What is it like being induced?

Anyone know anything on being induced? Im a week from 36 weeks, have choleostasis & the doctor has me on a monitor & is saying we may induce.


I was induced twice. My experiences were HORRIBLE. Don’t read if you don’t want to know. I’ll put my experiences below.


First induction: I was already dilated so I only needed the pitocin to speed it up. I got too much and went from a 4 to a 10 without naturally progressing myself. My daughter got stuck and the emergency team had to rush in and push on my stomach and the OB had to cut me down there. The cord was wrapped around her neck X2 and she wasn’t breathing when she came out. I passed out after she came out. My SO fainted and my mother ran out. We all thought she was stillborn. I woke up like 20 minutes later and an hour later I got to see her. So scary.

Second induction: I was already in labour when I went into get induced. I was already getting contractions. Apparently my cervix wasn’t soft yet so I had to get the gel. It worked almost immediately. The nurses didn’t believe me. I was in full blown labour 30 minutes later. I walked home and had to turn around. I gave birth 45 minutes later. The contractions were back to back. No rest inbetween. Back and front labour. Totally different from regular labour.