desperately sorry for your loss.x

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Praying for you mom !

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When I was induced they had to do it again the next day and took over 12 hours


I was induced and it failed I had a c sectionā€¦Iā€™m so sorry. I canā€™t imagine what you are going thru

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Why did you go home? You have a dead child in you!! Your putting yourself at risk for an infection and blood poisoning get back to the hospital! Why did you not stay


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss & my heart breaks for your family :broken_heart:

I was induced with all three of my children. Every induction is different. It depends on how ready your body is & what methods they use to get things going.

First one took close to 29 hours.

Second took 6 hours.

Third took 10 hours.

Just know itā€™s not going to be a fast process, as most induction methods (ceradyl, cook foley, etc) can be in you for up to 12 hours. My best advice is to WALK during it all, even if it hurts. It helps speed up the process - thatā€™s why my second & third births were faster than my first.

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Iā€™m so sorry, I can feel your heavy heart while Iā€™m reading this. Prayersā€¦


First I want to say I am so sorry for your loss!
Secondā€¦ I can relate. I lost a son 12 years ago in the same way. I waited two weeks before delivering because my Husband was scheduled for surgery and I also wanted my Mother to have time to fly out to where we lived to be there for the delivery. Without her there I just donā€™t know how I could have coped during the delivery. The hardest most painful of all my deliveries. I am still grieving and itā€™s been 12 years!
One thing they donā€™t tell you is how hard the delivery will actually be.
It took my body two days to deliver.
I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you!


I work in L&D and yes we always if the baby is in the right position induce for a vaginal birth even for a fetal demise :frowning: Iā€™m so so sorry for your lossā€¦ also if your body isnt ready it can sometimes take days to induce so be prepared for that as well.

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I am so very sorry. Induction varies with every woman. I pray it goes fast for you and you can get to hold your angel and say your final goodbyes.

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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss hun. I really canā€™t relate but prayers to u and ur family. I donā€™t know you but ur doing a good job. Keep it up and prayers for a safe delivery

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Iā€™m so very sorry for your loss. Iā€™m sure you have your reasons for waiting. Fortunately its not for anyone else to understand. Theyā€™re not in your shoes. Being induced can be a short or long process, depending on your body. As said many times above. I was induced with my youngest of 3 and he was here in a few short hours. But all 3 were different lengths of time and different experiences. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :purple_heart:

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I am truly so so sorry for you poss, mama. I canā€™t imagine what you are feeling or going threw, all my love and prayersšŸ˜”
I have a heart shaped uterus as well & all 4 of my labours were 36+ hours though none of my babies were breached.
I was on watch because my health and went in with EVERY pain I had even if it seemed like it was annoying everyone.

A beautiful poem I though about:
Dont let them say I wasnā€™t born, that something stopped my heart; I felt each tender squeeze you gave, Iā€™ve loved you from the start. Although my body you cannot hold, it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gone. This world was worthy not of me so God chose me to move on. I know the pain that drowns your soul, what you are forced to face. You have my word, Iā€™ll fill your arms, someday we will embrace. Youā€™ll hear ā€œthat it was meant to be, God doesnā€™t make mistkesā€ but that wonā€™t soften your worst blow or make your heart not ache. Im.watchimg over all you do, another child you will bear. Believe me when I say to you that I am always there. There will come a time I PROMISE you that you will hold my hand, stoke my face and kiss my lips and then youā€™ll understand. Although I never breathed your air or gazed into youā€™re eyes, that doesnā€™t mean I never " was" a angel never dies :heart:

Again Iā€™m so sorry to you


Yā€™all please remember that everyone grieves differently. The doctors wouldnā€™t have given her the option to go home if it was a danger to her. This is an extremely sensitive situation and not everyone handles it the same, theyā€™re giving her time to grieve before they make her deliver her baby.


When I was induced it took 13 hours to have my babyā€¦

So sorry for your lossā€¦:broken_heart: unfortunately they do make you have a natural vaginal birth. My labour only took 3 hrs from the time they inserted the tablets to start labourā€¦ Hope you have all the support you need going through the hard and painful timeā€¦ Still breaks my heart losing my baby and itā€™s been 6 years now. So Sorry xo

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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, bring someone with you so you donā€™t go through it alone

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I am so very sorry. I canā€™t and donā€™t want to imagine your pain. I will be prayingā€¦so very sorry. I hope this doesnā€™t offend and is allowed here.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; 20 he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Psalm 34 18-20


Induction to delivery for me was 10 hours. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you.

