Tomorrow morning at 6, I am getting my water broke at the hospital before they try pitocin. Has anyone had this done and had a good outcome? My anxiety is so high and I do not want a csection. I know no one can predict the future but some positive stories would sure help!! By the way I am 60% thinned out and 4 cm dialated, 40 weeks and 5 days.
You should be fine with how dialated you are. If they don’t see progress I’m sure they will start pitcoin
I have 5 kids and 4 of them were inductions with them breaking my water. No problems at all and fast births for all.
Yep…for me it was awful… ended in emergency c section
Pitocin alone didn’t do much but give me painful, fast contractions. They broke my water and then my body moved right along. I was induced for all 3 good luck & congratulations!!!
I didn’t progress with pitocin, so they broke my water. I progressed fine afterwards but baby wouldn’t drop down into place so I ended up in a csection.
i went in less than 1cm dialated for induction. cervidil nor pitocin got me going that much at all - once they broke my water for me it moved right along
It was awful for me. They broke my water and I wasn’t progressing. My daughter ended up in the NICU for a week because she developed a bacteria and I ended up with high fever during labor. I did have her naturally.
With my second I was induced and then my water broke on it’s own and labor progressed smoothly.
I was induced with pitocin but ended up with a c section. It was ok… really!
My sister just went through having her water broke & was dilated as well. She didn’t have any problems and I now have a handsome little nephew.
I have had where they break my water and wait to see if I progress on my own without pitocin and then with, you can always ask for them to let you try and do it on your own they typically give it an hour and if they see steady change they leave you alone. I went in 4 cm dilated having contractions progressed to 5 they broke my water and I progress to 10 without any intervention with pitocin had her 5/5/19
Had it done with my first!! Everything went great😁
I had this done with my last 2 sons! Both were a week late and stubborn as all heck! Both labors were good once everything kicked in and both boys were healthy and alert:blue_heart: good luck, mama:blush:hugs
It dont hurt when having water broke just yhe labor does for some and some not so much
Try to relax s , is this #1
I was induced. With my last two. I went in being one cm and only dialates a few cms in six hrs. Didn’t make much progress til the Dr broke my water. I went from four cms to being ready to push less than hour after Dr broke my water both times
I was 40+3 when I started having burning contractions so my husband got me in the car and to the hospital… I was only 1 cm and didn’t go into my delivery room until I was 3.5 cm (2.5 hrs later) and my contractions were like a steady 3-5 mins apart… they had to break my water but I wasn’t progressing so I received my pitocin and baby let me tell you, that was the roughest 14 hrs (2 of those were straight pushing, lazy uterus apparently ) of my life… but totally worth it after it was all said and done!! But yes, they had to break my water and gave me pitocin
I was in labor for 38 hours, but no c section!
Once your water breaks your at risk for infection so make sure they start the pitocin not to long after
With my daughter I went into labor but the labor stopped progressing so they did pitocin and broke my water, had a vaginal birth. My son, I was induced from the beginning and they broke my water with him as well, had a vaginal birth. My daughter was more painful than my son truthfully. It’ll be okay, positive vibes
I was 10 days late and barely dilated-they broke my water and not even an hour later I had my 10lb 21inch daughter!! No time for drugs or anything! Once they broke my water everything went so quick but I am not sure if that is normal or not
One thing I’m so glad I did when I had to be induced was get my epidural first, then break the water, then pitocin. Had not much pain at all, was able to progress slowly, and safely and had a perfect birth within about 8 hours.
Madison Evans I was gonna say that too. Normally they try pitocin first to stimulate the contractions, then break the water.
Just remember, a c-section is NOT as bad as you’re probably imagining it to be.
They tried to induce me but he wouldn’t drop, I was fully dilated. Little booger just didn’t want to come.
The key IF you have one, is don’t let them put you on the pain med drip and get up walking as soon as you can.
I went in at 11 they started the pitocin and I didn’t have her til 5 They pop’d my waters at 3 that’s when I started having bad contractions then sure enough I felt like I needed to push the nurse checked me and I was 10cm Boy! I’m so happy I ain’t gotta go through that again! Good luck mama
Sounds like a great plan to me. That was what they did with me and all went well. And from reading all the other notes, it sounds very encouraging. You will do fine I’m sure. Try to get some rest tonight, and relax. I’ll say an extra prayer for you both tonight. Let us know how things went. All the best to you and your little one. Congratulations in advance.
I had it with all three of mine and everything went grest
Kellie Michelle I was like that too! Once my waters pop’d not even 5 mins later I’m pushing haha! My last one was lazy!
With my first I was induced at 40+5 the same way. But I wasn’t dialated more than a 1, and I was just 18 at the time, it was long and kinda rough cuz I had no clue what I was doing. But it still went pretty well considering.
Same with my youngest. They had me scheduled to be induced but all they did was pop my water and she was out in less than 3 hours. And I was 2 weeks early 0% dilated 0% effaced.
I went in to be induced and ended up having a cesarean. Having my water broke was by far my worst experience of it ALL! I told my sister and everyone who ask, I will NOT have my water broke again.
Pitocin is the devil itself. One baby and they had to break my water three times. Pitocin intensified the contractions without much progress. After 2 hours on it, I personally didnt go up any number. Got an epidural, and 20 minutes later I went from a 4 to a 9.
Can I ask what went wrong? Did they not give pain medication before hand? I’ve always had more positive experiences than going into labor naturally.
I’ve had moms fully dilate within minutes after, to hours after. It just depends on your body. Gravity is your best friend you CAN do this!
Marlene Carby after my csection they asked if I wanted the morphine drip, in your IV,where you can press the button. And I said no, I’d just take the pills. I knew if I had instant access to pain meds I’d never get up and walk. Lol
They did that with both my first two. My first birth was a breeze, zero complications and labor was short. My second ended up an emergency c-section. It was tough healing, but it was worth it.
I had mine done and I felt like I was peeing myself
All of mine were and everything went very well I also had a little help of pit… you’ll do great!!! Your half way there already,I was only at 2cm… you got this:two_hearts:good luck and congrats to you and your family
Pitocin contractions are much more painful than naturally going into labor, but i was able to have my children without c-section.
I was supposed to be induced at 7am and ended up going into labor on my own at 11pm the night before and had my daughter at 5:31am.
You should start dancing and it will help you a lot that’s what I did
I was given pitocin and cervidil for 2 days. I dilated to a 3 but the was it. The doctor ended up breaking my water and my little boy was here vaginally in 2 hours.
I had my water broke and was on pitocin with my son. I slept through most of my 12hr labor, don’t really remember the contractions I was exhausted.
I had a membrane sweep at 40w 3d and had my daughter at 40w 4d. They should’ve done that by now
Hun you will be find just be calm and remember your bringing a life in the world
Bet they break water and You just start labor. Everything else looks great [effacement and dilation ] Good luck little momma! Tomarrow at this time you could be holding her!
You’ll be good babe! No worries you will be in capable hands
Jamie Ahn They did. I had it done at 39 weeks and 40 weeks.