What is it like being induced?

Anybody been induced w no signs of labor and thick cervix? Experience(s)?


Yes!! I was 1 cm dilated and like 25% effaced when I was induced. Had two part induction but when I started the IV pitocin I was in labor for 8 hours and pushed for 30 minutes. I had an awesome experience


Very long. I went I. On Thursday didnt have him till sunday I went into labor Friday afternoon. Lots of hours
It was exausting

Me! Awful! Lol I would wait as long as your doctor will let you to see if you will progress on your own.
I had high blood pressure on my due date 50% effaced and 1/2 can dilated. 3 rounds of cervadil and 12 hours of pitocin later I had an emergency C-Section :sob:

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Yup! I was in labor 28 hours and pushed for 2.5 hours. If you can, definitely wait until your body is ready

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I was induced at 40 weeks (exactly) because my oxygen was very low, I had no signs of labor. It was intense labor when the Pitocin kicked in, but baby was happy and healthy!

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yes. my birth was super quick & easy!! it took about 6 hours to get to 3cm but then I went from 3cm to 10cm in about 5 mins my water broke on it’s own & 2 pushes later she was born! the doctor almost didn’t make it in the room fast enough :joy:

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I was. Took 25 hours and I pushed for 25 minutes. It wasn’t super painful until the end. My best advice is stay as relaxed as you can. I was very tense and worried and didn’t dilate until given pain medication which relaxed a lot of my tension.

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I was induced at 3cm and 85%effaced and I still had about a 23 hour labor still .The pitocin defineatly slowed my body down

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I was. I had a foley bulb inserted to promote dilation. I was induced early because baby was running out of space/fluid. The bulb was inserted on Wednesday at noon. By Thursday at 8am I was 3cm dilated and they broke my water. Was on pitocin by noon. Had very intense contractions immediately after the pitocin. Prior to that they were spread out and manageable. Had contractions probably every minute, eventually every thirty seconds. This went on until midnight when they opted for an emergency c-section as my labour never progressed (dilation etc). It wasn’t the worlds best experience, but it was the best option given the circumstance. I wouldn’t opt to be induced again unless necessary, personally.

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Yes, I was only 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. Was induced friday night and had my son Saturday afternoon via c-section due to no progression in my dilation. Contractions were pretty bad though, not gonna sugar coat that.

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Yep…went in for cervix softening on Monday night. Started induction on Tuesday. Not a ton of progress, used balls to move things along as well as breaking water on Wednesday. Labor most of the day but then baby started having distress due to cord being wrapped twice. Ultimately had a c-section at 2am Thursday morning. I wouldn’t warn against induction as long as there are real reasons. Just be prepared it can take longer than you think & there can always be complications. Keep an active, open dialogue with your doctors.

Yes with my fifth child and had him less than a hr later lol

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Foley cath in my cervix helped me to dilate enough, then they started pitocin and gave me the epidural. The cath was a lifesaver, and prob the only reason I dilated enough to deliver naturally.

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I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. I went in on a Thursday and didn’t leave until 10pm on Sunday.

They had to put the medicine that thins the cervix up behind my cervix. It was in for almost 3 hours but it was extremely painful and they weren’t going to give me an epidural until I was in active labor. I was in labor for 45 hours, 25 of it active.

They had to break my water, and do the pitocin. I also had to bare down, so sit upright and breathe through my contractions. They were also rolling contractions (contractions lasted about 2 to 3 minutes each time, and only got a break of maybe 30 seconds in between each time) at about 60-90 del, so more painful than the average person.

When I could finally start pushing, I pushed for almost 3 hours. During which, I had to have oxygen because my sons heartrate was dropping because of my contractions.

It was overall a very unpleasant experience.

I did with my second son. I refused to get pitocin so they started me with cervidil which has a similar effect on the cervix as semen does to soften it. It usually doesn’t start labor but in my case it did and I didn’t need anything else to jumpstart it. I was in labor for 15 hours and pushed for 30 minutes and he was 8lbs14oz.

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I was dialted 3 with no actual signs…had to be induced to thick cervix…

I went in at 6 that morning to be induced I was dilated 1 and 30%effaced got hooked up and started pitocin at about 7:40, from then until noon I had only made it to a 3 and contractions were pretty uncomfortable they had the pitocin turned up as high as they could with as far as I had dilated so I got the epidural and was turned on my side at about 12:50 & then I went from a 4 to 8 within 10 minutes and at 1:38 I felt the urge to push Dr walked in at 1:41, 1 push at 1:42 & he was born, I had a pretty good experience. I was almost 41 weeks when I was induced

Never did dilate. Only when bp went up 13 hrs. later I had a c section.

Induced early at 36+6 because of preeclampsia, absolutely no signs of labor or dilatation, 36 hours of labor… Magnesium and pitocin drips and a “catheter balloon” in my cervix to try to push things along. If you can let things go longer to happen more naturally try. 24 hours to get to 3cm, 12 of those with the balloon in my cervix and about 15 hours after they broke my water once I dilated far enough for the balloon to fall out my son was born, healthy. Thankfully. Worth it in the end but not a pleasant experience to say the least.

Yep. Was a week late. After a 4 day induction baby girl was born.

Yep. Was a week late. After a 4 day induction baby girl was born.

Yes. I was I’m labor for 26 hours but when I was giving birth it was quick.