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Im sorry for you loss, i went in at 5am and didnā€™t get induced till like 7am. I didnā€™t have my baby till 5pm that day.

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oh my I am so sorry honey :pensive: I cant imagine what youā€™re feeling right now. My water broke on itā€™s own but I was given pitocin and from start to finish it was over 24 hours ending in an emergency c-section

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Iā€™m so sorry for your lossšŸ’•

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So sorry for your loss. I couldnā€™t imagine :heart: I was induced 3 out of 4 times because my body just wouldnā€™t progress on its own, and one only took 6 hours, the others took 29 hours, and the other took 21 hours. It all depends on your body. Good luck, and I will keep you in my thoughts!

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I am so sorry to here of your loss now you have to go through the labor. :pray:t2:ā€™s are with you. So sad

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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss hun. Heartbreaking. I cant even begin to imagine what your going through but a few people I love have sadly been in your situation please take someone with you dont go through this alone and remember to lean on the people that love you when your days are darkest. They may not know what to say but they will love you and want to help you. Love and thoughts to you and your little angel xx

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Iā€™m gonna pray that they are mistaken and just couldnā€™t find the heartbeat at that moment for some reason. I would think you would have some symptoms taking place if baby had passed in your womb. I would go back today and see if they will try again to check. Prayers for you :pensive:


So sorry for your loss

My BF 1st child passed before birth. Aprox a week before her due date. I also assumed they would take her daughter by c section, but they did not. They induced her the same day. It was several hours before she was delivered. (I was there) By far, a day, Iā€™ll never forget. Prayers for youā€¦ I canā€™t imagine. As I told her all the way until the endā€¦I hope they are wrong. Doctors can be wrong. :heart:

I was 4 months along when dr. could find no heart beat. Was told to keep my weekly appointments bc my body would naturally abort.
. In doing that, one day he heard a faint sound similar to a heart beat. In further checking, he discovered that dead baby was indeed alive. She was jus t in a position where he couldnā€™t detect the beat
My daughter is alive and well, Iā€™m not saying your situation is the same, but you never know


So sorry for your loss! Prayers for you and your familyšŸ™

I am beyond sorry for you! I went through this at 26 weeks and it was hard enough then. I had to be induced it was close to 10 hours of labor before I had her, but I tell you what it was by far the hardest thing I have ever gone through to date and this was January 19, 2013. There is not a day I donā€™t think about her! I held her I named her and I buried her with my grandparents. It still hurts! If you ever need someone to talk to that knows what your feeling. Feel free to PM! Xo mama :kissing_heart: ps. I was high risk and the doctor told me if I wanted to remember anything about it have an epidural for the pain and not to take the opioids. I took her advice and boy was she rite. Just a tip. I almost wish I went the other way. Remembering it is very hard to do! :cry:

So sorry for your loss

I lost my baby at 34 and 6. The exact same situation. I thought I was maybe cramping because labor was about to start, but when I got to the hospital, there was no heartbeat. I delivered my girl sleeping later that night. From the start of the induction to her delivery was only about 3 hours. Iā€™m SO sorry.

Oh mama. Iā€™m so sorry :disappointed:

I was induced with my 2nd, started pitocin at 10am or so, water was broke at 1:10pm and he was born at 1:17pm the same day. I am so sorry and pray they are wrong

I am so sorry for your loss :frowning: I canā€™t even imagine!

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart and thoughts are truly with you. I pray you find peace in this very difficult time. If you need a support system my inbox is always open. Donā€™t take this on alone. Much love to you mama :purple_heart::blue_heart:

I am so sorry. Prayers for you and your family

Iā€™m so so sorryā€¦ induction can take a while . From start to finish with my son it took me 51 hours ā€¦ I am praying for you . If you need anything message me please . I canā€™t imagine what you are going throughšŸ˜ž

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Im so sorry your going thru this im gonna pray they find the heartbeat when you go back. My moma went thru this in 1980 i was hoping it had changed she was 6 months pregnant with twin boys and they passed away they made her go thru labor and deliver them i have always thought that was so cruel praying for you and praying you come back with good news and a beautiful healthy baby

Oh no. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss!

Machines/doctors could be wrong am praying for you and the babyšŸ™

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Praying they are wrongā€¦ I was induced with my son at 630 p.m had him 3 the next dayā€¦ prayers again!

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So sorry for your loss. I was induced with my son and ended up in labor for 48 hrs and ended with an emergency c section. I was full term though. But being your sooner I hope you dont have it as long. Praying for you!

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Maybe baby was laying so heart beat couldnā€™t be detected?

I am praying he still has a heartbeat! Sometimes machines and Drs can be wrong! If not Iā€™m so very sorry.

I had the same thing happened and let me tell you my heart goes out to you during this difficult time. Unfortunately it takes awhile. I went in at 9 am and finally delivered around 530 am the next morning.

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My daughter went into labor two days after they couldnā€™t find the heart beat. Itā€™s better to go through laborā€¦its worse to also have to go through surgery also. She had a beautiful rainbow baby the next year.

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I was induced at 5am and had my little man by 3:15 pm that same day- it will really just depend on your body and how it reacts to the induction.

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I got induced with my daughter 8am on a Monday and didnt have her until 102pm on a Wednesday


Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

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I am so very sorry. Miscarriage is never easy. They try and do a vaginal delivery for these kinds of things if possible. You will be in my prayers.

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Iā€™m sorry for ur loss.I hope drs are wrong.I hope thereā€™s someone there or can be there with u.

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Iā€™m so sorry. I had my stillborn last year and if I wasnā€™t bleeding so much they would have induced me. I almost died, so I had an emergency csection. I would suggest a stillborn and pregnancy loss group, so that you can have some support. Iā€™m apart of one and even though I didnā€™t introduce myself they make what I feel ā€˜normalā€™. You can even post pictures of your baby in the group. If your going to be induced later, I would bring some clothes you want your baby in and maybe a kit to have molded hands and feet. I have molds of my babys hands and feet and I slept with them. I hated the dress the nurse put on my baby, but it touched my baby. You may want pictures. Keepsakes are something you may want. Iā€™m so sorry.


My baby was breached too her head was upwards. They didnt know. I was induced i couldnt push never felt like i had to and hurt like hell if i did had an emergency Csection.

Every womans body reacts differently to labor, delivery & especially to the Pitocin used in induction. I was induced with my 1st & didnt have him until 24 hours later, pushed for almost 4 hours almost ended in c section. He was ready but I didnt dilate past 8, had to have a small episiotomy. You cant base your experience off the experience of others with these things.
My heart goes out to you in these times & I pray for your beautiful baby. I am so very sorry, momma :blue_heart:

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Iā€™m so sorry for your lossā€¦

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They dont breathe in the womb

Iā€™m am so so sorry for your loss!! Iā€™ve been induced twice. First was induced at 930am and came at 742pm same day, second induced at 930 and came at 423pm same day. Each persons experience is different. Prayers for you and your family.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I would personally ask for a c-section. I would hate to be induced and go through that entire birthing process in that situation. Request a c section or a different Dr.

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They try to induce since there is so many risk for surgery also more complications next delivery. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.

Oh I am so sorry. If I could give you a hug right now, I would. I had a early miscarriage with my first pregnancy. You did nothing wrong. I know all too well how much you blame yourself. You couldnā€™t have known what was going to happen. Nothing you did, or didnā€™t do, caused this to happen.

Much love to u and urs :revolving_hearts:stay strong

Im sorry hunny. Induction can take a while. Im so sorry you have to go through this.

Thank for everyone who shared and sent their condolences. I will not forget it.

Today I went into labor naturally from 2-5pm he came quick. It was very fast, i wanted the epideral because I didnā€™t want to feel the pain however I was moving too fast was only able to get the IV meds. It was difficult to push because I honestly had no desire though it took a few pushes and he was out. It was confirmed his cord got stuck around his neck.

He came at 36+5 days 5:01pm
6pounds 7ounces

He will be with me all night and til tomorrow til itā€™s time to say goodbyeā€¦ :heart:

Nikki i canā€™t stop saying Iā€™m sorry because there is no words that are going to make you feel better. I wish I could take the pain away from you. I donā€™t understand why these things happen but I do want you to know that i am here for you and my grand babies. You guys are my priority. This really sucks big time!!!also, Your dad and I are so devastated you are going through this. You and Jamie have already been through so much. Iā€™m sorry and I love you for being the best mommy and a great daughter. Please continue to do your best and stay strong love :kissing_heart::pray::bear::broken_heart::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Youā€™ll never forget the moment when you hear those words. My still born would have been 12 this year. They induced me Wednesday mid afternoon he was delivered Thursday night. Hang in there.